; PHP Installer for NSIS ; Based on Welcome/Finish Page Example Script (Written by Joost Verburg) ; Author: Wez Furlong ; $Id$ array( "label" => "-PHP Core (Required)", "files" => array( "$SYSDIR" => array( "dlls\\*.dll", "php4ts.dll", ), "\$INSTDIR" => array( "*.txt", "php.gif", "php.ini-*", ), ), "extras" => "Call CopyPHPIni\nWriteUninstaller \"\$INSTDIR\\Uninstall.exe\"" ), "cgi" => array( "group" => "SAPI", "label" => "CGI", "description" => "CGI Interface - should work with most web servers", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR" => array( "php.exe" ), "\$INSTDIR\\sapi" => array( "sapi\\pws-php4cgi.reg" ), ), ), /* CLI is required by the installer */ "cli" => array( "group" => "SAPI", "label" => "-CLI", "description" => "Command Line Interface for running PHP scripts as batch files", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR\\cli" => array( "cli\\php.exe" ), ), ), "embed" => array( "group" => "SAPI", "label" => "Embed", "description" => "Libraries for embedding PHP into your own projects", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR" => array( "*.lib" ), ), ), "mibs" => array( "group" => "Extras", "label" => "MIBS for SNMP", "description" => "MIB information for the SNMP extension", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR\\mibs" => array( "mibs\\*" ), ), ), "pdfstuff" => array( "group" => "Extras", "label" => "PDF support files", "description" => "Fonts and codepage data files for the PDF extensions", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR\\pdf-related" => array( "pdf-related\\*" ), ), ), "mimemagic" => array( "group" => "Extras", "label" => "Mime Magic", "description" => "The magic information file for the mimemagic extension", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR" => array( "magic.mime" ), ), ), "openssl" => array( "group" => "Extras", "label" => "OpenSSL", "description" => "OpenSSL configuration information which you must read if you plan to use PHP as a Certificate Authority", "files" => array( "\$INSTDIR\\openssl" => array( "openssl\\*" ), ), ), ); $groups = array( 'SAPI' => array("SAPI", "Select which Server API's to install."), 'EXT' => array("Extensions", "Select which extensions to install."), 'XSAPI' => array("Experimental SAPI", "Experimental Server API's - use at your own risk!"), 'XEXT' => array("Experimental Extensions", "Experimental Extensions - use at your own risk!"), 'Extras' => array("Extras", "Supplemental Files"), ); function xglob($pattern) { if (strpos($pattern, '*') === false) { return array($pattern); } $dir = dirname($pattern); $pattern = basename($pattern); $pattern = str_replace(array('*', '.'), array('.*', '\.'), $pattern); $files = array(); $d = opendir($dir); while ($f = readdir($d)) { if ($f == '.' || $f == '..' || preg_match('/^\..*\.swp$/', $f)) continue; if (preg_match('@' . $pattern . '@i', $f)) { $files[] = $dir . '\\' . $f; } } return $files; } /* Look for extensions and determine their info based on the source tree. * We can determine the name and author from the CREDITS file. * We can determine experimental status from the EXPERIMENTAL file. * It would be nice to have a standard description line in the CREDITS too. */ $extension_abbreviations = array( 'ifx' => 'informix', 'gd2' => 'gd', ); $sapi_abbreviations = array( 'apache2' => 'apache2filter', 'srvlt' => 'servlet', ); function add_sections($pattern, $groupname, $abbrev, &$sections, $sourcedirs, $instdir) { $avail = xglob($pattern); foreach ($avail as $extname) { /* mangle name */ if (preg_match('/(php_|php4|php)([^_].*)\.dll/', basename($extname), $matches)) { $ext = $matches[2]; } else { $ext = basename($extname); } if (isset($abbrev[$ext])) { $ext = $abbrev[$ext]; } $extdir = null; foreach ($sourcedirs as $sourcedir) { // Allow absolute path for separate PECL checkout if ($sourcedir{0} == '\\' || $sourcedir{1} == ':') $extdir = $sourcedir; else $extdir = SOURCEDIR . $sourcedir . '/' . $ext . '/'; if (is_dir($extdir)) break; $extdir = null; } if ($extdir === null || !is_dir($extdir)) { echo "; WARNING: could not find source dir for extension $extname -> $extdir ($ext)\n"; } $exp = file_exists($extdir . 'EXPERIMENTAL'); if (file_exists($extdir . 'CREDITS')) { list($title, $authors, $description) = file($extdir . 'CREDITS'); $title = trim($title); $authors = trim($authors); $description = trim($description); if (strlen($title) == 0) $title = $ext; } else { $title = $ext; $authors = "Unknown, or uncredited"; $description = ""; } /* build list of support files. * in theory, only needed for the srvlt sapi, but useful to keep this * generic */ $filepat = preg_replace('/\.[^\.]+$/', '.*', $extname); if ($groupname == 'EXT') { } $sections['ext_' . $ext] = array( 'group' => ($exp ? 'X' : '') . $groupname, 'label' => $title, 'description' => $title . ".