--TEST-- Test chop() function : usage variations - strings with embedded nulls --FILE-- --EXPECT-- *** Testing chop() : string with embedded nulls *** --- Iteration 1 --- unicode(11) "helloworld" unicode(11) "helloworld" unicode(11) "helloworld" --- Iteration 2 --- unicode(6) "hello" unicode(6) "hello" unicode(6) "hello" --- Iteration 3 --- unicode(5) "hello" unicode(5) "hello" unicode(6) "hello" --- Iteration 4 --- unicode(13) "hello world" unicode(13) "hello world" unicode(15) "hello world" --- Iteration 5 --- unicode(9) "\0hello\0" unicode(9) "\0hello\0" unicode(7) "\0hello" --- Iteration 6 --- unicode(9) "hello\0\0" unicode(9) "hello\0\0" unicode(5) "hello" --- Iteration 7 --- unicode(0) "" unicode(0) "" unicode(1) "" --- Iteration 8 --- unicode(0) "" unicode(0) "" unicode(2) "" --- Iteration 9 --- unicode(6) "hello" unicode(6) "hello" unicode(7) "hello" --- Iteration 10 --- unicode(11) "helloworld" unicode(11) "helloworld" unicode(11) "helloworld" Done