Gustavo André dos Santos Lopes 3f804701b5 - Added to UPGRADING(.INTERNALS) information about the changes on html.c.
- Added to UPGRADING information about the new class Transliteral, the new
  parameter in dns_get_record and the fact that call_user_func_array no longer
  allows call-time pass-by-reference.
2010-10-24 16:21:15 +00:00

117 lines
4.9 KiB

1. Internal API changes
a. virtual_file_ex
b. stat/lstat support
c. readlink support
d. layout of some core ZE structures (zend_op_array, zend_class_entry, ...)
e. Zend\zend_fast_cache.h has been removed
f. API Signature changes
1. Internal API changes
a. virtual_file_ex
virtual_file_ex takes now a TSRM context as last parameter:
CWD_API int virtual_file_ex(cwd_state *state, const char *path,
verify_path_func verify_path, int use_realpath TSRLS_DC);
b. stat/lstat support
lstat is now available on all platforms. On unix-like platform
php_sys_lstat is an alias to lstat (when avaible). On Windows it is now
available using php_sys_lstat. php_sys_stat and php_sys_lstat usage is recommended
instead of calling lstat directly, to ensure portability.
c. readlink support
readlink is now available on all platforms. On unix-like platform
php_sys_readlink is an alias to readlink (when avaible). On Windows it is now
available using php_sys_readlink. php_sys_readlink usage is recommended
instead of calling readlink directly, to ensure portability.
d. layout of some core ZE structures (zend_op_array, zend_class_entry, ...)
. zend_function.pass_rest_by_reference is replaced by
ZEND_ACC_PASS_REST_BY_REFERENCE in zend_function.fn_flags
. zend_function.return_reference is replaced by ZEND_ACC_RETURN_REFERENCE
in zend_function.fn_flags
. zend_arg_info.required_num_args removed. it was needed only for internal
functions. Now the first arg_info for internal function (which has special
meaning) is represented by zend_internal_function_info structure.
. zend_op_array.size, size_var, size_literal, current_brk_cont,
backpatch_count moved into CG(context), because they are used only during
. zend_op_array.start_op is moved into EG(start_op), because it's used
only for 'interactive' execution of single top-level op-array.
. zend_op_array.done_pass_two is replaced by ZEND_ACC_DONE_PASS_TWO in
. op_array.vars array is trimmed (reallocated) during pass_two.
. zend_class_entry.constants_updated is replaced by
ZEND_ACC_CONSTANTS_UPDATED in zend_class_entry.ce_flags
. the size of zend_class_entry is reduced by sharing the same memory space
by different information for internal and user classes.
See union.
e. Zend\zend_fast_cache.h
It should not have been used anymore since php5, but now this header has
been removed. The following macros are not available anymore:
ZEND_FAST_ALLOC(p, type, fc_type)
ZEND_FAST_FREE(p, fc_type)
ZEND_FAST_ALLOC_REL(p, type, fc_type)
ZEND_FAST_FREE_REL(p, fc_type)
Use emalloc, emalloc_rel, efree or efree_rel instead.
f. API Signature changes
. zend_list_insert
ZEND_API int zend_list_insert(void *ptr, int type TSRMLS_DC);
call: zend_list_insert(a, SOMETYPE TSRMLS_CC);
NB: If zend_list_insert is used to register a resource,
ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE could be used instead.
. php_le_stream_context(TSRMLS_C)
PHPAPI php_stream_context *php_stream_context_alloc(TSRMLS_D)
call: context = php_stream_context_alloc(TSRMLS_C);
. php_stream_context_alloc
PHPAPI php_stream_context *php_stream_context_alloc(TSRMLS_D);
call: context = php_stream_context_alloc(TSRMLS_C);
. sapi_register_default_post_reader
SAPI_API int sapi_register_default_post_reader(void (*default_post_reader)(TSRMLS_D) TSRMLS_DC);
. sapi_register_treat_data
SAPI_API int sapi_register_treat_data(void (*treat_data)(int arg, char *str, zval *destArray TSRMLS_DC) TSRMLS_DC);
. sapi_register_input_filter
SAPI_API int sapi_register_input_filter(unsigned int (*input_filter)(int arg, char *var, char **val, unsigned int val_len, unsigned int *new_val_len TSRMLS_DC), unsigned int (*input_filter_init)(TSRMLS_D) TSRMLS_DC);
. tsrm_win32_access
TSRM_API int tsrm_win32_access(const char *pathname, int mode TSRMLS_DC);
. popen_ex (win32)
TSRM_API FILE *popen_ex(const char *command, const char *type, const char *cwd, char *env TSRMLS_DC);
. php_get_current_user
PHPAPI php_get_current_user(TSRMLS_D)
Call: char *user = php_get_current_user(TSRMLS_C);
. php_idate
PHPAPI php_idate(char format, time_t ts, int localtime TSRMLS_DC)
Call: int ret = php_idate(format, ts, localtime TSRMLS_CC)
. php_escape_html_entities
(size_t parameters were ints, previous "quote_style" (now flags) has expanded meaning)
PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, size_t oldlen, size_t *newlen, int all, int flags, char *hint_charset TSRMLS_DC);
. php_escape_html_entities_ex
PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities_ex(unsigned char *old, size_t oldlen, size_t *newlen, int all, int flags, char *hint_charset, zend_bool double_encode TSRMLS_DC);
. php_unescape_html_entities
PHPAPI char *php_unescape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, size_t oldlen, size_t *newlen, int all, int flags, char *hint_charset TSRMLS_DC);