--TEST-- Test parse_url() function: Parse a load of URLs without specifying PHP_URL_USER as the URL component --FILE-- $url : "; var_dump(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_USER)); } echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- --> : NULL --> : NULL --> : NULL --> : NULL --> : NULL --> php.net : NULL --> php.net/ : NULL --> http://php.net : NULL --> http://php.net/ : NULL --> www.php.net : NULL --> www.php.net/ : NULL --> http://www.php.net : NULL --> http://www.php.net/ : NULL --> www.php.net:80 : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80 : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/ : NULL --> http://www.php.net/index.php : NULL --> www.php.net/? : NULL --> www.php.net:80/? : NULL --> http://www.php.net/? : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/? : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/foo/bar/index.php : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php?lots=1&of=2¶meters=3&too=4&here=5 : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/ : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/structure/and/file.php : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/../a/../deep/directory : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/../a/../deep/directory/ : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/this/is/a/very/deep/directory/../file.php : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php? : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/#foo : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/?# : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/?test=1 : NULL --> http://www.php.net/?test=1& : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/?& : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1& : NULL --> http://www.php.net/index.php?& : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?foo& : NULL --> http://www.php.net/index.php?&foo : NULL --> http://www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI : NULL --> www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : NULL --> http://secret@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : unicode(6) "secret" --> http://secret:@www.php.net/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : unicode(6) "secret" --> http://:hideout@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : NULL --> http://secret:hideout@www.php.net/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : unicode(6) "secret" --> http://secret@hideout@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : unicode(14) "secret@hideout" --> http://secret:hid:out@www.php.net:80/index.php?test=1&test2=char&test3=mixesCI#some_page_ref123 : unicode(6) "secret" --> nntp://news.php.net : NULL --> ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glic/glibc.tar.gz : NULL --> zlib:http://foo@bar : NULL --> zlib:filename.txt : NULL --> zlib:/path/to/my/file/file.txt : NULL --> foo://foo@bar : unicode(3) "foo" --> mailto:me@mydomain.com : NULL --> /foo.php?a=b&c=d : NULL --> foo.php?a=b&c=d : NULL --> http://user:passwd@www.example.com:8080?bar=1&boom=0 : unicode(4) "user" --> file:///path/to/file : NULL --> file://path/to/file : NULL --> file:/path/to/file : NULL --> : NULL --> http://foo.com#bar : NULL --> scheme: : NULL --> foo+bar://baz@bang/bla : unicode(3) "baz" --> gg:9130731 : NULL --> http://user:@pass@host/path?argument?value#etc : unicode(4) "user" --> : NULL --> http://x:? : NULL --> x:blah.com : NULL --> x:/blah.com : NULL --> x://::abc/? : NULL --> http://::? : NULL --> x://::6.5 : NULL --> http://?:/ : NULL --> http://@?:/ : unicode(0) "" --> file:///: : NULL --> file:///a:/ : NULL --> file:///ab:/ : NULL --> file:///a:/ : NULL --> file:///@:/ : NULL --> file:///:80/ : NULL --> [] : NULL --> http://[x:80]/ : NULL --> : NULL --> / : NULL --> http:///blah.com : Warning: parse_url(http:///blah.com): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://:80 : Warning: parse_url(http://:80): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://user@:80 : Warning: parse_url(http://user@:80): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://user:pass@:80 : Warning: parse_url(http://user:pass@:80): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://: : Warning: parse_url(http://:): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://@/ : Warning: parse_url(http://@/): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://@:/ : Warning: parse_url(http://@:/): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://:/ : Warning: parse_url(http://:/): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://? : Warning: parse_url(http://?): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://?: : Warning: parse_url(http://?:): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://:? : Warning: parse_url(http://:?): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://blah.com:123456 : Warning: parse_url(http://blah.com:123456): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) --> http://blah.com:abcdef : Warning: parse_url(http://blah.com:abcdef): Unable to parse URL in %s on line 15 bool(false) Done