Niels Dossche 24e5e4ec0d Fix GH-8996: DOMNode serialization on PHP ^8.1
PHP 8.1 introduced a seemingly unintentional BC break in ca94d55a19 by
blocking the (un)serialization of DOM objects.
This was done because the serialization never really worked and just
resulted in an empty object, which upon unserialization just resulted in
an object that you can't use.

Users can however implement their own serialization methods, but the
commit made that impossible as the ACC flag gets passed down to the
child class. An approach was tried in #10307 with a new ACC flag to
selectively allow serialization with subclasses if they implement the
right methods. However, that was found to be too ad hoc.

Instead, let's abuse how the __sleep and __wakeup methods work to throw
the exception instead. If the child class implements the __serialize /
__unserialize method, then the throwing methods won't be called.
Similarly, if the child class implements __sleep and __wakeup, then
they're overridden and it doesn't matter that they throw.

For the user, this PR has the exact same behaviour for (sub)classes that
don't implement the serialization methods: an exception will be thrown.
For code that previously implemented subclasses with these methods, this
approach will make that code work again. This approach should be both BC
preserving and unbreak user's code.

Closes GH-12388.

For the test:
Co-authored-by: wazelin <>
2023-10-09 22:10:05 +02:00

702 lines
18 KiB

/** @generate-class-entries */
class DOMDocumentType extends DOMNode
/** @readonly */
public string $name;
/** @readonly */
public DOMNamedNodeMap $entities;
/** @readonly */
public DOMNamedNodeMap $notations;
/** @readonly */
public string $publicId;
/** @readonly */
public string $systemId;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $internalSubset;
class DOMCdataSection extends DOMText
public function __construct(string $data) {}
class DOMComment extends DOMCharacterData
public function __construct(string $data = "") {}
interface DOMParentNode
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function append(...$nodes): void;
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function prepend(...$nodes): void;
interface DOMChildNode
public function remove(): void;
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function before(... $nodes): void;
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function after(...$nodes): void;
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function replaceWith(...$nodes): void;
class DOMNode
/** @readonly */
public string $nodeName;
public ?string $nodeValue;
/** @readonly */
public int $nodeType;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNode $parentNode;
/** @readonly */
public DOMNodeList $childNodes;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNode $firstChild;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNode $lastChild;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNode $previousSibling;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNode $nextSibling;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNamedNodeMap $attributes;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMDocument $ownerDocument;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $namespaceURI;
public string $prefix;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $localName;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $baseURI;
public string $textContent;
public function __sleep(): array {}
public function __wakeup(): void {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function appendChild(DOMNode $node) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function C14N(bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = null, ?array $nsPrefixes = null): string|false {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function C14NFile(string $uri, bool $exclusive = false, bool $withComments = false, ?array $xpath = null, ?array $nsPrefixes = null): int|false {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function cloneNode(bool $deep = false) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getLineNo(): int {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getNodePath(): ?string {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function hasAttributes(): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function hasChildNodes(): bool {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function insertBefore(DOMNode $node, ?DOMNode $child = null) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function isDefaultNamespace(string $namespace): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function isSupported(string $feature, string $version): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function lookupNamespaceURI(?string $prefix): ?string {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function lookupPrefix(string $namespace): ?string {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function normalize(): void {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function removeChild(DOMNode $child) {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function replaceChild(DOMNode $node, DOMNode $child) {}
class DOMNameSpaceNode
/** @readonly */
public string $nodeName;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $nodeValue;
/** @readonly */
public int $nodeType;
/** @readonly */
public string $prefix;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $localName;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $namespaceURI;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMDocument $ownerDocument;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMNode $parentNode;
/** @implementation-alias DOMNode::__sleep */
public function __sleep(): array {}
/** @implementation-alias DOMNode::__wakeup */
public function __wakeup(): void {}
class DOMImplementation
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getFeature(string $feature, string $version): never {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function hasFeature(string $feature, string $version): bool {}
/** @return DOMDocumentType|false */
public function createDocumentType(string $qualifiedName, string $publicId = "", string $systemId = "") {}
/** @return DOMDocument|false */
public function createDocument(?string $namespace = null, string $qualifiedName = "", ?DOMDocumentType $doctype = null) {}
