| // | Martin Jansen | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ require_once 'PEAR/Common.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; class PEAR_Command_Package extends PEAR_Command_Common { // {{{ properties var $commands = array( 'package' => array( 'summary' => 'Build Package', 'function' => 'doPackage', 'shortcut' => 'p', 'options' => array( 'nocompress' => array( 'shortopt' => 'Z', 'doc' => 'Do not gzip the package file' ), 'showname' => array( 'shortopt' => 'n', 'doc' => 'Print the name of the packaged file.', ), ), 'doc' => '[descfile] Creates a PEAR package from its description file (usually called package.xml). ' ), 'package-validate' => array( 'summary' => 'Validate Package Consistency', 'function' => 'doPackageValidate', 'shortcut' => 'pv', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' ', ), 'cvstag' => array( 'summary' => 'Set CVS Release Tag', 'function' => 'doCvsTag', 'shortcut' => 'ct', 'options' => array( 'quiet' => array( 'shortopt' => 'q', 'doc' => 'Be quiet', ), 'reallyquiet' => array( 'shortopt' => 'Q', 'doc' => 'Be really quiet', ), 'slide' => array( 'shortopt' => 'F', 'doc' => 'Move (slide) tag if it exists', ), 'delete' => array( 'shortopt' => 'd', 'doc' => 'Remove tag', ), ), 'doc' => ' Sets a CVS tag on all files in a package. Use this command after you have packaged a distribution tarball with the "package" command to tag what revisions of what files were in that release. If need to fix something after running cvstag once, but before the tarball is released to the public, use the "slide" option to move the release tag. ', ), 'run-tests' => array( 'summary' => 'Run Regression Tests', 'function' => 'doRunTests', 'shortcut' => 'rt', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => '[testfile|dir ...] Run regression tests with PHP\'s regression testing script (run-tests.php).', ), 'package-dependencies' => array( 'summary' => 'Show package dependencies', 'function' => 'doPackageDependencies', 'shortcut' => 'pd', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' List all depencies the package has.' ), 'sign' => array( 'summary' => 'Sign a package distribution file', 'function' => 'doSign', 'shortcut' => 'si', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Signs a package distribution (.tar or .tgz) file with GnuPG.', ), 'makerpm' => array( 'summary' => 'Builds an RPM spec file from a PEAR package', 'function' => 'doMakeRPM', 'shortcut' => 'rpm', 'options' => array( 'spec-template' => array( 'shortopt' => 't', 'arg' => 'FILE', 'doc' => 'Use FILE as RPM spec file template' ), 'rpm-pkgname' => array( 'shortopt' => 'p', 'arg' => 'FORMAT', 'doc' => 'Use FORMAT as format string for RPM package name, %s is replaced by the PEAR package name, defaults to "PEAR::%s".', ), ), 'doc' => ' Creates an RPM .spec file for wrapping a PEAR package inside an RPM package. Intended to be used from the SPECS directory, with the PEAR package tarball in the SOURCES directory: $ pear makerpm ../SOURCES/Net_Socket-1.0.tgz Wrote RPM spec file PEAR::Net_Geo-1.0.spec $ rpm -bb PEAR::Net_Socket-1.0.spec ... Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/PEAR::Net_Socket-1.0-1.i386.rpm ', ), ); var $output; // }}} // {{{ constructor /** * PEAR_Command_Package constructor. * * @access public */ function PEAR_Command_Package(&$ui, &$config) { parent::PEAR_Command_Common($ui, $config); } // }}} // {{{ _displayValidationResults() function _displayValidationResults($err, $warn, $strict = false) { foreach ($err as $e) { $this->output .= "Error: $e\n"; } foreach ($warn as $w) { $this->output .= "Warning: $w\n"; } $this->output .= sprintf('Validation: %d error(s), %d warning(s)'."\n", sizeof($err), sizeof($warn)); if ($strict && sizeof($err) > 0) { $this->output .= "Fix these errors and try again."; return false; } return true; } // }}} // {{{ doPackage() function doPackage($command, $options, $params) { $this->output = ''; include_once 'PEAR/Packager.php'; $pkginfofile = isset($params[0]) ? $params[0] : 'package.xml'; ob_start(); $packager =& new PEAR_Packager($this->config->get('php_dir'), $this->config->get('ext_dir'), $this->config->get('doc_dir')); $packager->debug = $this->config->get('verbose'); $err = $warn = array(); $packager->validatePackageInfo($pkginfofile, $err, $warn); if (!