--TEST-- ReflectionClass::hasMethod() - error cases --CREDITS-- Robin Fernandes Steve Seear --FILE-- hasMethod()); var_dump($rc->hasMethod("f", "f")); var_dump($rc->hasMethod(null)); var_dump($rc->hasMethod(1)); var_dump($rc->hasMethod(1.5)); var_dump($rc->hasMethod(true)); var_dump($rc->hasMethod(array(1,2,3))); var_dump($rc->hasMethod(new C)); ?> --EXPECTF-- Check invalid params: Warning: ReflectionClass::hasMethod() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line 8 NULL Warning: ReflectionClass::hasMethod() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line 9 NULL bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) Warning: ReflectionClass::hasMethod() expects parameter 1 to be string (Unicode or binary), array given in %s on line 14 NULL Warning: ReflectionClass::hasMethod() expects parameter 1 to be string (Unicode or binary), object given in %s on line 15 NULL