\$\\nAuthors: $authors", 'files' => array( "\$INSTDIR\\" . $instdir => array( $filepat ), ), /* 'extras' => $groupname == 'EXT' ? "Push \"extension=" . basename($extname) . "\"\nCall AddIniSetting\n\n" : "" */ ); } } add_sections('extensions\\*.dll', 'EXT', $extension_abbreviations, $sections, array('ext'), 'extensions'); add_sections('sapi\\*.dll', 'SAPI', $sapi_abbreviations, $sections, array('sapi'), 'sapi'); $SECTIONS = ""; $sections_stage1 = array(); /* list of files to uninstall */ $uninstall = array(); $rmdirs = array(); /* description texts */ $descriptions = array(); $dirs_no_delete = array("\$SYSDIR", "\$INSTDIR"); foreach ($sections as $sectionid => $sectiondata) { $descriptions[] = "\t!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT \${Sec$sectionid} \"" . $sectiondata['description'] . "\""; if (isset($sectiondata['group'])) { $sub = "Sub"; $group = $sectiondata['group']; } else { $sub = ""; $group = '_top_'; } $body = "Section \"" . $sectiondata['label'] . "\" Sec$sectionid\n"; foreach ($sectiondata['files'] as $outputdir => $filelist) { $body .= "\tSetOutPath \"$outputdir\"\n"; foreach ($filelist as $pattern) { $files = xglob($pattern); foreach ($files as $filename) { $uninstall[] = "\tDelete \"$outputdir\\" . basename($filename) . "\""; $body .= "\tFile \"$filename\"\n"; } } if (!in_array($outputdir, $dirs_no_delete) && !isset($rmdirs[$outputdir])) { $rmdirs[$outputdir] = "\tRMDir \"$outputdir\""; } } $body .= $sectiondata['extras']; $body .= "\nSectionEnd\n"; $sections_stage1[$group] .= $body . "\n\n"; } foreach ($sections_stage1 as $group => $data) { if ($group == '_top_') { $SECTIONS .= $data . "\n"; } else { $descriptions[] = "\t!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT \${SecGroup$group} \"" . $groups[$group][1] . "\""; $SECTIONS .= "SubSection /e \"" . $groups[$group][0] . "\" SecGroup$group\n$data\nSubSectionEnd\n\n"; } } /* Now build descriptions */ $DESCRIPTIONS = implode("\n", $descriptions) . "\n"; /* And the uninstallation section */ $UNINSTALL = implode("\n", $uninstall) . "\n" . implode("\n", $rmdirs) . "\n"; ?> !define MUI_PRODUCT "PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor" !define MUI_VERSION "" ; The second UI has a wider area for the component names !define MUI_UI "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\modern2.exe" !include "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh" ;-------------------------------- ;Configuration !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE !define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE !define MUI_FINISHPAGE ;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\modern.exe" !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_UNINSTALLER !define MUI_UNCONFIRMPAGE ;Language !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ;General OutFile "InstallPHP.exe" SetCompressor bzip2 ShowInstDetails show ;License page LicenseData "license.txt" ;Folder-selection page InstallDir "C:\PHP-" ;define NSIS_CONFIG_LOG "install.log" ;LogSet on !cd win32\installer ;Things that need to be extracted on startup (keep these lines before any File command!) ;Only useful for BZIP2 compression ;Use ReserveFile for your own Install Options ini files too! !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_INSTALLOPTIONS !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_SPECIALINI !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_SPECIALBITMAP !cd !insertmacro MUI_SYSTEM ;-------------------------------- ;Installer Sections Function AddIniSetting Pop $R0 FileOpen $R2 "$INSTDIR\.ini-add" "a" FileSeek $R2 0 END FileWrite $R2 "$R0$\n" FileClose $R2 FunctionEnd Function CopyPHPIni ; Ensure that we have a working php.ini to reflect the ; installation options. ; Extensions will call a function to activate their entry ; in the ini file as they are installed. Rename "$WINDIR\php.ini" "$WINDIR\php.ini.old" CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\php.ini-dist" "$WINDIR\php.ini" ; These files will be deleted during post-installation CopyFiles "\php4ts.dll" "$INSTDIR\php4ts.dll" File "\setini.php" ; Set the extension_dir setting in the php.ini Push "extension_dir=$\"$INSTDIR\extensions$\"" Call AddIniSetting FunctionEnd ; Generated Section Info ; --------- ; Perform final actions after everything has been installed Section -post ; Merge ini settings Sleep 1000 ExecWait "$\"$INSTDIR\cli\php.exe$\" $\"-n$\" $\"$INSTDIR\setini.php$\" $\"$WINDIR\php.ini$\" $\"$INSTDIR\.ini-add$\"" Delete "$INSTDIR\.ini-add" ; Created by the AddIniSetting function Delete "$INSTDIR\setini.php" Delete "$INSTDIR\php4ts.dll" ; Add to Add/Remove programs list WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PHP-" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PHP-" "DisplayName" "PHP- (Uninstall only)" SectionEnd ;-------------------------------- ;Descriptions !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTIONS_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTIONS_DESCRIPTION_END ;-------------------------------- ;Uninstaller Section Section "Uninstall" Delete "$INSTDIR\Uninstall.exe" Delete "$WINDIR\php.ini" RMDir "$INSTDIR" ; Remove from Add/Remove programs list DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PHP-" !insertmacro MUI_UNFINISHHEADER SectionEnd ; vim:sw=4:ts=4: ; vim600:sw=4:ts=4:noet:fdm=marker