Niels Dossche 1c9c3af157 Add Laravel demo page to benchmark CI
The demo page doesn't do a lot, but might still be useful.
100 runs is enough to get rid of any prominent compilation overhead
in the profiles.

Closes GH-12466.
2023-10-18 17:31:47 +02:00

151 lines
4.8 KiB

require_once __DIR__ . '/shared.php';
$storeResult = ($argv[1] ?? 'false') === 'true';
$phpCgi = $argv[2] ?? dirname(PHP_BINARY) . '/php-cgi';
if (!file_exists($phpCgi)) {
fwrite(STDERR, "php-cgi not found\n");
function main() {
global $storeResult;
$profilesDir = __DIR__ . '/profiles';
if (!is_dir($profilesDir)) {
mkdir($profilesDir, 0755, true);
$data = [];
if (false !== $branch = getenv('GITHUB_REF_NAME')) {
$data['branch'] = $branch;
$data['Zend/bench.php'] = runBench(false);
$data['Zend/bench.php JIT'] = runBench(true);
$data['Symfony Demo 2.2.3'] = runSymfonyDemo(false);
$data['Symfony Demo 2.2.3 JIT'] = runSymfonyDemo(true);
$data['Wordpress 6.2'] = runWordpress(false);
$data['Wordpress 6.2 JIT'] = runWordpress(true);
$data['Laravel 10.10'] = runLaravelDemo(false);
$data['Laravel 10.10 JIT'] = runLaravelDemo(true);
$result = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";
fwrite(STDOUT, $result);
if ($storeResult) {
function storeResult(string $result) {
$repo = __DIR__ . '/repos/data';
cloneRepo($repo, '');
$commitHash = getPhpSrcCommitHash();
$dir = $repo . '/' . substr($commitHash, 0, 2) . '/' . $commitHash;
$summaryFile = $dir . '/summary.json';
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0755, true);
file_put_contents($summaryFile, $result);
function getPhpSrcCommitHash(): string {
$result = runCommand(['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%H', '-n', '1'], dirname(__DIR__));
return $result->stdout;
function runBench(bool $jit): array {
return runValgrindPhpCgiCommand('bench', [dirname(__DIR__) . '/Zend/bench.php'], jit: $jit);
function runSymfonyDemo(bool $jit): array {
$dir = __DIR__ . '/repos/symfony-demo-2.2.3';
cloneRepo($dir, '');
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/bin/console', 'cache:clear']);
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/bin/console', 'cache:warmup']);
return runValgrindPhpCgiCommand('symfony-demo', [$dir . '/public/index.php'], cwd: $dir, jit: $jit, warmup: 50, repeat: 50);
function runWordpress(bool $jit): array {
$dir = __DIR__ . '/repos/wordpress-6.2';
cloneRepo($dir, '');
/* FIXME: It might be better to use a stable version of PHP for this command because we can't
* easily alter the phar file */
'-d error_reporting=0',
], $dir);
// Warmup
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/index.php'], $dir);
return runValgrindPhpCgiCommand('wordpress', [$dir . '/index.php'], cwd: $dir, jit: $jit, warmup: 50, repeat: 50);
function runLaravelDemo(bool $jit): array {
$dir = __DIR__ . '/repos/laravel-demo-10.10';
cloneRepo($dir, '');
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/artisan', 'config:cache']);
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/artisan', 'event:cache']);
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/artisan', 'route:cache']);
runPhpCommand([$dir . '/artisan', 'view:cache']);
return runValgrindPhpCgiCommand('laravel-demo', [$dir . '/public/index.php'], cwd: $dir, jit: $jit, warmup: 50, repeat: 100);
function runPhpCommand(array $args, ?string $cwd = null): ProcessResult {
return runCommand([PHP_BINARY, ...$args], $cwd);
function runValgrindPhpCgiCommand(
string $name,
array $args,
?string $cwd = null,
bool $jit = false,
int $warmup = 0,
int $repeat = 1,
): array {
global $phpCgi;
$profileOut = __DIR__ . "/profiles/callgrind.out.$name";
if ($jit) {
$profileOut .= '.jit';
$process = runCommand([
'-T' . ($warmup ? $warmup . ',' : '') . $repeat,
'-d max_execution_time=0',
'-d opcache.enable=1',
'-d opcache.jit_buffer_size=' . ($jit ? '128M' : '0'),
'-d opcache.validate_timestamps=0',
$instructions = extractInstructionsFromValgrindOutput($process->stderr);
if ($repeat > 1) {
$instructions = gmp_strval(gmp_div_q($instructions, $repeat));
return ['instructions' => $instructions];
function extractInstructionsFromValgrindOutput(string $output): string {
preg_match("(==[0-9]+== Events : Ir\n==[0-9]+== Collected : (?<instructions>[0-9]+))", $output, $matches);
return $matches['instructions'] ?? throw new \Exception('Unexpected valgrind output');