Andrey Hristov 63791d055a New result fetching mode for mysqlnd, which should use less memory but
implies more memory copy. The old method is still available and can be used.
It stays as default. Choosing the method is through a flag to mysqli_query()/mysqli_real_query()
New mode can be forced with an INI setting, for all extensions that support this mode
(ext/mysql and mysqli, because PDO due to it's architecture can't support it)
The setting is mysqlnd.fetch_data_copy=[0|1]
2014-04-10 16:44:54 +03:00

460 lines
16 KiB

if (!function_exists('mysqli_fetch_all'))
die("skip: function only available with mysqlnd");
$tmp = NULL;
$link = NULL;
if (!is_null($tmp = @mysqli_fetch_all()))
printf("[001] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
if (!is_null($tmp = @mysqli_fetch_all($link)))
printf("[002] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id LIMIT 2")) {
printf("[004] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
print "[005]\n";
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id LIMIT 2")) {
printf("[006] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
print "[007]\n";
var_dump(mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_NUM));
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id LIMIT 2")) {
printf("[008] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
print "[008]\n";
var_dump(mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_BOTH));
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id LIMIT 2")) {
printf("[009] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
print "[010]\n";
var_dump(mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
print "[011]\n";
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id LIMIT 2")) {
printf("[012] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
print "[013]\n";
var_dump(mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC));
print "[016]\n";
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS a, 3 AS c, 4 AS C, NULL AS d, true AS e")) {
printf("[010] Cannot run query, [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), $mysqli_error($link));
print "[017]\n";
var_dump(mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_BOTH));
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, 3 AS c, 4 AS C")) {
printf("[018] Cannot run query, [%d] %s\n",
mysqli_errno($link), $mysqli_error($link));
do {
$illegal_mode = mt_rand(-10000, 10000);
} while (in_array($illegal_mode, array(MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, MYSQLI_BOTH)));
// NOTE: for BC reasons with ext/mysql, ext/mysqli accepts invalid result modes.
$tmp = mysqli_fetch_all($res, $illegal_mode);
if (false !== $tmp)
printf("[019] Expecting boolean/false although, got %s/%s. [%d] %s\n",
gettype($tmp), $tmp, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
function func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, $sql_type, $sql_value, $php_value, $offset, $regexp_comparison = NULL) {
if (!mysqli_query($link, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test")) {
printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = sprintf("CREATE TABLE test(id INT NOT NULL, label %s, PRIMARY KEY(id)) ENGINE = %s", $sql_type, $engine))) {
// don't bail, engine might not support the datatype
return false;
if (is_null($php_value)) {
if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, NULL)"))) {
printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 1, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
} else {
if (is_string($sql_value)) {
if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = "INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, '" . $sql_value . "')")) {
printf("[%04ds] [%d] %s - %s\n", $offset + 1, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link), $sql);
return false;
} else {
if (!mysqli_query($link, $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (1, '%d')", $sql_value))) {
printf("[%04di] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 1, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, label FROM test")) {
printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 2, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
if (!$tmp = mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_BOTH)) {
printf("[%04d] [%d] %s\n", $offset + 3, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
$row = $tmp[0];
$fields = mysqli_fetch_fields($res);
if (!(gettype($php_value)=="unicode" && ($fields[1]->flags & 128))) {
if ($regexp_comparison) {
if (!preg_match($regexp_comparison, (string)$row['label']) || !preg_match($regexp_comparison, (string)$row[1])) {
printf("[%04d] Expecting %s/%s [reg exp = %s], got %s/%s resp. %s/%s. [%d] %s\n", $offset + 4,
gettype($php_value), $php_value, $regexp_comparison,
gettype($row[1]), $row[1],
gettype($row['label']), $row['label'], mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
} else {
if (($row['label'] !== $php_value) || ($row[1] != $php_value)) {
printf("[%04d] Expecting %s/%s, got %s/%s resp. %s/%s. [%d] %s\n", $offset + 4,
gettype($php_value), $php_value,
gettype($row[1]), $row[1],
gettype($row['label']), $row['label'], mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
return false;
return true;
function func_mysqli_fetch_array_make_string($len) {
$ret = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$ret .= chr(mt_rand(65, 90));
return $ret;
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYINT", -11, "-11", 20);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYINT", NULL, NULL, 30);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYINT UNSIGNED", 1, "1", 40);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 50);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BOOL", 1, "1", 60);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BOOL", NULL, NULL, 70);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BOOLEAN", 0, "0", 80);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BOOLEAN", NULL, NULL, 90);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SMALLINT", -32768, "-32768", 100);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SMALLINT", 32767, "32767", 110);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SMALLINT", NULL, NULL, 120);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED", 65535, "65535", 130);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 140);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT", -8388608, "-8388608", 150);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT", 8388607, "8388607", 160);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT", NULL, NULL, 170);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", 16777215, "16777215", 180);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 190);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "INTEGER", -2147483648, "-2147483648", 200);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "INTEGER", 2147483647, "2147483647", 210);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "INTEGER", NULL, NULL, 220);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "INTEGER UNSIGNED", "4294967295", "4294967295", 230);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "INTEGER UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 240);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BIGINT", "-9223372036854775808", "-9223372036854775808", 250);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BIGINT", NULL, NULL, 260);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BIGINT UNSIGNED", "18446744073709551615", "18446744073709551615", 270);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BIGINT UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 280);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "FLOAT", (string)(-9223372036854775808 - 1.1), "-9.22337e+18", 290, "/-9\.22337e\+?[0]?18/iu");
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "FLOAT", NULL, NULL, 300);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "FLOAT UNSIGNED", (string)(18446744073709551615 + 1.1), "1.84467e+19", 310, "/1\.84467e\+?[0]?19/iu");
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "FLOAT UNSIGNED ", NULL, NULL, 320);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2)", "-99999999.99", "-99999999.99", 330);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2)", NULL, NULL, 340);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2) UNSIGNED", "99999999.99", "99999999.99", 350);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DOUBLE(10,2) UNSIGNED", NULL, NULL, 360);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", "-99999999.99", "-99999999.99", 370);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", NULL, NULL, 380);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", "99999999.99", "99999999.99", 390);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DECIMAL(10,2)", NULL, NULL, 400);
// don't care about date() strict TZ warnings...
