Wez Furlong 1e9eeafe21 Fix php.ini customization.
Apparently, it seems that running the php script with output captured to
the log prevented it from working correctly.

Also, deletes the php.ini when uninstalled.

TODO: The defaults install and activate all extensions.  This is a problem
for those extension that require non-bundled .dlls (such as OCI).
2003-02-10 00:20:53 +00:00

446 lines
11 KiB

; PHP Installer for NSIS
; Based on Welcome/Finish Page Example Script (Written by Joost Verburg)
; Author: Wez Furlong <>
; $Id$
define('PHPVERSION', phpversion());
define('SOURCEDIR', dirname(__FILE__) . "\\..\\..\\");
define('DISTDIR', getcwd());
/* for testing, install system files in a safe dir */
if (false) {
$SYSDIR = "\$INSTDIR\\system";
} else {
$sections = array(
"core" => array(
"label" => "-PHP Core (Required)",
"files" => array(
"$SYSDIR" => array(
"\$INSTDIR" => array(
"extras" => "Call CopyPHPIni\nWriteUninstaller \"\$INSTDIR\\Uninstall.exe\""
"cgi" => array(
"group" => "SAPI",
"label" => "CGI",
"description" => "The most stable SAPI for use to serve PHP scripts in your web server",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR" => array(
"\$INSTDIR\\sapi" => array(
"cli" => array(
"group" => "SAPI",
"label" => "CLI",
"description" => "New Command Line Interface for running PHP scripts as batch files",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR\\cli" => array(
"embed" => array(
"group" => "SAPI",
"label" => "Embed",
"description" => "Libraries for embedding PHP into your own projects",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR" => array(
"mibs" => array(
"group" => "Extras",
"label" => "MIBS for SNMP",
"description" => "MIB information for the SNMP extension",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR\\mibs" => array(
"pdfstuff" => array(
"group" => "Extras",
"label" => "PDF support files",
"description" => "Fonts and codepage data files for the PDF extensions",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR\\pdf-related" => array(
"mimemagic" => array(
"group" => "Extras",
"label" => "Mime Magic",
"description" => "The magic information file for the mimemagic extension",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR" => array(
"openssl" => array(
"group" => "Extras",
"label" => "OpenSSL",
"description" => "OpenSSL configuration information which you must read if you plan to use PHP as a Certificate Authority",
"files" => array(
"\$INSTDIR\\openssl" => array(
$groups = array(
'SAPI' => array("SAPI", "Select which Server API's to install."),
'EXT' => array("Extensions", "Select which extensions to install."),
'XSAPI' => array("Experimental SAPI", "Experimental Server API's - use at your own risk!"),
'XEXT' => array("Experimental Extensions", "Experimental Extensions - use at your own risk!"),
'Extras' => array("Extras", "Supplemental Files"),
function xglob($pattern)
if (strpos($pattern, '*') === false) {
return array($pattern);
$dir = dirname($pattern);
$pattern = basename($pattern);
$pattern = str_replace(array('*', '.'), array('.*', '\.'), $pattern);
$files = array();
$d = opendir($dir);
while ($f = readdir($d)) {
if ($f == '.' || $f == '..' || preg_match('/^\..*\.swp$/', $f))
if (preg_match('@' . $pattern . '@i', $f)) {
$files[] = $dir . '\\' . $f;
return $files;
/* Look for extensions and determine their info based on the source tree.
* We can determine the name and author from the CREDITS file.
* We can determine experimental status from the EXPERIMENTAL file.
* It would be nice to have a standard description line in the CREDITS too.
$extension_abbreviations = array(
'ifx' => 'informix',
'gd2' => 'gd',
$sapi_abbreviations = array(
'apache2' => 'apache2filter',
'srvlt' => 'servlet',
function add_sections($pattern, $groupname, $abbrev, &$sections, $sourcedirs, $instdir)
$avail = xglob($pattern);
foreach ($avail as $extname) {
/* mangle name */
if (preg_match('/(php_|php4|php)([^_].*)\.dll/', basename($extname), $matches)) {
$ext = $matches[2];
} else {
$ext = basename($extname);
if (isset($abbrev[$ext])) {
$ext = $abbrev[$ext];
$extdir = null;
foreach ($sourcedirs as $sourcedir) {
// Allow absolute path for separate PECL checkout
if ($sourcedir{0} == '\\' || $sourcedir{1} == ':')
$extdir = $sourcedir;
$extdir = SOURCEDIR . $sourcedir . '/' . $ext . '/';
if (is_dir($extdir))
$extdir = null;
if ($extdir === null || !is_dir($extdir)) {
echo "; WARNING: could not find source dir for extension $extname -> $extdir ($ext)\n";
$exp = file_exists($extdir . 'EXPERIMENTAL');
if (file_exists($extdir . 'CREDITS')) {
list($title, $authors, $description) = file($extdir . 'CREDITS');
$title = trim($title);
$authors = trim($authors);
$description = trim($description);
if (strlen($title) == 0)
$title = $ext;
} else {
$title = $ext;
$authors = "Unknown, or uncredited";
$description = "";
/* build list of support files.
* in theory, only needed for the srvlt sapi, but useful to keep this
* generic */