class DOMDocumentFragment extends DOMNode implements DOMParentNode
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $firstElementChild;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $lastElementChild;
/** @readonly */
public int $childElementCount;
public function __construct() {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function appendXML(string $data): bool {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function append(...$nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function prepend(...$nodes): void {}
class DOMNodeList implements IteratorAggregate, Countable
/** @readonly */
public int $length;
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function count(): int {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
/** @return DOMElement|DOMNode|DOMNameSpaceNode|null */
public function item(int $index) {}
class DOMCharacterData extends DOMNode implements DOMChildNode
public string $data;
/** @readonly */
public int $length;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $previousElementSibling;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $nextElementSibling;
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function appendData(string $data): bool {}
/** @return string|false */
public function substringData(int $offset, int $count) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function insertData(int $offset, string $data): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function deleteData(int $offset, int $count): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): bool {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function replaceWith(...$nodes): void {}
public function remove(): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function before(... $nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function after(...$nodes): void {}
class DOMAttr extends DOMNode
/** @readonly */
public string $name;
/** @readonly */
public bool $specified = true;
public string $value;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $ownerElement;
/** @readonly */
public mixed $schemaTypeInfo = null;
public function __construct(string $name, string $value = "") {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function isId(): bool {}
class DOMElement extends DOMNode implements DOMParentNode, DOMChildNode
/** @readonly */
public string $tagName;
/** @readonly */
public mixed $schemaTypeInfo = null;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $firstElementChild;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $lastElementChild;
/** @readonly */
public int $childElementCount;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $previousElementSibling;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $nextElementSibling;
public function __construct(string $qualifiedName, ?string $value = null, string $namespace = "") {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getAttribute(string $qualifiedName): string {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): string {}
/** @return DOMAttr|DOMNameSpaceNode|false */
public function getAttributeNode(string $qualifiedName) {}
/** @return DOMAttr|DOMNameSpaceNode|null */
public function getAttributeNodeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getElementsByTagName(string $qualifiedName): DOMNodeList {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getElementsByTagNameNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): DOMNodeList {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function hasAttribute(string $qualifiedName): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function hasAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function removeAttribute(string $qualifiedName): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function removeAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): void {}
/** @return DOMAttr|false */
public function removeAttributeNode(DOMAttr $attr) {}
/** @return DOMAttr|bool */
public function setAttribute(string $qualifiedName, string $value) {} // TODO return type shouldn't depend on the call scope
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function setAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, string $value): void {}
/** @return DOMAttr|null|false */
public function setAttributeNode(DOMAttr $attr) {}
/** @return DOMAttr|null|false */
public function setAttributeNodeNS(DOMAttr $attr) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function setIdAttribute(string $qualifiedName, bool $isId): void {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function setIdAttributeNS(string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, bool $isId): void {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function setIdAttributeNode(DOMAttr $attr, bool $isId): void {}
public function remove(): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function before(... $nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function after(...$nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function replaceWith(...$nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function append(...$nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function prepend(...$nodes): void {}
class DOMDocument extends DOMNode implements DOMParentNode
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMDocumentType $doctype;
/** @readonly */
public DOMImplementation $implementation;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $documentElement;
* @readonly
* @deprecated
public ?string $actualEncoding;
public ?string $encoding;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $xmlEncoding;
public bool $standalone;
public bool $xmlStandalone;
public ?string $version;
public ?string $xmlVersion;
public bool $strictErrorChecking;
public ?string $documentURI;
* @readonly
* @deprecated
public mixed $config;
public bool $formatOutput;
public bool $validateOnParse;
public bool $resolveExternals;
public bool $preserveWhiteSpace;
public bool $recover;
public bool $substituteEntities;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $firstElementChild;
/** @readonly */
public ?DOMElement $lastElementChild;
/** @readonly */
public int $childElementCount;
public function __construct(string $version = "1.0", string $encoding = "") {}
/** @return DOMAttr|false */
