$Id$ PHP 5.5 UPGRADE NOTES 1. Backward Incompatible Changes 2. New Features 2. Changes in SAPI modules 3. Deprecated Functionality 4. Changed Functions 5. New Functions 6. New Classes and Interfaces 7. Removed Extensions 8. Other Changes to Extensions 9. New Global Constants 10. Changes to INI File Handling 11. Windows Support 12. Other Changes ======================================== 1. Backward Incompatible Changes ======================================== - Drop Windows XP and 2003 support. (Pierre) - All internal case insensitivity handling for class, function and constant names is done according to ASCII rules, current locale settings are ignored. - php_logo_guid(), php_egg_logo_guid(), php_real_logo_guid() and zend_logo_guid() have been removed - Removal of Logo GUIDs - extensions can't override zend_execute() any more, they should override zend_execute_ex() instead. The EG(current_execute_data) is already initialized in zend_execute_ex(), so for compatibility extensions may need to use EG(current_execute_data)->prev_execute_data instead. - removed EG(arg_types_stack), EX(fbc), EX(called_scope), EX(current_object) - added op_array->nested_calls. It's calculated at compile time. - added EX(call_slots). It is an array to store information about syntaticaly nested calls (e.g. foo(bar())). It's preallocated together with execute_data. - added EX(call) - pointer to a current calling function. Actually an element of EX(call_slots) - opcodes INIT_METHOD_CALL, ZEND_INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL, ZEND_INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME, ZEND_INIT_NS_FCALL_BY_NAME use result.num as an index in EX(call_slots) - opcode ZEND_NEW uses extended_vallue as an index in EX(call_slots) - opcoes ZEND_DO_FCALL and ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME use op2.num as an index in EX(call_slots) - added op_array->used_stack. It's calculated at compile time and the corresponding stack space is preallocated together with execute_data. ZEND_SEND* and ZEND_DO_FCALL* don't need to check for stack overflow anymore. - Removed execute_data->Ts field. The VM temporary variables always allocated immediately before execute_data structure. Now they are accessed by offset from the execute_data base pointer (instead of execute_data->Ts). Compiler stores new offsets in op_array->opcodes[*].op?.num. You can use macros EX_TMP_VAR() and EX_TMP_VAR_NUM() to access temp_variable by offset or number. You can convert number to offset using EX_TMP_VAR_NUM(0, num) or offset to number (EX_TMP_VAR_NUM(0,0)-EX_TMP_VAR(0,offset)). - Removed execute_data->CVs field. The VM compiled variables always allocated immediately after execute_data structure. Now they are accessed by offset from the execute_data base pointer (instead of execute_data->CVs). You can use macros EX_CV_NUM() to access compiled variables by number. ======================================== 2. New Features ======================================== - Support list in foreach. (Laruence) (wiki.php.net/rfc/foreachlist) - Support finally keyword. (Laruence) (wiki.php.net/rfc/finally) - Support constant array/string dereferencing. (Laruence) (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/constdereference) - Add support for using empty() on the result of function calls and other expressions. Thus it is now possible to write empty(getArray()), for example. (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/empty_isset_exprs) - Added generators. (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/generators) ======================================== 2. Changes in SAPI modules ======================================== ======================================== 3. Deprecated Functionality ======================================== - The original MySQL extension is now deprecated, and will generate deprecation warnings when connecting to a database through mysql_connect(), mysql_pconnect() or by establishing an implicit connection. Use MySQLi or PDO instead. - The preg_replace /e modifier is now deprecated. Use preg_replace_callback instead. (https://wiki.php.net/rfc/remove_preg_replace_eval_modifier) - IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID() and datefmt_set_timezone_id() are deprecated. Use IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() or datefmt_set_timezone() instead. - mcrypt_ecb(), mcrypt_cbc(), mcrypt_cfb() and mcrypt_ofb() now throw E_DEPRECATED. Their use was already previously discouraged in the docs, but that predated the existence of E_DEPRECATED. ======================================== 4. Changed Functions ======================================== - pack()/unpack() had the following changes, which bring it more in line with Perl's behavior: - Implemented format character "Z": NULL padded string, with trailing NULL bytes removed. - Changed format character "a": this no longer removes trailing NULL bytes. - Changed format character "A": all trailing ASCII whitespace is now removed (defined as spaces, tabs, \r, \n and NULL). - MessageFormatter::format() and related functions now accepted named arguments and mixed numeric/named arguments in ICU 4.8+. - MessageFormatter::format() and related functions now don't error out when an insufficient argument count is provided. Instead, the placeholders will remain unsubstituted. - MessageFormatter::parse() and MessageFormat::format() (and their static equivalents) now don't throw away better than second precision in the arguments. - IntlDateFormatter::__construct and datefmt_create() now accept for the $timezone argument time zone identifiers, IntlTimeZone objects, DateTimeZone objects and NULL. It used to accept only time zone identifiers and NULL. Invalid time zone identifiers are no longer accepted. Emptry strings are no longer accepted. - The default time zone used in