Title: Zend 2.0 Namespaces Version: $Revision$ Status: draft Maintainer: Stig S. Bakken Created: 2001-09-08 Modified: 2001-09-08 1. Background/Need ================== PHP and Zend 1.0 have come to a point where a lot of reusable code is being written; from simple functions and classes to entire application frameworks. It is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid symbol name collisions with the current scoping methods. The symbol scopes available in Zend 1.0 are the global scope, the class scope and the function scope. All scopes but classes may contain variables, only the class and global scopes may contain functions, while only the global scope may contain constants and classes. This means that all of Zend 1.0's scoping methods are inherently limited for solving symbol name collision problems. 2. Overview =========== Namespaces in Zend 2.0 provide a way to manage the symbol collision problem by making it possible to define multiple symbol tables able to contain all types of symbols. Zend will get the notion of a current namespace, defaulting to the current global one. The current name space may be changed on a file-by-file basis. Symbols in other name spaces than the current one may be referenced using a new namespace operator. It will be possible to "import" symbols from one namespace into another. 3. Functionality ================ 3.1. Namespace Syntax ===================== The namespace operator ":" is used to refer to symbols in other namespaces than the current one: Class: Namespace:class Function: Namespace:function Static method: Namespace:class::method Variable: $Namespace:variable Constant: Namespace:CONSTANT Class variable: $Namespace:class::variable To refer to symbols in the global namespace, symbols are prefixed with only the namespace operator: Class: :class Function: :function Static method: :class::method Variable: $:variable Constant: :CONSTANT Class variable: $:class::variable Note: $:variable will effectively be just another syntax for $GLOBALS['variable']. A namespace may have a name containing a ":", it is always the last ":" character in the symbol qualifier that is the actual namespace operator: Class: Name:Space:class Function: Name:Space:function Static method: Name:Space:class::method Variable: $Name:Space:variable Constant: Name:Space:CONSTANT Class variable: $Name:Space:class::variable (Here, the ":" between "Name" and "Space" is part of the name, it is the one after "Space" that is the namespace operator.) 3.2. Defining Namespaces ======================== Individual files may define a namespace that will apply to the entire file. If no "namespace" operator occurs in the file, it will be in the global namespace: 1 namespace HTML; 2 3 class Form { 4 function Form() { 5 // constructor 6 } 7 // ... 8 } Or with the "nested" name syntax: 1 namespace HTML:Form; 2 3 class Image { 4 var $src; 5 function Image($src) { 6 $this->src = $src; 7 } 8 // ... 9 } Code executed within the "HTML" namespace may refer to the Form class as just "Form". Code executed from within other namespaces has to refer to it as "HTML:Form". The "namespace" statement must occur before any other statements in the file. # [ssb 2001-09-08]: # Should it be possible to "add" symbols to a namespace by including a # second file with the same namespace statement? 3.3. Importing Symbols ====================== It is possible to import symbols from another namespace into the current one with the "import" statement: import * from HTML; // all symbols import Form from HTML; // single symbols import Form,Table from HTML; // multiple symbols There is a potential for name clashes between symols of different types that have the same qualifier syntax. These are resolved in this order: class, function, constant. Optionally, the symbol type may be explicitly given to import (as "class", "function", "variable" or "constant"): import class Form from HTML; And finally, you may import all symbols of a given type: import constant * from HTML:Table; The namespace with its symbols must already be defined before using "import". 4. Compatibility Notes ====================== Old code that does not take advantage of namespaces will run without modifications. 5. Dependencies =============== The class variable syntax depends on this class variables being implemented in the new ZE2 object model. 6. Acknowledgements =================== Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski for initial ZE2 namespaces proposal Dean Hall for the initial symbol qualification syntax