Alex Dowad a789088527 Add more tests for mbstring encoding conversion
When testing the preceding commits, I used a script to generate a large
number of random strings and try to find strings which would yield
different outputs from the new and old encoding conversion code.
Some were found. In most cases, analysis revealed that the new code
was correct and the old code was not.

In all cases where the new code was incorrect, regression tests were
added. However, there may be some value in adding regression tests
for cases where the old code was incorrect as well. That is done here.

This does not cover every case where the new and old code yielded
different results. Some of them were very obscure, and it is proving
difficult even to reproduce them (since I did not keep a record of
all the input strings which triggered the differing output).
2022-05-28 21:53:38 +02:00

364 lines
12 KiB

Exhaustive test of ISO-2022-JP-2004 encoding verification and conversion
if (getenv("SKIP_SLOW_TESTS")) die("skip slow test");
srand(111); /* Make results consistent */
mb_substitute_character(0x25); // '%'
/* Read in table of all characters in JISX-0208 charset */
$jisx0208Chars = array(); /* JISX0208 -> UTF-16BE */
$fp = fopen(__DIR__ . '/data/JISX0208.txt', 'r+');
while ($line = fgets($fp, 256)) {
if ($line[0] == '#')
if (sscanf($line, "0x%x\t0x%x\t0x%x", $shiftJIS, $jis0208Code, $unicodeCP) == 3) {
$jisx0208Chars[pack('n', $jis0208Code)] = pack('n', $unicodeCP);
/* The JIS X 0208 character set does not have a single, straightforward
* mapping to the Unicode character set
* mbstring converts one character differently from the mappings in
* data/JISX0208.txt, which comes from the Unicode Consortium */
/* 0x2140 is a backslash; this can be mapped to 0x005C for an ordinary
* backslash, or 0xFF3C for a _fullwidth_ one */
$jisx0208Chars["\x21\x40"] = "\xFF\x3C";
/* Single bytes from 0x0-0x20 are allowed */
for ($i = 0; $i <= 0x20; $i++) {
if ($i != 0x1B)
$jisx0208Chars[chr($i)] = "\x00" . chr($i);
/* As is 0x7F */
$jisx0208Chars["\x7F"] = "\x00\x7F";
/* Now read table of JISX-0213:2004 plane 1 and JISX-0213:2000 plane 2 chars */
$jisx0213_2004_1Chars = array();
$jisx0213_2000_2Chars = array();
$fp = fopen(__DIR__ . '/data/ISO-2022-JP-2004-JISX0213.txt', 'r+');
while ($line = fgets($fp, 256)) {
if ($line[0] == '#')
$cp2 = null;
if (sscanf($line, "%d-%x\tU+%x+%x", $type, $bytes, $cp1, $cp2) >= 3) {
if ($cp1 <= 0xFFFF)
$unicode = pack('n', $cp1);
$unicode = mb_convert_encoding(pack('N', $cp1), 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-32BE');
if ($cp2)
$unicode .= pack('n', $cp2);
if ($type == 3)
$jisx0213_2004_1Chars[pack('n', $bytes)] = $unicode;
else if ($type == 4)
$jisx0213_2000_2Chars[pack('n', $bytes)] = $unicode;
/* JISX 0213 plane 1 0x2131 is an overline; Unicode has a halfwidth overline
* at 0x203E and a fullwidth overline at 0xFFE3
* We'll use the fullwidth version when converting JISX 0213 to Unicode */
$jisx0213_2004_1Chars["\x21\x31"] = "\xFF\xE3";
/* Same deal with the Yen sign; use the fullwidth one */
$jisx0213_2004_1Chars["\x21\x6F"] = "\xFF\xE5";
/* Since JISX 0213 is an extension of JISX 0208, allow the same single-byte chars */
for ($i = 0; $i <= 0x20; $i++) {
if ($i != 0x1B)
$jisx0213_2004_1Chars[chr($i)] = "\x00" . chr($i);
$jisx0213_2004_1Chars["\x7F"] = "\x00\x7F";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 0x20; $i++) {
if ($i != 0x1B)
$jisx0213_2000_2Chars[chr($i)] = "\x00" . chr($i);
$jisx0213_2000_2Chars["\x7F"] = "\x00\x7F";
function testValid($from, $to, $bothWays = true) {
identifyValidString($from, 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
convertValidString($from, $to, 'ISO-2022-JP-2004', 'UTF-16BE', false);
if ($bothWays) {
/* Try going in the opposite direction too
* ESC ( B at the beginning of ISO-2022-JP-2004 string is redundant,
* since ASCII mode is the default */
if (substr($from, 0, 3) == "\x1B(B")
$from = substr($from, 3, strlen($from) - 3);
/* If the ISO-2022-JP-2004 string switches to a different charset, it
* should switch back to ASCII at the end */
if (strpos($from, "\x1B\$B") !== false || strpos($from, "\x1B\$(Q") !== false || strpos($from, "\x1B\$(P") !== false)
$from .= "\x1B(B";
convertValidString($to, $from, 'UTF-16BE', 'ISO-2022-JP-2004', false);
function testInvalid($from, $to) {
