--TEST-- mysqli_stmt_bind_param() - binding variable twice --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- char works */ bind_twice($link, $engine, 'CHAR(1)', 'CHAR(1)', 's', 's', 1, 2, 40); /* type juggling - note that string->integer works */ bind_twice($link, $engine, 'INT', 'INT', 'i', 'i', '1', '2', 50); /* type juggling - note that string->float works*/ bind_twice($link, $engine, 'FLOAT', 'FLOAT', 'd', 'd', '1.01', '1.02', 60); /* now, let's have two columns of different type and do type juggling */ /* what the test will do is: 1) col1 INT, col2 CHAR(1) 2) bind_param('is', 1, 1) 3) execute() 4) bind_param('is', 1, 'a') 5) execute() col1 INT, col2 INT bind_param('ii', '1', '2') --> OK (int column, string value) bind_param('ii', 1, 2) --> OK (int column, int value) col1 CHAR(1), col2 CHAR(2) bind_param('ss', 1, 2) --> OK (string column, int value) So, what about: col1 INT, COL2 CHAR(1) bind_param('is', 1, 1) ---> ?? */ bind_twice($link, $engine, 'INT', 'CHAR(1)', 'i', 's', 1, 'a', 70); mysqli_close($link); print "done!"; ?> --EXPECTF-- done!