IntlDateFormatter::__construct and datefmt_create() (when the corresponding argument is not passed or NULL is passed) is now the one given by date_default_timezone_get(), not the default ICU time zone. - The time zone passed to the IntlDateFormatter is ignored if it is NULL and if the calendar passed is an IntlCalendar object -- in this case, the IntlCalendar's time zone will be used instead. Otherwise, the time zone specified in the $timezone argument is used instead. This does not affect old code, as IntlCalendar was introduced in this version. - IntlDateFormatter::__construct and datefmt_create() now accept for the $calendar argument also IntlCalendar objects. - IntlDateFormatter::getCalendar() and datefmt_get_calendar() return false if the IntlDateFormatter was set up with an IntlCalendar instead of the constants IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN/TRADITIONAL. IntlCalendar did not exist before this version. - IntlDateFormatter::setCalendar() and datefmt_set_calendar() now also accept an IntlCalendar object, in which case its time zone is taken. Passing a constant is still allowed, and still keeps the time zone. - IntlDateFormatter::format() and datefmt_format() now also accept an IntlCalendar object for formatting. - php_logo_guid(), php_egg_logo_guid(), php_real_logo_guid() and zend_logo_guid() have been removed - set_error_handler(NULL) can now be used to reset the error handler. Furthermore both set_error_handler(NULL) and set_exception_handler(NULL) will now return the previously defined error/exception handler. Previously bool(true) was returned. ======================================== 5. New Functions ======================================== - Core: - boolval() - password_get_info() - password_hash() - password_needs_rehash() - password_verify() - Hash: - hash_pbkdf2() - Intl: - datefmt_format_object() - datefmt_get_calendar_object() - datefmt_get_timezone() - datefmt_set_timezone() - datefmt_get_calendar_object() - intlcal_create_instance() - intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale() - intlcal_get_now() - intlcal_get_available_locales() - intlcal_get() - intlcal_get_time() - intlcal_set_time() - intlcal_add() - intlcal_set_time_zone() - intlcal_after() - intlcal_before() - intlcal_set() - intlcal_roll() - intlcal_clear() - intlcal_field_difference() - intlcal_get_actual_maximum() - intlcal_get_actual_minimum() - intlcal_get_day_of_week_type() - intlcal_get_first_day_of_week() - intlcal_get_greatest_minimum() - intlcal_get_least_maximum() - intlcal_get_locale() - intlcal_get_maximum() - intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week() - intlcal_get_minimum() - intlcal_get_time_zone() - intlcal_get_type() - intlcal_get_weekend_transition() - intlcal_in_daylight_time() - intlcal_is_equivalent_to() - intlcal_is_lenient() - intlcal_is_set() - intlcal_is_weekend() - intlcal_set_first_day_of_week() - intlcal_set_lenient() - intlcal_equals() - intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option() - intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option() - intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option() - intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option() - intlcal_from_date_time() - intlcal_to_date_time() - intlcal_get_error_code() - intlcal_get_error_message() - intlgregcal_create_instance() - intlgregcal_set_gregorian_change() - intlgregcal_get_gregorian_change() - intlgregcal_is_leap_year() - intltz_create_time_zone() - intltz_create_default() - intltz_get_id() - intltz_get_gmt() - intltz_get_unknown() - intltz_create_enumeration() - intltz_count_equivalent_ids() - intltz_create_time_zone_id_enumeration() - intltz_get_canonical_id() - intltz_get_region() - intltz_get_tz_data_version() - intltz_get_equivalent_id() - intltz_use_daylight_time() - intltz_get_offset() - intltz_get_raw_offset() - intltz_has_same_rules() - intltz_get_display_name() - intltz_get_dst_savings() - intltz_from_date_time_zone() - intltz_to_date_time_zone() - intltz_get_error_code() - intltz_get_error_message() - IntlDateFormatter::formatObject() - IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject() - IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone() - IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() - SPL: - SplFixedArray::__wakeup() ======================================== 6. New Classes and Interfaces ======================================== - Intl: - IntlCalendar - IntlGregorianCalendar - IntlTimeZone - IntlBreakIterator - IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator - IntlCodePointBreakIterator ======================================== 7. Removed Extensions ======================================== ======================================== 8. Other Changes to Extensions ======================================== - Intl: - This extension now requires ICU 4.0+. ======================================== 9. New Global Constants ======================================== - mysqli: - Added MYSQLI_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY constant to be used with mysqli_options() ======================================== 10. Changes to INI File Handling ======================================== - Intl: - Added intl.use_exceptions INI directive, which controls what happens when global errors are set together with intl.error_level. - mysqlnd: - Added mysqlnd.sha256_server_public_key INI PERDIR setting that affects all APIs which use(are built) for mysqlnd. This allows ext/mysqli to be used with the new auth protocol, although at coarser level. ======================================== 11. Windows Support ======================================== - Apache 2.4 handler is supported as of PHP 5.5.0 ======================================== 12. Other Changes ======================================== - Logo GUIDs will no longer work