public function createAttribute(string $localName) {}
/** @return DOMAttr|false */
public function createAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName) {}
/** @return DOMCdataSection|false */
public function createCDATASection(string $data) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function createComment(string $data): DOMComment {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function createDocumentFragment(): DOMDocumentFragment {}
/** @return DOMElement|false */
public function createElement(string $localName, string $value = "") {}
/** @return DOMElement|false */
public function createElementNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName, string $value = "") {}
/** @return DOMEntityReference|false */
public function createEntityReference(string $name) {}
/** @return DOMProcessingInstruction|false */
public function createProcessingInstruction(string $target, string $data = "") {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function createTextNode(string $data): DOMText {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getElementById(string $elementId): ?DOMElement {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getElementsByTagName(string $qualifiedName): DOMNodeList {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getElementsByTagNameNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): DOMNodeList {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function importNode(DOMNode $node, bool $deep = false) {}
/** @return DOMDocument|bool */
public function load(string $filename, int $options = 0) {} // TODO return type shouldn't depend on the call scope
/** @return DOMDocument|bool */
public function loadXML(string $source, int $options = 0) {} // TODO return type shouldn't depend on the call scope
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function normalizeDocument(): void {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function registerNodeClass(string $baseClass, ?string $extendedClass): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function save(string $filename, int $options = 0): int|false {}
/** @return DOMDocument|bool */
public function loadHTML(string $source, int $options = 0) {} // TODO return type shouldn't depend on the call scope
/** @return DOMDocument|bool */
public function loadHTMLFile(string $filename, int $options = 0) {} // TODO return type shouldn't depend on the call scope
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function saveHTML(?DOMNode $node = null): string|false {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function saveHTMLFile(string $filename): int|false {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function saveXML(?DOMNode $node = null, int $options = 0): string|false {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function schemaValidate(string $filename, int $flags = 0): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function schemaValidateSource(string $source, int $flags = 0): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function relaxNGValidate(string $filename): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function relaxNGValidateSource(string $source): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function validate(): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function xinclude(int $options = 0): int|false {}
/** @return DOMNode|false */
public function adoptNode(DOMNode $node) {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function append(...$nodes): void {}
/** @param DOMNode|string $nodes */
public function prepend(...$nodes): void {}
final class DOMException extends Exception
* Intentionally left untyped for BC reasons
* @var int
public $code = 0;
class DOMText extends DOMCharacterData
/** @readonly */
public string $wholeText;
public function __construct(string $data = "") {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function isWhitespaceInElementContent(): bool {}
* @tentative-return-type
* @alias DOMText::isWhitespaceInElementContent
public function isElementContentWhitespace(): bool {}
/** @return DOMText|false */
public function splitText(int $offset) {}
class DOMNamedNodeMap implements IteratorAggregate, Countable
/** @readonly */
public int $length;
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getNamedItem(string $qualifiedName): ?DOMNode {} // TODO DOM spec returns DOMAttr
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function getNamedItemNS(?string $namespace, string $localName): ?DOMNode {} // TODO DOM spec returns DOMAttr
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function item(int $index): ?DOMNode {} // TODO DOM spec returns DOMAttr
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function count(): int {}
public function getIterator(): Iterator {}
class DOMEntity extends DOMNode
/** @readonly */
public ?string $publicId;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $systemId;
/** @readonly */
public ?string $notationName;
* @readonly
* @deprecated
public ?string $actualEncoding = null;
* @readonly
* @deprecated
public ?string $encoding = null;
* @readonly
* @deprecated
public ?string $version = null;
class DOMEntityReference extends DOMNode
public function __construct(string $name) {}
class DOMNotation extends DOMNode
/** @readonly */
public string $publicId;
/** @readonly */
public string $systemId;
class DOMProcessingInstruction extends DOMNode
/** @readonly */
public string $target;
public string $data;
public function __construct(string $name, string $value = "") {}
/** @not-serializable */
class DOMXPath
/** @readonly */
public DOMDocument $document;
public bool $registerNodeNamespaces;
public function __construct(DOMDocument $document, bool $registerNodeNS = true) {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function evaluate(string $expression, ?DOMNode $contextNode = null, bool $registerNodeNS = true): mixed {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function query(string $expression, ?DOMNode $contextNode = null, bool $registerNodeNS = true): mixed {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function registerNamespace(string $prefix, string $namespace): bool {}
/** @tentative-return-type */
public function registerPhpFunctions(string|array|null $restrict = null): void {}
function dom_import_simplexml(object $node): DOMElement {}