PHP Regression Tests ==================== To run the tests, go to the top-level directory and run "./php -f run-tests.php". Without parameters, "run-tests.php" will recursively scan through the file tree looking for directories called "tests", and run all the tests (.phpt files) within (recursively). To run tests in a single directory, pass the directory as a parameter: "./php -f run-tests.php tests/lang". To run one or more single tests, pass them as parameters: "./php -f run-tests.php tests/lang/015.phpt". The format of the .phpt files is quite simple. There are 6 possible sections. Test, Skipif, Post, Get, File and Expect. The Test section contains the description of the test. The Skipif section contains code that should print "skip" if this test should be skipped for some reason (such as an extension that is not compiled in). The Post section contains any post data that the script might need. The Get section contains any Get data. Note that both the Post and the Get sections need to have this data in url-encoded format. The File section contains the actual script and the Expect section is the expected output, sans headers. Blank lines are ignored in the expected output. A simple example which takes one argument through the POST method and one through the GET and displays these would be: --TEST-- Simple GET and POST test --SKIPIF-- --POST-- a=Hello --GET-- b=There --FILE-- --EXPECT-- Hello There Another simple example that only runs if the PCRE extension is loaded: --TEST-- Simple Perl regexp test --SKIPIF-- --POST-- --GET-- --FILE-- --EXPECT-- Hello World: 42