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DATE", @date('Y-m-d'), @date('Y-m-d'), 410);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DATE NOT NULL", @date('Y-m-d'), @date('Y-m-d'), 420);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DATE", NULL, NULL, 430);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DATETIME", @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 440);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DATETIME NOT NULL", @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 450);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "DATETIME", NULL, NULL, 460);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TIMESTAMP", @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 470);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TIME", @date('H:i:s'), @date('H:i:s'), 480);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TIME NOT NULL", @date('H:i:s'), @date('H:i:s'), 490);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TIME", NULL, NULL, 500);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "YEAR", @date('Y'), @date('Y'), 510);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "YEAR NOT NULL", @date('Y'), @date('Y'), 520);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "YEAR", NULL, NULL, 530);
$string255 = func_mysqli_fetch_array_make_string(255);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "CHAR(1)", "a", "a", 540);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "CHAR(255)", $string255, $string255, 550);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "CHAR(1) NOT NULL", "a", "a", 560);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "CHAR(1)", NULL, NULL, 570);
$string65k = func_mysqli_fetch_array_make_string(65400);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(1)", "a", "a", 580);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(255)", $string255, $string255, 590);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(65400)", $string65k, $string65k, 600);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL", "a", "a", 610);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARCHAR(1)", NULL, NULL, 620);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BINARY(1)", "a", "a", 630);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BINARY(2)", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 640);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BINARY(1) NOT NULL", "b", "b", 650);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BINARY(1)", NULL, NULL, 660);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(1)", "a", "a", 670);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(2)", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 680);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(1) NOT NULL", "b", "b", 690);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "VARBINARY(1)", NULL, NULL, 700);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB", "a", "a", 710);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 720);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB NOT NULL", "b", "b", 730);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYBLOB", NULL, NULL, 740);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYTEXT", "a", "a", 750);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYTEXT NOT NULL", "a", "a", 760);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TINYTEXT", NULL, NULL, 770);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BLOB", "a", "a", 780);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BLOB", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 780);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "BLOB", NULL, NULL, 790);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TEXT", "a", "a", 800);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TEXT", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 810);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "TEXT", NULL, NULL, 820);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMBLOB", "a", "a", 830);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMBLOB", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 840);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMBLOB", NULL, NULL, 850);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMTEXT", "a", "a", 860);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMTEXT", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 870);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "MEDIUMTEXT", NULL, NULL, 880);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "LONGBLOB", "a", "a", 890);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "LONGTEXT", chr(0) . "a", chr(0) . "a", 900);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "LONGBLOB", NULL, NULL, 910);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "ENUM('a', 'b')", "a", "a", 920);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "ENUM('a', 'b')", NULL, NULL, 930);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SET('a', 'b')", "a", "a", 940);
func_mysqli_fetch_all($link, $engine, "SET('a', 'b')", NULL, NULL, 950);
if (null !== ($tmp = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
printf("[015] Expecting NULL, got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp);
if (!$link = my_mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket)) {
printf("[016] Cannot connect to the server using host=%s, user=%s, passwd=***, dbname=%s, port=%s, socket=%s\n",
$host, $user, $db, $port, $socket);
if (!$res = mysqli_real_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS _one"))
printf("[017] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
/* on mysqlnd level this would not be allowed */
if (!is_object($res = mysqli_use_result($link)))
printf("[018] Expecting object, got %s/%s. [%d] %s\n",
gettype($res), $res, mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));
$rows = mysqli_fetch_all($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
if (!is_array($rows) || (count($rows) > 1) || !isset($rows[0]['_one']) || ($rows[0]['_one'] != 1)) {
printf("[019] Results seem wrong, dumping\n");
print "done!";
// require_once("");
array(2) {
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "a"
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "b"
array(2) {
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "a"
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "b"
array(2) {
array(4) {
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "a"
%unicode|string%(1) "a"
array(4) {
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "b"
%unicode|string%(1) "b"
array(2) {
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "a"
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "b"
array(0) {
array(2) {
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "a"
array(2) {
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "b"
array(0) {
array(1) {
array(11) {
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "2"
%unicode|string%(1) "3"
%unicode|string%(1) "3"
%unicode|string%(1) "4"
%unicode|string%(1) "4"
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
%unicode|string%(1) "1"
Warning: mysqli_fetch_all(): Mode can be only MYSQLI_FETCH_NUM, MYSQLI_FETCH_ASSOC or MYSQLI_FETCH_BOTH in %s on line %d
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array(): Couldn't fetch mysqli_result in %s on line %d