/* * The two pass scaling function is based on: * Filtered Image Rescaling * Based on Gems III * - Schumacher general filtered image rescaling * (pp. 414-424) * by Dale Schumacher * * Additional changes by Ray Gardener, Daylon Graphics Ltd. * December 4, 1999 * * Ported to libgd by Pierre Joye. Support for multiple channels * added (argb for now). * * Initial sources code is avaibable in the Gems Source Code Packages: * http://www.acm.org/pubs/tog/GraphicsGems/GGemsIII.tar.gz * */ /* Summary: - Horizontal filter contributions are calculated on the fly, as each column is mapped from src to dst image. This lets us omit having to allocate a temporary full horizontal stretch of the src image. - If none of the src pixels within a sampling region differ, then the output pixel is forced to equal (any of) the source pixel. This ensures that filters do not corrupt areas of constant color. - Filter weight contribution results, after summing, are rounded to the nearest pixel color value instead of being casted to ILubyte (usually an int or char). Otherwise, artifacting occurs. */ /* Additional functions are available for simple rotation or up/downscaling. downscaling using the fixed point implementations are usually much faster than the existing gdImageCopyResampled while having a similar or better quality. For image rotations, the optimized versions have a lazy antialiasing for the edges of the images. For a much better antialiased result, the affine function is recommended. */ /* TODO: - Optimize pixel accesses and loops once we have continuous buffer - Add scale support for a portion only of an image (equivalent of copyresized/resampled) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gdhelpers.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma optimize("t", on) # include #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif #define MIN3(a,b,c) ((a)<(b)?(MIN(a,c)):(MIN(b,c))) #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(b):(a)) #endif #define MAX3(a,b,c) ((a)<(b)?(MAX(b,c)):(MAX(a,c))) #define CLAMP(x, low, high) (((x) > (high)) ? (high) : (((x) < (low)) ? (low) : (x))) /* only used here, let do a generic fixed point integers later if required by other part of GD */ typedef long gdFixed; /* Integer to fixed point */ #define gd_itofx(x) ((x) << 8) /* Float to fixed point */ #define gd_ftofx(x) (long)((x) * 256) /* Double to fixed point */ #define gd_dtofx(x) (long)((x) * 256) /* Fixed point to integer */ #define gd_fxtoi(x) ((x) >> 8) /* Fixed point to float */ # define gd_fxtof(x) ((float)(x) / 256) /* Fixed point to double */ #define gd_fxtod(x) ((double)(x) / 256) /* Multiply a fixed by a fixed */ #define gd_mulfx(x,y) (((x) * (y)) >> 8) /* Divide a fixed by a fixed */ #define gd_divfx(x,y) (((x) << 8) / (y)) typedef struct { double *Weights; /* Normalized weights of neighboring pixels */ int Left,Right; /* Bounds of source pixels window */ } ContributionType; /* Contirbution information for a single pixel */ typedef struct { ContributionType *ContribRow; /* Row (or column) of contribution weights */ unsigned int WindowSize, /* Filter window size (of affecting source pixels) */ LineLength; /* Length of line (no. or rows / cols) */ } LineContribType; /* Each core filter has its own radius */ #define DEFAULT_FILTER_BICUBIC 3.0 #define DEFAULT_FILTER_BOX 0.5 #define DEFAULT_FILTER_GENERALIZED_CUBIC 0.5 #define DEFAULT_FILTER_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_LANCZOS8_RADIUS 8.0 #define DEFAULT_LANCZOS3_RADIUS 3.0 #define DEFAULT_HERMITE_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_BOX_RADIUS 0.5 #define DEFAULT_TRIANGLE_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_BELL_RADIUS 1.5 #define DEFAULT_CUBICSPLINE_RADIUS 2.0 #define DEFAULT_MITCHELL_RADIUS 2.0 #define DEFAULT_COSINE_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_CATMULLROM_RADIUS 2.0 #define DEFAULT_QUADRATIC_RADIUS 1.5 #define DEFAULT_QUADRATICBSPLINE_RADIUS 