$filepat = preg_replace('/\.[^\.]+$/', '.*', $extname);
if ($groupname == 'EXT') {
$sections['ext_' . $ext] = array(
'group' => ($exp ? 'X' : '') . $groupname,
'label' => $title,
'description' => $title . ".\$\\nAuthors: $authors",
'files' => array(
"\$INSTDIR\\" . $instdir => array(
'extras' => $groupname == 'EXT' ? "Push \"extension=" . basename($extname) . "\"\nCall AddIniSetting\n\n" : ""
add_sections('extensions\\*.dll', 'EXT', $extension_abbreviations, $sections, array('ext'), 'extensions');
add_sections('sapi\\*.dll', 'SAPI', $sapi_abbreviations, $sections, array('sapi'), 'sapi');
$sections_stage1 = array();
/* list of files to uninstall */
$uninstall = array();
$rmdirs = array();
/* description texts */
$descriptions = array();
$dirs_no_delete = array("\$SYSDIR", "\$INSTDIR");
foreach ($sections as $sectionid => $sectiondata) {
$descriptions[] = "\t!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT \${Sec$sectionid} \"" . $sectiondata['description'] . "\"";
if (isset($sectiondata['group'])) {
$sub = "Sub";
$group = $sectiondata['group'];
} else {
$sub = "";
$group = '_top_';
$body = "Section \"" . $sectiondata['label'] . "\" Sec$sectionid\n";
foreach ($sectiondata['files'] as $outputdir => $filelist) {
$body .= "\tSetOutPath \"$outputdir\"\n";
foreach ($filelist as $pattern) {
$files = xglob($pattern);
foreach ($files as $filename) {
$uninstall[] = "\tDelete \"$outputdir\\" . basename($filename) . "\"";
$body .= "\tFile \"$filename\"\n";
if (!in_array($outputdir, $dirs_no_delete) && !isset($rmdirs[$outputdir])) {
$rmdirs[$outputdir] = "\tRMDir \"$outputdir\"";
$body .= $sectiondata['extras'];
$body .= "\nSectionEnd\n";
$sections_stage1[$group] .= $body . "\n\n";
foreach ($sections_stage1 as $group => $data)
if ($group == '_top_') {
$SECTIONS .= $data . "\n";
} else {
$descriptions[] = "\t!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT \${SecGroup$group} \"" . $groups[$group][1] . "\"";
$SECTIONS .= "SubSection \"" . $groups[$group][0] . "\" SecGroup$group\n$data\nSubSectionEnd\n\n";
/* Now build descriptions */
$DESCRIPTIONS = implode("\n", $descriptions) . "\n";
/* And the uninstallation section */
$UNINSTALL = implode("\n", $uninstall) . "\n" . implode("\n", $rmdirs) . "\n";
!define MUI_PRODUCT "PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor"
; The second UI has a wider area for the component names
!define MUI_UI "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\modern2.exe"
!include "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\modern.exe"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
OutFile "InstallPHP<?= PHPVERSION ?>.exe"
SetCompressor bzip2
;License page
LicenseData "license.txt"
;Folder-selection page
InstallDir "C:\PHP-<?= PHPVERSION ?>"
;define NSIS_CONFIG_LOG "install.log"
;LogSet on
!cd <?= SOURCEDIR ?>win32\installer
;Things that need to be extracted on startup (keep these lines before any File command!)
;Only useful for BZIP2 compression
;Use ReserveFile for your own Install Options ini files too!
!cd <?= DISTDIR ?>
!insertmacro MUI_SYSTEM
;Installer Sections
Function AddIniSetting
Pop $R0
FileOpen $R2 "$INSTDIR\.ini-add" "a"
FileSeek $R2 0 END
FileWrite $R2 "$R0$\n"
FileClose $R2
Function CopyPHPIni
; Ensure that we have a working php.ini to reflect the
; installation options.
; Extensions will call a function to activate their entry
; in the ini file as they are installed.
ifFileExists "$WINDIR\php.ini" "" +2
Rename "<?= $SYSDIR ?>\php.ini" "$WINDIR\php.ini.old"
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\php.ini-dist" "$WINDIR\php.ini"
; For editing the ini, put the cli and the php4ts.dll in the same dir
; these files will be deleted during post-installation
CopyFiles "<?= $SYSDIR ?>\php4ts.dll" "$INSTDIR\php4ts.dll"
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\cli\php.exe" "$INSTDIR\strap-php.exe"
File "<?= dirname(__FILE__) ?>\setini.php"
; Set the extension_dir setting in the php.ini
Push "extension_dir=$\"$INSTDIR\extensions$\""
Call AddIniSetting
; Generated Section Info
<?= $SECTIONS ?>
; ---------
; Perform final actions after everything has been installed
Section -post
; Merge ini settings
ExecWait "$\"$INSTDIR\strap-php.exe$\" $\"$INSTDIR\setini.php$\" $\"$WINDIR\php.ini$\" $\"$INSTDIR\.ini-add$\""
Delete "$INSTDIR\.ini-add" ; Created by the AddIniSetting function
Delete "$INSTDIR\setini.php"
Delete "$INSTDIR\strap-php.exe"
Delete "$INSTDIR\php4ts.dll"
; Add to Add/Remove programs list
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PHP-<?= PHPVERSION ?>" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PHP-<?= PHPVERSION ?>" "DisplayName" "PHP-<?= PHPVERSION ?> (Uninstall only)"
;Uninstaller Section
Section "Uninstall"
Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe"
Delete "$WINDIR\php.ini"
; Remove from Add/Remove programs list
DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PHP-<?= PHPVERSION ?>"
; vim:sw=4:ts=4:
; vim600:sw=4:ts=4:noet:fdm=marker