--TEST-- Test fileatime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() functions : usage variation --CREDITS-- Dave Kelsey --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- "; echo fileatime($filename)."\n"; clearstatcache(); echo "-- File modification time is => "; echo filemtime($filename)."\n"; clearstatcache(); echo "-- inode change time is => "; echo filectime($filename)."\n"; clearstatcache(); } echo "*** Testing fileattime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() : usage variations ***\n"; echo "\n*** testing file info ***"; stat_fn(NULL); stat_fn(false); stat_fn(''); stat_fn(' '); stat_fn('|'); echo "\n*** testing touch ***"; var_dump(touch(NULL)); var_dump(touch(false)); var_dump(touch('')); //php generates permission denied, we generate No such file or dir. var_dump(touch(' ')); var_dump(touch('|')); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing fileattime(), filemtime(), filectime() & touch() : usage variations *** *** testing file info *** -- File '' -- -- File access time is => -- File modification time is => -- inode change time is => -- File '' -- -- File access time is => -- File modification time is => -- inode change time is => -- File '' -- -- File access time is => -- File modification time is => -- inode change time is => -- File ' ' -- -- File access time is => Warning: fileatime(): stat failed for in %s on line %d -- File modification time is => Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for in %s on line %d -- inode change time is => Warning: filectime(): stat failed for in %s on line %d -- File '|' -- -- File access time is => Warning: fileatime(): stat failed for | in %s on line %d -- File modification time is => Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for | in %s on line %d -- inode change time is => Warning: filectime(): stat failed for | in %s on line %d *** testing touch *** Warning: touch(): Unable to create file because No such file or directory in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: touch(): Unable to create file because No such file or directory in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: touch(): Unable to create file because No such file or directory in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: touch(): Unable to create file because %s in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: touch(): Unable to create file | because %s in %s on line %d bool(false) Done