--TEST-- numfmt_get/set_symbol() --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- array( NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, '_._', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, '_,_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'PATTERN_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::PATTERN_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, '_;_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'PERCENT_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::PERCENT_SYMBOL, '_%_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::PERCENT ), 'ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL, '_ZD_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'DIGIT_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::DIGIT_SYMBOL, '_DS_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, '_-_', -12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL, '_+_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC ), 'CURRENCY_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL, '_$_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ), 'INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, '_$_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ), 'MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, '_MS_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ), 'EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL, '_E_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC ), 'PERMILL_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::PERMILL_SYMBOL, '_PS_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL, '_PE_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'INFINITY_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::INFINITY_SYMBOL, '_IS_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'NAN_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::NAN_SYMBOL, '_N_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'SIGNIFICANT_DIGIT_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::SIGNIFICANT_DIGIT_SYMBOL, '_SD_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ), 'MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' => array( NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, '_MG_', 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ), 'MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL-2' => array( NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, " ", 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ), 'MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL-3' => array( NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL, $longstr, 12345.123456, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ), ); $res_str = ''; foreach( $symbols as $symb_name => $data ) { list( $symb, $new_val, $number, $attr ) = $data; $fmt = ut_nfmt_create( 'en_US', $attr); $res_str .= "\nSymbol '$symb_name'\n"; // Get original symbol value. $orig_val = dump_str( ut_nfmt_get_symbol( $fmt, $symb ), false ); $res_str .= "Default symbol: [$orig_val]\n"; // Set a new symbol value. $res_val = ut_nfmt_set_symbol( $fmt, $symb, $new_val ); if( !$res_val ) $res_str .= "set_symbol() error: " . ut_nfmt_get_error_message( $fmt ) . "\n"; // Get the symbol value back. $new_val_check = dump_str( ut_nfmt_get_symbol( $fmt, $symb ), false ); if( !$new_val_check ) $res_str .= "get_symbol() error: " . ut_nfmt_get_error_message( $fmt ) . "\n"; $res_str .= "New symbol: [$new_val_check]\n"; // Check if the new value has been set. if( $new_val_check !== $new_val ) $res_str .= "ERROR: New $symb_name symbol value has not been set correctly.\n"; // Format the number using the new value. $s = ut_nfmt_format( $fmt, $number ); $res_str .= "A number formatted with the new symbol: $s\n"; // Restore attribute's symbol. ut_nfmt_set_symbol( $fmt, $symb, $orig_val ); } return $res_str; } include_once( 'ut_common.inc' ); ut_run(); ?> --EXPECT-- Symbol 'DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [.] New symbol: [_._] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345_._123 Symbol 'GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [,] New symbol: [_,_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12_,_345.123 Symbol 'PATTERN_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [;] New symbol: [_;_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'PERCENT_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [%] New symbol: [_%_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 1,234,512_%_ Symbol 'ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [0] New symbol: [_ZD_] A number formatted with the new symbol: `a,bcd.`ab Symbol 'DIGIT_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [#] New symbol: [_DS_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [-] New symbol: [_-_] A number formatted with the new symbol: _-_12,345.123 Symbol 'PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [+] New symbol: [_+_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 1.2345123456E4 Symbol 'CURRENCY_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [$] New symbol: [_$_] A number formatted with the new symbol: _$_12,345.12 Symbol 'INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [USD] New symbol: [_$_] A number formatted with the new symbol: $12,345.12 Symbol 'MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [.] New symbol: [_MS_] A number formatted with the new symbol: $12,345_MS_12 Symbol 'EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [E] New symbol: [_E_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 1.2345123456_E_4 Symbol 'PERMILL_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [‰] New symbol: [_PS_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [*] New symbol: [_PE_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'INFINITY_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [∞] New symbol: [_IS_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'NAN_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [NaN] New symbol: [_N_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'SIGNIFICANT_DIGIT_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [@] New symbol: [_SD_] A number formatted with the new symbol: 12,345.123 Symbol 'MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL' Default symbol: [,] New symbol: [_MG_] A number formatted with the new symbol: $12_MG_345.12 Symbol 'MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL-2' Default symbol: [,] New symbol: [ ] A number formatted with the new symbol: $12 345.12 Symbol 'MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL-3' Default symbol: [,] New symbol: [blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah] A number formatted with the new symbol: $12blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah345.12