--TEST-- Test strrchr() function : usage variations - single quoted strings --FILE-- ?@hello123456he \x234 \101 '; $needle = array( //regular strings 'l', 'L', 'HELLO', 'hEllo', //escape characters '\t', '\T', ' ', '\n', '\N', ' ', //new line //nulls '\0', NULL, null, //boolean false FALSE, false, //empty string '', //special chars ' ', '$', ' $', '&', '!#', '%\o', '\o,', '()', '*+', '+', '-', '.', '.;', ':;', ';', '<=>', '>', '=>', '?', '@', '@hEllo', '12345', //decimal numeric string '\x23', //hexadecimal numeric string '#', //hexadecimal numeric string '\101', //octal numeric string 'A', '456HEE', //numerics + chars 42, //needle as int(ASCII value of '*') $haystack //haystack as needle ); /* loop through to get the position of the needle in haystack string */ $count = 1; for($index=0; $index --EXPECTF-- *** Testing strrchr() function: with various single quoted strings *** -- Iteration 1 -- string(22) "lo123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 2 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 3 -- string(63) "Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 4 -- string(14) "he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 5 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 6 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 7 -- string(1) " " -- Iteration 8 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 9 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 10 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 11 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 12 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 13 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 14 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 15 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 16 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 17 -- string(1) " " -- Iteration 18 -- string(47) "$&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 19 -- string(1) " " -- Iteration 20 -- string(46) "&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 21 -- string(45) "!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 22 -- string(43) "%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 23 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 24 -- string(39) "()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 25 -- string(37) "*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 26 -- string(36) "+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 27 -- string(35) "-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 28 -- string(34) "./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 29 -- string(34) "./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 30 -- string(32) ":;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 31 -- string(31) ";<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 32 -- string(30) "<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 33 -- string(28) ">?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 34 -- string(29) "=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 35 -- string(27) "?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 36 -- string(26) "@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 37 -- string(26) "@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 38 -- string(2) "1 " -- Iteration 39 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 40 -- string(44) "#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 41 -- string(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 42 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 43 -- string(7) "4 \101 " -- Iteration 44 -- string(37) "*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 45 -- string(63) "Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " *** Done *** --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing strrchr() function: with various single quoted strings *** -- Iteration 1 -- unicode(22) "lo123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 2 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 3 -- unicode(63) "Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 4 -- unicode(14) "he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 5 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 6 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 7 -- unicode(1) " " -- Iteration 8 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 9 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 10 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 11 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 12 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 13 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 14 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 15 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 16 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 17 -- unicode(1) " " -- Iteration 18 -- unicode(47) "$&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 19 -- unicode(1) " " -- Iteration 20 -- unicode(46) "&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 21 -- unicode(45) "!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 22 -- unicode(43) "%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 23 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 24 -- unicode(39) "()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 25 -- unicode(37) "*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 26 -- unicode(36) "+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 27 -- unicode(35) "-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 28 -- unicode(34) "./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 29 -- unicode(34) "./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 30 -- unicode(32) ":;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 31 -- unicode(31) ";<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 32 -- unicode(30) "<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 33 -- unicode(28) ">?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 34 -- unicode(29) "=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 35 -- unicode(27) "?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 36 -- unicode(26) "@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 37 -- unicode(26) "@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 38 -- unicode(2) "1 " -- Iteration 39 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 40 -- unicode(44) "#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 41 -- unicode(5) "\101 " -- Iteration 42 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 43 -- unicode(7) "4 \101 " -- Iteration 44 -- unicode(37) "*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " -- Iteration 45 -- unicode(63) "Hello,\t\n\0\n $&!#%\o,()*+-./:;<=>?@hello123456he \x234 \101 " *** Done ***