--TEST-- Test copy() function: usage variations - destination file names(numerics/strings) --FILE-- "; var_dump( filesize("$src_file_name") ); clearstatcache(); echo "\n-- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies --"; $count = 1; foreach($dest_files as $dest_file) { echo "\n-- Iteration $count --\n"; $dest_file_name = "$file_path/$dest_file"; echo "Copy operation => "; var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); echo "Existence of destination file => "; var_dump( file_exists($dest_file_name) ); echo "Destination file name => "; print($dest_file_name); echo "\n"; echo "Size of source file => "; var_dump( filesize($src_file_name) ); clearstatcache(); echo "Size of destination file => "; var_dump( filesize($dest_file_name) ); clearstatcache(); unlink($dest_file_name); $count++; } echo "*** Done ***\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Test copy() function: destination file names containing numerics/strings *** Size of the source file before copy operation => int(1500) -- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies -- -- Iteration 1 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 2 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy_copy_variation1.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 3 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 4 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/123.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 5 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy_variation1.123 Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 6 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/123 Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 7 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/123copy_variation1.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 8 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy_variation.tmp123 Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 9 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy1.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) *** Done *** --UEXPECTF-- *** Test copy() function: destination file names containing numerics/strings *** Size of the source file before copy operation => int(1500) -- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies -- -- Iteration 1 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 2 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy_copy_variation1.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 3 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 4 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/123.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 5 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy_variation1.123 Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 6 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/123 Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 7 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/123copy_variation1.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 8 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy_variation.tmp123 Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) -- Iteration 9 -- Copy operation => bool(true) Existence of destination file => bool(true) Destination file name => %s/copy1.tmp Size of source file => int(1500) Size of destination file => int(1500) *** Done ***