--TEST-- Test mcrypt_decrypt() function : usage variation --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- 1, 'two' => 2); //array of values to iterate over $inputs = array( // int data 'int 0' => 0, 'int 1' => 1, 'int 12345' => 12345, 'int -12345' => -2345, // float data 'float 10.5' => 10.5, 'float -10.5' => -10.5, 'float 12.3456789000e10' => 12.3456789000e10, 'float -12.3456789000e10' => -12.3456789000e10, 'float .5' => .5, // array data 'empty array' => array(), 'int indexed array' => $index_array, 'associative array' => $assoc_array, 'nested arrays' => array('foo', $index_array, $assoc_array), // null data 'uppercase NULL' => NULL, 'lowercase null' => null, // boolean data 'lowercase true' => true, 'lowercase false' =>false, 'uppercase TRUE' =>TRUE, 'uppercase FALSE' =>FALSE, // empty data 'empty string DQ' => "", 'empty string SQ' => '', // object data 'instance of classWithToString' => new classWithToString(), 'instance of classWithoutToString' => new classWithoutToString(), // undefined data 'undefined var' => @$undefined_var, // unset data 'unset var' => @$unset_var, // resource variable 'resource' => $fp ); // loop through each element of the array for key foreach($inputs as $valueType =>$value) { echo "\n--$valueType--\n"; var_dump( bin2hex(mcrypt_decrypt($cipher, $value, $data, $mode, $iv))); }; fclose($fp); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing mcrypt_decrypt() : usage variation *** --int 0-- unicode(32) "43a1ae011df36064589d06bc922ecd97" --int 1-- unicode(32) "43a1ae011df36064589d06bc922ecd97" --int 12345-- unicode(32) "e5885552e16c44d4eb6164f477b40200" --int -12345-- unicode(32) "adf7873831a9035cda9f9dc3b7dc626b" --float 10.5-- unicode(32) "08b0b9fac9c227437b7b5d0147e6153b" --float -10.5-- unicode(32) "f470cc74d83471b42a3e28d4ec57799a" --float 12.3456789000e10-- unicode(32) "36c618c00523fadc372b871eaa9c7b16" --float -12.3456789000e10-- unicode(32) "a554a5bdb7a5ceb6ae6f20566ef02e49" --float .5-- unicode(32) "bcb840ff76d3788a7911ed36f088a910" --empty array-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, array given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --int indexed array-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, array given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --associative array-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, array given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --nested arrays-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, array given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --uppercase NULL-- unicode(32) "bfa2cb7240c8d2f6abeb34960c04f6d3" --lowercase null-- unicode(32) "bfa2cb7240c8d2f6abeb34960c04f6d3" --lowercase true-- unicode(32) "43a1ae011df36064589d06bc922ecd97" --lowercase false-- unicode(32) "bfa2cb7240c8d2f6abeb34960c04f6d3" --uppercase TRUE-- unicode(32) "43a1ae011df36064589d06bc922ecd97" --uppercase FALSE-- unicode(32) "bfa2cb7240c8d2f6abeb34960c04f6d3" --empty string DQ-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be strictly a binary string, Unicode string given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --empty string SQ-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be strictly a binary string, Unicode string given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --instance of classWithToString-- unicode(32) "478f9d080563835cc3136610802f1433" --instance of classWithoutToString-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, object given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" --undefined var-- unicode(32) "bfa2cb7240c8d2f6abeb34960c04f6d3" --unset var-- unicode(32) "bfa2cb7240c8d2f6abeb34960c04f6d3" --resource-- Error: 2 - mcrypt_decrypt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, resource given, %s(%d) unicode(0) "" ===DONE===