Steph Fox 4be7f4aecd - killed off UEXPECT
- com_dotnet gets a .cvsignore
- Ulf will take care of mysql extensions, rest complete
2008-05-27 18:16:04 +00:00

36 lines
946 B

Test mb_strrpos() function : error conditions - pass an unknown encoding
extension_loaded('mbstring') or die('skip');
function_exists('mb_strrpos') or die("skip mb_strrpos() is not available in this build");
/* Prototype : int mb_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset [, string $encoding]])
* Description: Find position of last occurrence of a string within another
* Source code: ext/mbstring/mbstring.c
* Pass mb_strrpos() an encoding that doesn't exist
echo "*** Testing mb_strrpos() : error conditions ***\n";
$haystack = 'This is an English string. 0123456789.';
$needle = '123';
$offset = 5;
$encoding = 'unknown-encoding';
var_dump(mb_strrpos($haystack, $needle , $offset, $encoding));
echo "Done";
*** Testing mb_strrpos() : error conditions ***
Warning: mb_strrpos(): Unknown encoding "unknown-encoding" in %s on line %d