[basic] basicval = bar longval = 12345 with.dot = fooobar boolon = on booltrue = true boolyes = yes booloff = off boolfalse = false boolnone = none boolno = no string = asdadfsdjkslkj ¡@£$$ { }[ ]/%#¤ sqstring = 'adsasdadasdasd' dqstring = "asdadfsdjkslkj ¡@£$$ { } !^~|¥¥{[()/)&/% ¤ # #" php_constant = E_ALL [basic with whitespace] basicval = bar longval = 12345 with.dot = fooobar boolon = on booltrue = true boolyes = yes booloff = off boolfalse = false boolnone = none boolno = no sqstring = 'adsasdadasdasd' dqstring = "asdadfsdjkslkj ¡@£$$€¥¥{[()/)&/%#¤" php_constant = E_ALL [comments] ; some comment ; some comment with whitespace somecomment = comment follows;aaa@bbb ; comment here ; [variables] var1 = ${basicval} var2 = ${basicval}/foo var3 = foo/${basicval} var4 = foo/${basicval}/foo quoted_var1 = "${basicqval}" quoted_var2 = "${basicqval}/foo" quoted_var3 = "foo/${basicqval}" quoted_var4 = "foo/${basicqval}/foo" [offset values] foo1[] = "basic offset 1" foo1[ ] = "basic offset 2" foo2[123] = "long offset" foo3[abc] = "string offset" foo4[""] = "quoted offset 1" foo4[" "] = "quoted offset 2" foo4["sqfoobar"] = "quoted string offset" foo4['dqfoobar'] = "single quoted offset" foo6[${basicval}] = "variable" foo6[${basicval}/foo] = "variable with string 1" foo6[foo/${basicval}] = "variable with string 2" foo6[foo/${basicval}/foo] = "variable with string 3" foo7["${basicqval}"] = "quoted variable 1" foo7["${basicqval}/foo"] = "quoted variable 2" foo7["foo/${basicqval}"] = "quoted variable 3" foo7[ "foo/${basicqval}/foo" ] = "quoted variable 4" [non value] novalue_option1 = novalue_option2= novalue_option3 = novalue_option4= novalue_option4[] = novalue_option4[]= novalue_option4[]= ["Quoted strings and variables in sections"] [${basicval}] [${basicval}/foo] [foo/${basicval}] [foo/${basicval}/foo] ["${basicqval}"] ["${basicqval}/foo"] ["foo/${basicqval}"] ["foo/${basicqval}/foo"] [PATH=${basicval}/no/quotes] ; Invalid! ;[PATH="${basicval}/path/quoted"] ["PATH=${basicval}/all/quoted"] ; The rest is from bug #29306 [01] e=e f=f [02] g=g h=h [1] a=a b=b [2] c=c d=d [0815] bla=bla