--TEST-- mysqli_get_cache_stats() - freeing for buffered result sets --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- = $info['free_items']) { printf("[004] mysqli_free_result() should not yet have free slots again, because \$rows still exists\n"); var_dump($info); var_dump($new_info); } /* nothing should change because GC will happen some time after free_result */ unset($rows); if (!is_array($new_info = mysqli_get_cache_stats()) || empty($new_info)) printf("[005] Expecting array/any_non_empty, got %s/%s\n", gettype($new_info), $new_info); if (defined("WE_HAVE_GARBAGE_COLLECTOR_TO_FREE_AFTER_ON_UNSET_AFTER_FREE_RESULT")) { /* For now we can't reclaim the slots after the free_result is called. unset() should happen before free_result(). */ if ($new_info['free_items'] < $info['free_items']) { printf("[006] \$rows has been unset, free item count should be back to the original value\n"); var_dump($info); var_dump($new_info); } } else { /* We have to reset $info */ $info = mysqli_get_cache_stats(); } if (!$res = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id, label FROM test ORDER BY id")) printf("[007] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); $rows = array(); while ($rows[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) ; unset($rows); mysqli_free_result($res); if (!is_array($new_info = mysqli_get_cache_stats()) || empty($new_info)) printf("[008] Expecting array/any_non_empty, got %s/%s\n", gettype($new_info), $new_info); if ($new_info['free_items'] < $info['free_items']) { printf("[009] \$rows has been unset, mysqli_free_result() has been called, free item count should be back to the original value\n"); var_dump($info); var_dump($new_info); } mysqli_close($link); if (!is_array($new_info = mysqli_get_cache_stats()) || empty($new_info)) printf("[010] Expecting array/any_non_empty, got %s/%s\n", gettype($new_info), $new_info); if ($new_info['free_items'] < $info['free_items']) { printf("[011] connection has been closed, free item count should be back to the original value\n"); var_dump($info); var_dump($new_info); } print "done!"; ?> --EXPECTF-- done!