--TEST-- Test gmdate() function : usage variation - Passing Time format options to format argument. --FILE-- 'a', 'Uppercase Ante meridiem and post meridiem' => 'a', 'Swatch Internet time' => 'B', '12-hour format without leading zeros' => 'g', '24-hour format without leading zeros' => 'G', '12-hour format with leading zeros' => 'h', '24-hour format with leading zeros' => 'H', 'Minutes with leading zeros' => 'i', 'Seconds with leading zeros' => 's', 'Milliseconds' => 'u', ); foreach($time_formats as $key =>$value) { echo "\n--$key--\n"; var_dump( gmdate($value) ); var_dump( gmdate($value, $timestamp) ); } ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing gmdate() : usage variation *** --Lowercase Ante meridiem and post meridiem-- unicode(2) "%s" unicode(2) "am" --Uppercase Ante meridiem and post meridiem-- unicode(2) "%s" unicode(2) "am" --Swatch Internet time-- unicode(3) "%d" unicode(3) "380" --12-hour format without leading zeros-- unicode(%d) "%d" unicode(1) "8" --24-hour format without leading zeros-- unicode(%d) "%d" unicode(1) "8" --12-hour format with leading zeros-- unicode(2) "%d" unicode(2) "08" --24-hour format with leading zeros-- unicode(2) "%d" unicode(2) "08" --Minutes with leading zeros-- unicode(2) "%d" unicode(2) "08" --Seconds with leading zeros-- unicode(2) "%d" unicode(2) "08" --Milliseconds-- unicode(6) "%d" unicode(6) "000000" ===DONE===