--TEST-- Test 11: php:function Support --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- load(dirname(__FILE__)."/xslt011.xsl"); $proc = new xsltprocessor; $xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($dom); $xml = new DomDocument(); $xml->load(dirname(__FILE__)."/xslt011.xml"); $proc->registerPHPFunctions(); print $proc->transformToXml($xml); function foobar($id, $secondArg = "" ) { if (is_array($id)) { return $id[0]->value . " - " . $secondArg; } else { return $id . " - " . $secondArg; } } function nodeSet($id = null) { if ($id and is_array($id)) { return $id[0]; } else { $dom = new domdocument; $dom->loadXML("this is from an external DomDocument"); return $dom->documentElement; } } function nonDomNode() { return new foo(); } --EXPECTF-- Test 11: php:function Support Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml(): A PHP Object can not be converted to a XPath-string in %s on line 16 foobar - secondArg foobar - this is from an external DomDocument from the Input Document