1.5 #define DEFAULT_CUBICCONVOLUTION_RADIUS 3.0 #define DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_HANNING_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_HAMMING_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_SINC_RADIUS 1.0 #define DEFAULT_WELSH_RADIUS 1.0 enum GD_RESIZE_FILTER_TYPE{ FILTER_DEFAULT = 0, FILTER_BELL, FILTER_BESSEL, FILTER_BLACKMAN, FILTER_BOX, FILTER_BSPLINE, FILTER_CATMULLROM, FILTER_COSINE, FILTER_CUBICCONVOLUTION, FILTER_CUBICSPLINE, FILTER_HERMITE, FILTER_LANCZOS3, FILTER_LANCZOS8, FILTER_MITCHELL, FILTER_QUADRATIC, FILTER_QUADRATICBSPLINE, FILTER_TRIANGLE, FILTER_GAUSSIAN, FILTER_HANNING, FILTER_HAMMING, FILTER_SINC, FILTER_WELSH, FILTER_CALLBACK = 999 }; typedef enum GD_RESIZE_FILTER_TYPE gdResizeFilterType; static double KernelBessel_J1(const double x) { double p, q; register long i; static const double Pone[] = { 0.581199354001606143928050809e+21, -0.6672106568924916298020941484e+20, 0.2316433580634002297931815435e+19, -0.3588817569910106050743641413e+17, 0.2908795263834775409737601689e+15, -0.1322983480332126453125473247e+13, 0.3413234182301700539091292655e+10, -0.4695753530642995859767162166e+7, 0.270112271089232341485679099e+4 }, Qone[] = { 0.11623987080032122878585294e+22, 0.1185770712190320999837113348e+20, 0.6092061398917521746105196863e+17, 0.2081661221307607351240184229e+15, 0.5243710262167649715406728642e+12, 0.1013863514358673989967045588e+10, 0.1501793594998585505921097578e+7, 0.1606931573481487801970916749e+4, 0.1e+1 }; p = Pone[8]; q = Qone[8]; for (i=7; i >= 0; i--) { p = p*x*x+Pone[i]; q = q*x*x+Qone[i]; } return (double)(p/q); } static double KernelBessel_P1(const double x) { double p, q; register long i; static const double Pone[] = { 0.352246649133679798341724373e+5, 0.62758845247161281269005675e+5, 0.313539631109159574238669888e+5, 0.49854832060594338434500455e+4, 0.2111529182853962382105718e+3, 0.12571716929145341558495e+1 }, Qone[] = { 0.352246649133679798068390431e+5, 0.626943469593560511888833731e+5, 0.312404063819041039923015703e+5, 0.4930396490181088979386097e+4, 0.2030775189134759322293574e+3, 0.1e+1 }; p = Pone[5]; q = Qone[5]; for (i=4; i >= 0; i--) { p = p*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Pone[i]; q = q*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Qone[i]; } return (double)(p/q); } static double KernelBessel_Q1(const double x) { double p, q; register long i; static const double Pone[] = { 0.3511751914303552822533318e+3, 0.7210391804904475039280863e+3, 0.4259873011654442389886993e+3, 0.831898957673850827325226e+2, 0.45681716295512267064405e+1, 0.3532840052740123642735e-1 }, Qone[] = { 0.74917374171809127714519505e+4, 0.154141773392650970499848051e+5, 0.91522317015169922705904727e+4, 0.18111867005523513506724158e+4, 0.1038187585462133728776636e+3, 0.1e+1 }; p = Pone[5]; q = Qone[5]; for (i=4; i >= 0; i--) { p = p*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Pone[i]; q = q*(8.0/x)*(8.0/x)+Qone[i]; } return (double)(p/q); } static double KernelBessel_Order1(double x) { double p, q; if (x == 0.0) return (0.0f); p = x; if (x < 0.0) x=(-x); if (x < 8.0) return (p*KernelBessel_J1(x)); q = (double)sqrt(2.0f/(M_PI*x))*(double)(KernelBessel_P1(x)*(1.0f/sqrt(2.0f)*(sin(x)-cos(x)))-8.0f/x*KernelBessel_Q1(x)* (-1.0f/sqrt(2.0f)*(sin(x)+cos(x)))); if (p < 0.0f) q = (-q); return (q); } static double filter_bessel(const double x) { if (x == 0.0f) return (double)(M_PI/4.0f); return (KernelBessel_Order1((double)M_PI*x)/(2.0f*x)); } static double filter_blackman(const double x) { return (0.42f+0.5f*(double)cos(M_PI*x)+0.08f*(double)cos(2.0f*M_PI*x)); } /** * Bicubic interpolation kernel (a=-1): \verbatim / | 1-2|t|**2+|t|**3 , if |t| < 1 h(t) = | 4-8|t|+5|t|**2-|t|**3 , if 1<=|t|<2 | 0 , otherwise \ \endverbatim * ***bd*** 2.2004 */ static double filter_bicubic(const double t) { const double abs_t = (double)fabs(t); const double abs_t_sq = abs_t * abs_t; if (abs_t<1) return 1-2*abs_t_sq+abs_t_sq*abs_t; if (abs_t<2) return 4 - 8*abs_t +5*abs_t_sq - abs_t_sq*abs_t; return 0; } /** * Generalized cubic kernel (for a=-1 it is the same as BicubicKernel): \verbatim / | (a+2)|t|**3 - (a+3)|t|**2 + 1 , |t| <= 1 h(t) = | a|t|**3 - 5a|t|**2 + 8a|t| - 4a , 1 < |t| <= 2 | 0 , otherwise \ \endverbatim * Often used values for a are -1 and -1/2. */ static double filter_generalized_cubic(const double t) { const double a = -DEFAULT_FILTER_GENERALIZED_CUBIC; double abs_t = (double)fabs(t); double abs_t_sq = abs_t * abs_t; if (abs_t < 1) return (a + 2) * abs_t_sq * abs_t - (a + 3) * abs_t_sq + 1; if (abs_t < 2) return a * abs_t_sq * abs_t - 5 * a * abs_t_sq + 8 * a * abs_t - 4 * a; return 0; } /* CubicSpline filter, default radius 2 */ static double filter_cubic_spline(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; if (x < 1.0 ) { const double x2 = x*x; return (0.5 * x2 * x - x2 + 2.0 / 3.0); } if (x < 2.0) { return (pow(2.0 - x, 3.0)/6.0); } return 0; } /* CubicConvolution filter, default radius 3 */ static double filter_cubic_convolution(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; const double x2 = x1 * x1; const double x2_x = x2 * x; if (x <= 1.0) return ((4.0 / 3.0)* x2_x - (7.0 / 3.0) * x2 + 1.0); if (x <= 2.0) return (- (7.0 / 12.0) * x2_x + 3 * x2 - (59.0 / 12.0) * x + 2.5); if (x <= 3.0) return ( (1.0/12.0) * x2_x - (2.0 / 3.0) * x2 + 1.75 * x - 1.5); return 0; } static double filter_box(double x) { if (x < - DEFAULT_FILTER_BOX) return 0.0f; if (x < DEFAULT_FILTER_BOX) return 1.0f; return 0.0f; } static double filter_catmullrom(const double x) { if (x < -2.0) return(0.0f); if (x < -1.0) return(0.5f*(4.0f+x*(8.0f+x*(5.0f+x)))); if (x < 0.0) return(0.5f*(2.0f+x*x*(-5.0f-3.0f*x))); if (x < 1.0) return(0.5f*(2.0f+x*x*(-5.0f+3.0f*x))); if (x < 2.0) return(0.5f*(4.0f+x*(-8.0f+x*(5.0f-x)))); return(0.0f); } static double filter_filter(double t) { /* f(t) = 2|t|^3 - 3|t|^2 + 1, -1 <= t <= 1 */ if(t < 0.0) t = -t; if(t < 1.0) return((2.0 * t - 3.0) * t * t + 1.0); return(0.0); } /* Lanczos8 filter, default radius 8 */ static double filter_lanczos8(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; #define R DEFAULT_LANCZOS8_RADIUS if ( x == 0.0) return 1; if ( x < R) { return R * sin(x*M_PI) * sin(x * M_PI/ R) / (x * M_PI * x * M_PI); } return 0.0; #undef R } /* Lanczos3 filter, default radius 3 */ static double filter_lanczos3(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; #define R DEFAULT_LANCZOS3_RADIUS if ( x == 0.0) return 1; if ( x < R) { return R * sin(x*M_PI) * sin(x * M_PI / R) / (x * M_PI * x * M_PI); } return 0.0; #undef R } /* Hermite filter, default radius 1 */ static double filter_hermite(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; if (x < 1.0) return ((2.0 * x - 3) * x * x + 1.0 ); return 0.0; } /* Trangle filter, default radius 1 */ static double filter_triangle(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; if (x < 1.0) return (1.0 - x); return 0.0; } /* Bell filter, default radius 1.5 */ static double filter_bell(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; if (x < 0.5) return (0.75 - x*x); if (x < 1.5) return (0.5 * pow(x - 1.5, 2.0)); return 0.0; } /* Mitchell filter, default radius 2.0 */ static double filter_mitchell(const double x) { #define KM_B (1.0f/3.0f) #define KM_C (1.0f/3.0f) #define KM_P0 (( 6.0f - 2.0f * KM_B ) / 6.0f) #define KM_P2 ((-18.0f + 12.0f * KM_B + 6.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f) #define KM_P3 (( 12.0f - 9.0f * KM_B - 6.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f) #define KM_Q0 (( 8.0f * KM_B + 24.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f) #define KM_Q1 ((-12.0f * KM_B - 48.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f) #define KM_Q2 (( 6.0f * KM_B + 30.