$this->_displayValidationResults($err, $warn, true)) { $this->ui->outputData($this->output, $command); return; } $compress = empty($options['nocompress']) ? true : false; $result = $packager->Package($pkginfofile, $compress); $this->output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { $this->ui->outputData($this->output, $command); return $this->raiseError($result); } // Don't want output, only the package file name just created if (isset($options['showname'])) { $this->output = $result; } /* (cox) What is supposed to do that code? $lines = explode("\n", $this->output); foreach ($lines as $line) { $this->output .= $line."n"; } */ if (PEAR::isError($result)) { $this->output .= "Package failed: ".$result->getMessage(); } $this->ui->outputData($this->output, $command); return true; } // }}} // {{{ doPackageValidate() function doPackageValidate($command, $options, $params) { $this->output = ''; if (sizeof($params) < 1) { $params[0] = "package.xml"; } $obj = new PEAR_Common; $info = null; if ($fp = @fopen($params[0], "r")) { $test = fread($fp, 5); fclose($fp); if ($test == "infoFromDescriptionFile($params[0]); } } if (empty($info)) { $info = $obj->infoFromTgzFile($params[0]); } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } $obj->validatePackageInfo($info, $err, $warn); $this->_displayValidationResults($err, $warn); $this->ui->outputData($this->output, $command); return true; } // }}} // {{{ doCvsTag() function doCvsTag($command, $options, $params) { $this->output = ''; $_cmd = $command; if (sizeof($params) < 1) { $help = $this->getHelp($command); return $this->raiseError("$command: missing parameter: $help[0]"); } $obj = new PEAR_Common; $info = $obj->infoFromDescriptionFile($params[0]); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } $err = $warn = array(); $obj->validatePackageInfo($info, $err, $warn); if (!$this->_displayValidationResults($err, $warn, true)) { $this->ui->outputData($this->output, $command); break; } $version = $info['version']; $cvsversion = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '_', $version); $cvstag = "RELEASE_$cvsversion"; $files = array_keys($info['filelist']); $command = "cvs"; if (isset($options['quiet'])) { $command .= ' -q'; } if (isset($options['reallyquiet'])) { $command .= ' -Q'; } $command .= ' tag'; if (isset($options['slide'])) { $command .= ' -F'; } if (isset($options['delete'])) { $command .= ' -d'; } $command .= ' ' . $cvstag . ' ' . escapeshellarg($params[0]); foreach ($files as $file) { $command .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($file); } $this->output .= "+ $command\n"; if (empty($options['n'])) { $fp = popen($command, "r"); while ($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $this->output .= rtrim($line)."\n"; } pclose($fp); } $this->ui->outputData($this->output, $_cmd); return true; } // }}} // {{{ doRunTests() function doRunTests($command, $options, $params) { $cwd = getcwd(); $php = PHP_BINDIR . '/php' . (OS_WINDOWS ? '.exe' : ''); putenv("TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=$php"); $ip = ini_get("include_path"); $ps = OS_WINDOWS ? ';' : ':'; $run_tests = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'run-tests.php'; if (!file_exists($run_tests)) { $run_tests = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'run-tests.php'; if (!file_exists($run_tests)) { return $this->raiseError("No `run-test.php' file found"); } } $plist = implode(" ", $params); $cmd = "$php -C -d include_path=$cwd$ps$ip -f $run_tests -- $plist"; system($cmd); return true; } // }}} // {{{ doPackageDependencies() function doPackageDependencies($command, $options, $params) { // $params[0] -> the PEAR package to list its information if (sizeof($params) != 1) { return $this->raiseError("bad parameter(s), try \"help $command\""); } $obj = new PEAR_Common(); if (PEAR::isError($info = $obj->infoFromAny($params[0]))) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if (is_array($info['release_deps'])) { $data = array( 'caption' => 'Dependencies for ' . $info['package'], 'border' => true, 'headline' => array("Type", "Name", "Relation", "Version"), ); foreach ($info['release_deps'] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name']; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version']; } else { $version = ''; } $data['data'][] = array($type, $name, $rel, $version); } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); return true; } // Fallback $this->ui->outputData("This package does not have any dependencies.", $command); } // }}} // {{{ doSign() function doSign($command, $options, $params) { // should move most of this code into PEAR_Packager // so it'll be easy to implement "pear package --sign" if (sizeof($params) != 1) { return $this->raiseError("bad parameter(s), try \"help $command\""); } if (!file_exists($params[0])) { return $this->raiseError("file does not exist: $params[0]"); } $obj = new PEAR_Common; $info = $obj->infoFromTgzFile($params[0]); if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } include_once "Archive/Tar.php"; include_once "System.php"; $tar = new Archive_Tar($params[0]); $tmpdir = System::mktemp('-d pearsign'); if (!$tar->extractList('package.xml package.sig', $tmpdir)) { return $this->raiseError("failed to extract tar file"); } if (file_exists("$tmpdir/package.sig")) { return $this->raiseError("package already signed"); } @unlink("$tmpdir/package.sig"); $input = $this->ui->userDialog($command, array('GnuPG Passphrase'), array('password')); $gpg = popen("gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --armor --detach-sign --output $tmpdir/package.sig $tmpdir/package.xml 2>/dev/null", "w"); if (!$gpg) { return $this->raiseError("gpg command failed"); } fwrite($gpg, "$input[0]\r"); if (pclose($gpg) || !file_exists("$tmpdir/package.sig")) { return $this->raiseError("gpg sign failed"); } $tar->addModify("$tmpdir/package.sig", '', $tmpdir); return true; } // }}} // {{{ doMakeRPM() function doMakeRPM($command, $options, $params) { if (sizeof($params) != 1) { return $this->raiseError("bad parameter(s), try \"help $command\""); } if (!file_exists($params[0])) { return $this->raiseError("file does not exist: $params[0]"); } include_once "Archive/Tar.php"; include_once "PEAR/Installer.php"; include_once "System.php"; $tar = new Archive_Tar($params[0]); $tmpdir = System::mktemp('-d pear2rpm'); $instroot = System::mktemp('-d pear2rpm'); $tmp = $this->config->get('verbose'); $this->config->set('verbose', 0); $installer = new PEAR_Installer($this->ui); $info = $installer->install($params[0], array('installroot' => $instroot, 'nodeps' => true)); $pkgdir = "$info[package]-$info[version]"; // print "instroot=$instroot\n"; // print_r($info); // return true; $info['rpm_xml_dir'] = '/var/lib/pear'; $this->config->set('verbose', $tmp); if (!$tar->extractList("$pkgdir/package.xml", $tmpdir, $pkgdir)) { return $this->raiseError("failed to extract $params[0]"); } if (!file_exists("$tmpdir/package.xml")) { return $this->raiseError("no package.xml found in $params[0]"); } // System::mkdir("-p $instroot$info[rpm_xml_dir]"); // if (!@copy("$tmpdir/package.xml", "$instroot$info[rpm_xml_dir]/$info[package].xml")) { // return $this->raiseError("could not copy package.xml file: $php_errormsg"); // } if (isset($options['spec-template'])) { $spec_template = $options['spec-template']; } else { $spec_template = $this->config->get('data_dir') . '/PEAR/template.spec'; } if (isset($options['rpm-pkgname'])) { $rpm_pkgname_format = $options['rpm-pkgname']; } else { $rpm_pkgname_format = "PEAR::%s"; } $info['extra_headers'] = ''; $info['doc_files'] = ''; $info['files'] = ''; $info['rpm_package'] = sprintf($rpm_pkgname_format, $info['package']); $srcfiles = 0; foreach ($info['filelist'] as $name => $attr) { if ($attr['role'] == 'doc') { $info['doc_files'] .= " $name"; } elseif ($attr['role'] == 'src') { $srcfiles++; } $info['files'] .= "$attr[installed_as]\n"; } if ($srcfiles > 0) { include_once "OS/Guess.php"; $os = new OS_Guess; $arch = $os->getCpu(); } else { $arch = 'noarch'; } $cfk = array('master_server', 'php_dir', 'ext_dir', 'doc_dir', 'bin_dir', 'data_dir', 'test_dir'); foreach ($cfg as $k) { $info[$k] = $this->config->get($k); } $info['arch'] = $arch; $fp = @fopen($spec_template, "r"); if (!$fp) { return $this->raiseError("could not open RPM spec file template $spec_template: $php_errormsg"); } $spec_contents = preg_replace('/@([a-z0-9_-]+)@/e', '$info["\1"]', fread($fp, filesize($spec_template))); fclose($fp); $spec_file = "$info[rpm_package]-$info[version].spec"; $wp = fopen($spec_file, "w"); if (!$wp) { return $this->raiseError("could not write RPM spec file $spec_file: $php_errormsg"); } fwrite($wp, $spec_contents); fclose($wp); $this->ui->outputData("Wrote RPM spec file $spec_file", $command); return true; } // }}} } ?>