testInvalidString($from, $to, 'ISO-2022-JP-2004', 'UTF-16BE');
/* Try all ASCII characters */
for ($i = 0; $i <= 0x7F; $i++) {
if ($i == 0x1B)
testValid(chr($i), "\x00" . chr($i));
/* Try all ASCII characters, with explicit ASCII escape */
for ($i = 0; $i <= 0x7F; $i++) {
if ($i == 0x1B)
testValid("\x1B(B" . chr($i), "\x00" . chr($i));
echo "Encoding verification and conversion works for all ASCII characters\n";
for ($i = 0x80; $i <= 0x9F; $i++) {
convertInvalidString("\x00" . chr($i), "%", 'UTF-16BE', 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
echo "Codepoints from U+0080-009F are rejected\n";
/* Try a bare ESC */
identifyInvalidString("\x1B", 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
/* Try all non-ASCII, non-ESC single bytes */
for ($i = 0x80; $i <= 0xFF; $i++) {
testInvalid(chr($i), "\x00%");
echo "Encoding verification and conversion rejects all invalid single bytes\n";
/* All valid JISX0208 characters */
foreach ($jisx0208Chars as $jisx0208 => $utf16BE) {
/* Since JIS X 0213 charset is a superset of JIS X 0208, we don't bother
* using JIS X 0208 when converting Unicode to ISO-2022-JP-2004
* Therefore, don't test conversion in both directions here */
testValid("\x1B\$B" . $jisx0208, $utf16BE, false);
/* All invalid 1-byte JISX0208 characters */
for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
if ($i == 0x1B)
if ($i >= 0x21 && $i <= 0x7E)
$testString = chr($i);
if (!isset($jisx0208Chars[$testString])) {
testInvalid("\x1B\$B" . $testString, "\x00%");
/* All invalid 2-byte JISX0208 characters */
for ($i = 0x21; $i <= 0x7E; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j++) {
$testString = chr($i) . chr($j);
if (!isset($jisx0208Chars[$testString])) {
testInvalid("\x1B\$B" . $testString, "\x00%");
echo "Encoding verification and conversion work on JISX-0208 characters\n";
/* All JISX0213 plane 1 characters */
foreach ($jisx0213_2004_1Chars as $jisx0213_2004 => $utf16BE) {
/* For single bytes, don't try conversion in both directions */
testValid("\x1B$(Q" . $jisx0213_2004, $utf16BE, $utf16BE > "\x01\x00");
/* All invalid 2-byte JISX0213 plane 1 characters */
for ($i = 0x21; $i <= 0x7E; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j++) {
$testString = chr($i) . chr($j);
if (!isset($jisx0213_2004_1Chars[$testString])) {
testInvalid("\x1B$(Q" . $testString, "\x00%");
echo "Encoding verification and conversion work on JISX-0213:2004 plane 1 characters\n";
/* All JISX0213 plane 2 characters */
foreach ($jisx0213_2000_2Chars as $jisx0213_2000 => $utf16BE) {
/* For single bytes, don't try conversion in both directions */
testValid("\x1B$(P" . $jisx0213_2000, $utf16BE, $utf16BE > "\x01\x00");
/* All invalid 2-byte JISX0213 plane 2 characters */
for ($i = 0x21; $i <= 0x7E; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j++) {
$testString = chr($i) . chr($j);
if (!isset($jisx0213_2000_2Chars[$testString])) {
testInvalid("\x1B$(P" . $testString, "\x00%");
echo "Encoding verification and conversion work on JISX-0213:2000 plane 2 characters\n";
/* All possible escape sequences */
$validEscapes = ["\x1B\$B" => true, "\x1B(B" => true, "\x1B$(Q" => true, "\x1B$(P" => true];
for ($i = 0; $i <= 0xFF; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j <= 0xFF; $j++) {
$escapeSequence = "\x1B" . chr($i) . chr($j);
if (isset($validEscapes[$escapeSequence])) {
testValid($escapeSequence, "", false);
} else {
identifyInvalidString($escapeSequence, 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
echo "All escape sequences work as expected\n";
identifyInvalidString("\x1B$", 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
identifyInvalidString("\x1B(", 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
identifyInvalidString("\x1B$(", 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
echo "All incomplete escape sequences are rejected\n";
/* Try all combinations of 2 different charsets in the same string */
$ascii = "\x1B(Ba";
$jisx0208 = "\x1B\$B" . array_keys($jisx0208Chars)[rand(0,1000)];
$jisx0213_1 = "\x1B$(Q" . array_keys($jisx0213_2004_1Chars)[rand(0,1000)];
$jisx0213_2 = "\x1B$(P" . array_keys($jisx0213_2000_2Chars)[rand(0,1000)];
$differentCharsets = [$ascii, $jisx0208, $jisx0213_1, $jisx0213_2];
foreach ($differentCharsets as $a) {
foreach ($differentCharsets as $b) {
identifyValidString($a . $b, 'ISO-2022-JP-2004');
