--TEST-- Test shuffle() function : basic functionality - with associative array --FILE-- 1, 2 => 02, 'three' => 3, 4 => 4, '#5' => 5, 'SIX' => 6, "seven" => 0x7, "#8" => 012, "nine" => 9 ); // printing the input array before the shuffle operation echo "\n-- input array before shuffle() function is applied --\n"; var_dump( $array_arg ); // applying shuffle() function on the input array echo "\n-- return value from shuffle() function --\n"; var_dump( shuffle($array_arg) ); // prints the return value from shuffle() function echo "\n-- resultant array after shuffle() function is applied --\n"; var_dump( $array_arg ); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing shuffle() : with associative array *** -- input array before shuffle() function is applied -- array(9) { [u"one"]=> int(1) [2]=> int(2) [u"three"]=> int(3) [4]=> int(4) [u"#5"]=> int(5) [u"SIX"]=> int(6) [u"seven"]=> int(7) [u"#8"]=> int(10) [u"nine"]=> int(9) } -- return value from shuffle() function -- bool(true) -- resultant array after shuffle() function is applied -- array(9) { [0]=> int(%d) [1]=> int(%d) [2]=> int(%d) [3]=> int(%d) [4]=> int(%d) [5]=> int(%d) [6]=> int(%d) [7]=> int(%d) [8]=> int(%d) } Done