Greg Beaver 0262e844c4 implement full support and usage of phar stream in include_path, for both 5.2 and 5.3.
5.3 code expects the proposed patch for stream wrapper in include_path to be committed
5.2 code only supports phar stream wrapper in include_path.
this is a 2-step process.  After this, more magic, particularly in funcinterceptors.c will be
converted to use phar_resolve_path, which is far safer than the current implementation.

this needs windows and 5.2 testing unix/windows
2008-03-12 03:55:12 +00:00

32 lines
793 B

Phar: include/fopen magic
<?php if (!extension_loaded("phar")) die("skip"); ?>
$fname = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar.php';
$p = new Phar($fname);
$p['a'] = '<?php include "b/c.php";' . "\n";
$p['b/c.php'] = '<?php echo "in b\n";$a = fopen("a", "r", true);echo stream_get_contents($a);fclose($a);include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../d";';
$p['d'] = "in d\n";
set_include_path("phar://" . __FILE__);
include "phar://" . __FILE__ . "/a";
include $fname;
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.clean.php') . '.phar.php');
in b
<?php include "b/c.php";
in d