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f) #define KM_Q3 (( -1.0f * KM_B - 6.0f * KM_C) / 6.0f) if (x < -2.0) return(0.0f); if (x < -1.0) return(KM_Q0-x*(KM_Q1-x*(KM_Q2-x*KM_Q3))); if (x < 0.0f) return(KM_P0+x*x*(KM_P2-x*KM_P3)); if (x < 1.0f) return(KM_P0+x*x*(KM_P2+x*KM_P3)); if (x < 2.0f) return(KM_Q0+x*(KM_Q1+x*(KM_Q2+x*KM_Q3))); return(0.0f); } /* Cosine filter, default radius 1 */ static double filter_cosine(const double x) { if ((x >= -1.0) && (x <= 1.0)) return ((cos(x * M_PI) + 1.0)/2.0); return 0; } /* Quadratic filter, default radius 1.5 */ static double filter_quadratic(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; if (x <= 0.5) return (- 2.0 * x * x + 1); if (x <= 1.5) return (x * x - 2.5* x + 1.5); return 0.0; } static double filter_bspline(const double x) { if (x>2.0f) { return 0.0f; } else { double a, b, c, d; /* Was calculated anyway cause the "if((x-1.0f) < 0)" */ const double xm1 = x - 1.0f; const double xp1 = x + 1.0f; const double xp2 = x + 2.0f; if ((xp2) <= 0.0f) a = 0.0f; else a = xp2*xp2*xp2; if ((xp1) <= 0.0f) b = 0.0f; else b = xp1*xp1*xp1; if (x <= 0) c = 0.0f; else c = x*x*x; if ((xm1) <= 0.0f) d = 0.0f; else d = xm1*xm1*xm1; return (0.16666666666666666667f * (a - (4.0f * b) + (6.0f * c) - (4.0f * d))); } } /* QuadraticBSpline filter, default radius 1.5 */ static double filter_quadratic_bspline(const double x1) { const double x = x1 < 0.0 ? -x1 : x1; if (x <= 0.5) return (- x * x + 0.75); if (x <= 1.5) return (0.5 * x * x - 1.5 * x + 1.125); return 0.0; } static double filter_gaussian(const double x) { /* return(exp((double) (-2.0 * x * x)) * sqrt(2.0 / M_PI)); */ return (double)(exp(-2.0f * x * x) * 0.79788456080287f); } static double filter_hanning(const double x) { /* A Cosine windowing function */ return(0.5 + 0.5 * cos(M_PI * x)); } static double filter_hamming(const double x) { /* should be (0.54+0.46*cos(M_PI*(double) x)); but this approximation is sufficient */ if (x < -1.0f) return 0.0f; if (x < 0.0f) return 0.92f*(-2.0f*x-3.0f)*x*x+1.0f; if (x < 1.0f) return 0.92f*(2.0f*x-3.0f)*x*x+1.0f; return 0.0f; } static double filter_power(const double x) { const double a = 2.0f; if (fabs(x)>1) return 0.0f; return (1.0f - (double)fabs(pow(x,a))); } static double filter_sinc(const double x) { /* X-scaled Sinc(x) function. */ if (x == 0.0) return(1.0); return (sin(M_PI * (double) x) / (M_PI * (double) x)); } static double filter_welsh(const double x) { /* Welsh parabolic windowing filter */ if (x < 1.0) return(1 - x*x); return(0.0); } /* Copied from upstream's libgd */ static inline int _color_blend (const int dst, const int src) { const int src_alpha = gdTrueColorGetAlpha(src); if( src_alpha == gdAlphaOpaque ) { return src; } else { const int dst_alpha = gdTrueColorGetAlpha(dst); if( src_alpha == gdAlphaTransparent ) return dst; if( dst_alpha == gdAlphaTransparent ) { return src; } else { register int alpha, red, green, blue; const int src_weight = gdAlphaTransparent - src_alpha; const int dst_weight = (gdAlphaTransparent - dst_alpha) * src_alpha / gdAlphaMax; const int tot_weight = src_weight + dst_weight; alpha = src_alpha * dst_alpha / gdAlphaMax; red = (gdTrueColorGetRed(src) * src_weight + gdTrueColorGetRed(dst) * dst_weight) / tot_weight; green = (gdTrueColorGetGreen(src) * src_weight + gdTrueColorGetGreen(dst) * dst_weight) / tot_weight; blue = (gdTrueColorGetBlue(src) * src_weight + gdTrueColorGetBlue(dst) * dst_weight) / tot_weight; return ((alpha << 24) + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue); } } } static inline int _setEdgePixel(const gdImagePtr src, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, gdFixed coverage, const int bgColor) { const gdFixed f_127 = gd_itofx(127); register int c = src->tpixels[y][x]; c = c | (( (int) (gd_fxtof(gd_mulfx(coverage, f_127)) + 50.5f)) << 24); return _color_blend(bgColor, c); } static inline int getPixelOverflowTC(gdImagePtr im, const int x, const int y, const int bgColor) { if (gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x, y)) { const int c = im->tpixels[y][x]; if (c == im->transparent) { return bgColor == -1 ? gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127) : bgColor; } return c; } else { register int border = 0; if (y < im->cy1) { border = im->tpixels[0][im->cx1]; goto processborder; } if (y < im->cy1) { border = im->tpixels[0][im->cx1]; goto processborder; } if (y > im->cy2) { if (x >= im->cx1 && x <= im->cx1) { border = im->tpixels[im->cy2][x]; goto processborder; } else { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } } /* y is bound safe at this point */ if (x < im->cx1) { border = im->tpixels[y][im->cx1]; goto processborder; } if (x > im->cx2) { border = im->tpixels[y][im->cx2]; } processborder: if (border == im->transparent) { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } else{ return gdTrueColorAlpha(gdTrueColorGetRed(border), gdTrueColorGetGreen(border), gdTrueColorGetBlue(border), 127); } } } #define colorIndex2RGBA(c) gdTrueColorAlpha(im->red[(c)], im->green[(c)], im->blue[(c)], im->alpha[(c)]) #define colorIndex2RGBcustomA(c, a) gdTrueColorAlpha(im->red[(c)], im->green[(c)], im->blue[(c)], im->alpha[(a)]) static inline int getPixelOverflowPalette(gdImagePtr im, const int x, const int y, const int bgColor) { if (gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x, y)) { const int c = im->pixels[y][x]; if (c == im->transparent) { return bgColor == -1 ? gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127) : bgColor; } return colorIndex2RGBA(c); } else { register int border = 0; if (y < im->cy1) { border = gdImageGetPixel(im, im->cx1, 0); goto processborder; } if (y < im->cy1) { border = gdImageGetPixel(im, im->cx1, 0); goto processborder; } if (y > im->cy2) { if (x >= im->cx1 && x <= im->cx1) { border = gdImageGetPixel(im, x, im->cy2); goto processborder; } else { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } } /* y is bound safe at this point */ if (x < im->cx1) { border = gdImageGetPixel(im, im->cx1, y); goto processborder; } if (x > im->cx2) { border = gdImageGetPixel(im, im->cx2, y); } processborder: if (border == im->transparent) { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } else{ return colorIndex2RGBcustomA(border, 127); } } } static int getPixelInterpolateWeight(gdImagePtr im, const double x, const double y, const int bgColor) { /* Closest pixel <= (xf,yf) */ int sx = (int)(x); int sy = (int)(y); const double xf = x - (double)sx; const double yf = y - (double)sy; const double nxf = (double) 1.0 - xf; const double nyf = (double) 1.0 - yf; const double m1 = xf * yf; const double m2 = nxf * yf; const double m3 = xf * nyf; const double m4 = nxf * nyf; /* get color values of neighbouring pixels */ const int c1 = im->trueColor == 1 ? getPixelOverflowTC(im, sx, sy, bgColor) : getPixelOverflowPalette(im, sx, sy, bgColor); const int c2 = im->trueColor == 1 ? getPixelOverflowTC(im, sx - 1, sy, bgColor) : getPixelOverflowPalette(im, sx - 1, sy, bgColor); const int c3 = im->trueColor == 1 ? getPixelOverflowTC(im, sx, sy - 1, bgColor) : getPixelOverflowPalette(im, sx, sy - 1, bgColor); const int c4 = im->trueColor == 1 ? getPixelOverflowTC(im, sx - 1, sy - 1, bgColor) : getPixelOverflowPalette(im, sx, sy - 1, bgColor); int r, g, b, a; if (x < 0) sx--; if (y < 0) sy--; /* component-wise summing-up of color values */ if (im->trueColor) { r = (int)(m1*gdTrueColorGetRed(c1) + m2*gdTrueColorGetRed(c2) + m3*gdTrueColorGetRed(c3) + m4*gdTrueColorGetRed(c4)); g = (int)(m1*gdTrueColorGetGreen(c1) + m2*gdTrueColorGetGreen(c2) + m3*gdTrueColorGetGreen(c3) + m4*gdTrueColorGetGreen(c4)); b = (int)(m1*gdTrueColorGetBlue(c1) + m2*gdTrueColorGetBlue(c2) + m3*gdTrueColorGetBlue(c3) + m4*gdTrueColorGetBlue(c4)); a = (int)(m1*gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c1) + m2*gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c2) + m3*gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c3) + m4*gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c4)); } else { r = (int)(m1*im->red[(c1)] + m2*im->red[(c2)] + m3*im->red[(c3)] + m4*im->red[(c4)]); g = (int)(m1*im->green[(c1)] + m2*im->green[(c2)] + m3*im->green[(c3)] + m4*im->green[(c4)]); b = (int)(m1*im->blue[(c1)] + m2*im->blue[(c2)] + m3*im->blue[(c3)] + m4*im->blue[(c4)]); a = (int)(m1*im->alpha[(c1)] + m2*im->alpha[(c2)] + m3*im->alpha[(c3)] + m4*im->alpha[(c4)]); } r = CLAMP(r, 0, 255); g = CLAMP(g, 0, 255); b = CLAMP(b, 0, 255); a = CLAMP(a, 0, gdAlphaMax); return gdTrueColorAlpha(r, g, b, a); } /** * Function: getPixelInterpolated * Returns the interpolated color value using the default interpolation * method. The returned color is always in the ARGB format (truecolor). * * Parameters: * im - Image to set the default interpolation method * y - X value of the ideal position * y - Y value of the ideal position * method - Interpolation method * * Returns: * GD_TRUE if the affine is rectilinear or GD_FALSE * * See also: * */ int getPixelInterpolated(gdImagePtr im, const double x, const double y, const int bgColor) { const int xi=(int)((x) < 0 ? x - 1: x); const int yi=(int)((y) < 0 ? y - 1: y); int yii; int i; double kernel, kernel_cache_y; double kernel_x[12], kernel_y[4]; double new_r = 0.0f, new_g = 0.0f, new_b = 0.0f, new_a = 0.0f; /* These methods use special implementations */ if (im->interpolation_id == GD_BILINEAR_FIXED || im->interpolation_id == GD_BICUBIC_FIXED || im->interpolation_id == GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR) { return -1; } if (im->interpolation_id == GD_WEIGHTED4) { return getPixelInterpolateWeight(im, x, y, bgColor); } if (im->interpolation_id == GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR) { if (im->trueColor == 1) { return getPixelOverflowTC(im, xi, yi, bgColor); } else { return getPixelOverflowPalette(im, xi, yi, bgColor); } } if (im->interpolation) { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { kernel_x[i] = (double) im->interpolation((double)(xi+i-1-x)); kernel_y[i] = (double) im->interpolation((double)(yi+i-1-y)); } } else { return -1; } /* * TODO: use the known fast rgba multiplication implementation once * the new formats are in place */ for (yii = yi-1; yii < yi+3; yii++) { int xii; kernel_cache_y = kernel_y[yii-(yi-1)]; if (im->trueColor) { for (xii=xi-1; xiiWindowSize = windows_size; res->LineLength = line_length; res->ContribRow = (ContributionType *) gdMalloc(line_length * sizeof(ContributionType)); for (u = 0 ; u < line_length ; u++) { res->ContribRow[u].Weights = (double *) gdMalloc(windows_size * sizeof(double)); } return res; } static inline void _gdContributionsFree(LineContribType * p) { unsigned int u; for (u = 0; u < p->LineLength; u++) { gdFree(p->ContribRow[u].Weights); } gdFree(p->ContribRow); gdFree(p); } static inline LineContribType *_gdContributionsCalc(unsigned int line_size, unsigned int src_size, double scale_d, const interpolation_method pFilter) { double width_d; double scale_f_d = 1.0; const double filter_width_d = DEFAULT_BOX_RADIUS; int windows_size; unsigned int u; LineContribType *res; if (scale_d < 1.0) { width_d = filter_width_d / scale_d; scale_f_d = scale_d; } else { width_d= filter_width_d; } windows_size = 2 * (int)ceil(width_d) + 1; res = _gdContributionsAlloc(line_size, windows_size); for (u = 0; u < line_size; u++) { const double dCenter = (double)u / scale_d; /* get the significant edge points affecting the pixel */ register int iLeft = MAX(0, (int)floor (dCenter - width_d)); int iRight = MIN((int)ceil(dCenter + width_d), (int)src_size - 1); double dTotalWeight = 0.0; int iSrc; res->ContribRow[u].Left = iLeft; res->ContribRow[u].Right = iRight; /* Cut edge points to fit in filter window in case of spill-off */ if (iRight - iLeft + 1 > windows_size) { if (iLeft < ((int)src_size - 1 / 2)) { iLeft++; } else { iRight--; } } for (iSrc = iLeft; iSrc <= iRight; iSrc++) { dTotalWeight += (res->ContribRow[u].Weights[iSrc-iLeft] = scale_f_d * (*pFilter)(scale_f_d * (dCenter - (double)iSrc))); } if (dTotalWeight < 0.0) { _gdContributionsFree(res); return NULL; } if (dTotalWeight > 0.0) { for (iSrc = iLeft; iSrc <= iRight; iSrc++) { res->ContribRow[u].Weights[iSrc-iLeft] /= dTotalWeight; } } } return res; } static inline void _gdScaleRow(gdImagePtr pSrc, unsigned int src_width, gdImagePtr dst, unsigned int dst_width, unsigned int row, LineContribType *contrib) { int *p_src_row = pSrc->tpixels[row]; int *p_dst_row = dst->tpixels[row]; unsigned int x; for (x = 0; x < dst_width - 1; x++) { register unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; const int left = contrib->ContribRow[x].Left; const int right = contrib->ContribRow[x].Right; int i; /* Accumulate each channel */ for (i = left; i <= right; i++) { const int left_channel = i - left; r += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[x].Weights[left_channel] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetRed(p_src_row[i]))); g += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[x].Weights[left_channel] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetGreen(p_src_row[i]))); b += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[x].Weights[left_channel] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetBlue(p_src_row[i]))); a += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[x].Weights[left_channel] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(p_src_row[i]))); } p_dst_row[x] = gdTrueColorAlpha(r, g, b, a); } } static inline void _gdScaleHoriz(gdImagePtr pSrc, unsigned int src_width, unsigned int src_height, gdImagePtr pDst, unsigned int dst_width, unsigned int dst_height) { unsigned int u; LineContribType * contrib; /* same width, just copy it */ if (dst_width == src_width) { unsigned int y; for (y = 0; y < src_height - 1; ++y) { memcpy(pDst->tpixels[y], pSrc->tpixels[y], src_width); } } contrib = _gdContributionsCalc(dst_width, src_width, (double)dst_width / (double)src_width, pSrc->interpolation); if (contrib == NULL) { return; } /* Scale each row */ for (u = 0; u < dst_height - 1; u++) { _gdScaleRow(pSrc, src_width, pDst, dst_width, u, contrib); } _gdContributionsFree (contrib); } static inline void _gdScaleCol (gdImagePtr pSrc, unsigned int src_width, gdImagePtr pRes, unsigned int dst_width, unsigned int dst_height, unsigned int uCol, LineContribType *contrib) { unsigned int y; for (y = 0; y < dst_height - 1; y++) { register unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; const int iLeft = contrib->ContribRow[y].Left; const int iRight = contrib->ContribRow[y].Right; int i; int *row = pRes->tpixels[y]; /* Accumulate each channel */ for (i = iLeft; i <= iRight; i++) { const int pCurSrc = pSrc->tpixels[i][uCol]; const int i_iLeft = i - iLeft; r += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[y].Weights[i_iLeft] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetRed(pCurSrc))); g += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[y].Weights[i_iLeft] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pCurSrc))); b += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[y].Weights[i_iLeft] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pCurSrc))); a += (unsigned char)(contrib->ContribRow[y].Weights[i_iLeft] * (double)(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pCurSrc))); } pRes->tpixels[y][uCol] = gdTrueColorAlpha(r, g, b, a); } } static inline void _gdScaleVert (const gdImagePtr pSrc, const unsigned int src_width, const unsigned int src_height, const gdImagePtr pDst, const unsigned int dst_width, const unsigned int dst_height) { unsigned int u; LineContribType * contrib; /* same height, copy it */ if (src_height == dst_height) { unsigned int y; for (y = 0; y < src_height - 1; ++y) { memcpy(pDst->tpixels[y], pSrc->tpixels[y], src_width); } } contrib = _gdContributionsCalc(dst_height, src_height, (double)(dst_height) / (double)(src_height), pSrc->interpolation); /* scale each