/* Try redundant escape sequences (switching mode but including any characters
* in the new mode) */
$ascii_Esc = "\x1B(B";
$jisx0208_Esc = "\x1B\$B";
$jisx0213_1_Esc = "\x1B$(Q";
$jisx0213_2_Esc = "\x1B$(P";
$differentCharsets = [$ascii_Esc, $jisx0208_Esc, $jisx0213_1_Esc, $jisx0213_2_Esc];
foreach ($differentCharsets as $a) {
foreach ($differentCharsets as $b) {
testValid($a . $b, "", false);
echo "Combining multiple charsets in the same string works as expected\n";
/* Try ending in the middle of a JISX0208 character */
testInvalid(substr($jisx0208, 0, strlen($jisx0208) - 1), "\x00%");
/* Try ending in the middle of a JISX0213 plane 1 character */
testInvalid(substr($jisx0213_1, 0, strlen($jisx0213_1) - 1), "\x00%");
/* Try ending in the middle of a JISX0213 plane 2 character */
testInvalid(substr($jisx0213_2, 0, strlen($jisx0213_2) - 1), "\x00%");
echo "Strings with truncated multi-byte characters are rejected\n";
/* We have tried converting all kinds of strings with single characters;
* now try some random examples of strings with multiple characters */
$jisx0208 = array_keys($jisx0208Chars);
$jisx0213_1 = array_keys($jisx0213_2004_1Chars);
$jisx0213_2 = array_keys($jisx0213_2000_2Chars);
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
$size = rand(5,20);
$testString = '';
$convertsTo = '';
/* Build a string from a random combination of characters in the supported
* character sets */
while ($size--) {
$type = rand(0,4);
$chars = rand(0,10);
if ($type == 0) { /* ASCII */
$testString .= "\x1B(B";
while ($chars--) {
$ascii = chr(rand(0x20, 0x7E));
$testString .= $ascii;
$convertsTo .= "\x00" . $ascii;
} else if ($type == 1) { /* JIS X 0208 */
$testString .= "\x1B\$B";
while ($chars--) {
$jis = array_pop($jisx0208);
$testString .= $jis;
$convertsTo .= $jisx0208Chars[$jis];
} else if ($type == 2) { /* JIS X 0213:2004 plane 1 */
$testString .= "\x1B$(Q";
while ($chars--) {
$jis = array_pop($jisx0213_1);
$testString .= $jis;
$convertsTo .= $jisx0213_2004_1Chars[$jis];
} else { /* JIS X 0213:2000 plane 2 */
$testString .= "\x1B$(P";
while ($chars-- && !empty($jisx0213_2)) {
$jis = array_pop($jisx0213_2);
$testString .= $jis;
$convertsTo .= $jisx0213_2000_2Chars[$jis];
testValid($testString, $convertsTo, false);
// Regression test: Test handling of 0x80-0x9F; these have a special meaning in EUC-JP-2004,
// but not in ISO-2022-JP-2004
for ($i = 0x80; $i <= 0x9F; $i++)
convertInvalidString(chr($i), "%", "ISO-2022-JP-2004", "UTF-8");
// Regression test: Codepoint which has a special representation in EUC-JP-2004
convertInvalidString("\xFF\x95", "%", "UTF-16BE", "ISO-2022-JP-2004");
// Regression test: Old implementation did not switch properly between JIS X 0213 plane 1
// and plane 2
// So try a character which is in plane 1 followed by one in plane 2
testValidString("\x30\x00\x4E\x02", "\x1B\$(Q\x21\x21\x1B\$(P\x21\x22\x1B(B", "UTF-16BE", "ISO-2022-JP-2004");
// Try plane 2 followed by plane 1
testValidString("\x4E\x02\x30\x00", "\x1B\$(P\x21\x22\x1B\$(Q\x21\x21\x1B(B", "UTF-16BE", "ISO-2022-JP-2004");
// Test "long" illegal character markers
convertInvalidString("\xE0", "%", "ISO-2022-JP-2004", "UTF-8");
convertInvalidString("\x1B\$(X", "%", "ISO-2022-JP-2004", "UTF-8"); // Invalid escape
convertInvalidString("\x1B\$B!", "%", "ISO-2022-JP-2004", "UTF-8"); // Truncated character
// Test sequences of 2 Unicode codepoints which convert to a single character in ISO-2022-JP-2004
testValidString("\x02\x54\x03\x00", "\x1B\$(Q+H\x1B(B", "UTF-16BE", "ISO-2022-JP-2004");
// Including the case where such a codepoint is followed by one which it can't combine with
testValidString("\x02\x54\x00A", "\x1B\$(Q+8\x1B(BA", "UTF-16BE", "ISO-2022-JP-2004");
echo "All done!\n";
Encoding verification and conversion works for all ASCII characters
Codepoints from U+0080-009F are rejected
Encoding verification and conversion rejects all invalid single bytes
Encoding verification and conversion work on JISX-0208 characters
Encoding verification and conversion work on JISX-0213:2004 plane 1 characters
Encoding verification and conversion work on JISX-0213:2000 plane 2 characters
All escape sequences work as expected
All incomplete escape sequences are rejected
Combining multiple charsets in the same string works as expected
Strings with truncated multi-byte characters are rejected
All done!