column */ for (u = 0; u < dst_width - 1; u++) { _gdScaleCol(pSrc, src_width, pDst, dst_width, dst_height, u, contrib); } _gdContributionsFree(contrib); } gdImagePtr gdImageScaleTwoPass(const gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int src_width, const unsigned int src_height, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { gdImagePtr tmp_im; gdImagePtr dst; tmp_im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, src_height); if (tmp_im == NULL) { return NULL; } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(tmp_im, src->interpolation_id); _gdScaleHoriz(src, src_width, src_height, tmp_im, new_width, src_height); dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (dst == NULL) { gdFree(tmp_im); return NULL; } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(dst, src->interpolation_id); _gdScaleVert(tmp_im, new_width, src_height, dst, new_width, new_height); gdFree(tmp_im); return dst; } gdImagePtr Scale(const gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int src_width, const unsigned int src_height, const gdImagePtr dst, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { gdImagePtr tmp_im; tmp_im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, src_height); if (tmp_im == NULL) { return NULL; } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(tmp_im, src->interpolation_id); _gdScaleHoriz(src, src_width, src_height, tmp_im, new_width, src_height); _gdScaleVert(tmp_im, new_width, src_height, dst, new_width, new_height); gdFree(tmp_im); return dst; } /* BilinearFixed, BicubicFixed and nearest implementations are rewamped versions of the implementation in CBitmapEx http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/29121/CBitmapEx-Free-C-Bitmap-Manipulation-Class Integer only implementation, good to have for common usages like pre scale very large images before using another interpolation methods for the last step. */ gdImagePtr gdImageScaleNearestNeighbour(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height) { const unsigned long new_width = MAX(1, width); const unsigned long new_height = MAX(1, height); const float dx = (float)im->sx / (float)new_width; const float dy = (float)im->sy / (float)new_height; const gdFixed f_dx = gd_ftofx(dx); const gdFixed f_dy = gd_ftofx(dy); gdImagePtr dst_img; unsigned long dst_offset_x; unsigned long dst_offset_y = 0; unsigned int i; dst_img = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (dst_img == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i=0; itrueColor) { for (j=0; jtpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = im->tpixels[m][n]; } } else { for (j=0; jtpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = colorIndex2RGBA(im->pixels[m][n]); } } dst_offset_y++; } return dst_img; } static inline int getPixelOverflowColorTC(gdImagePtr im, const int x, const int y, const int color) { if (gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x, y)) { const int c = im->tpixels[y][x]; if (c == im->transparent) { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } return c; } else { register int border = 0; if (y < im->cy1) { border = im->tpixels[0][im->cx1]; goto processborder; } if (y < im->cy1) { border = im->tpixels[0][im->cx1]; goto processborder; } if (y > im->cy2) { if (x >= im->cx1 && x <= im->cx1) { border = im->tpixels[im->cy2][x]; goto processborder; } else { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } } /* y is bound safe at this point */ if (x < im->cx1) { border = im->tpixels[y][im->cx1]; goto processborder; } if (x > im->cx2) { border = im->tpixels[y][im->cx2]; } processborder: if (border == im->transparent) { return gdTrueColorAlpha(0, 0, 0, 127); } else{ return gdTrueColorAlpha(gdTrueColorGetRed(border), gdTrueColorGetGreen(border), gdTrueColorGetBlue(border), 127); } } } static gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBilinearPalette(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { long _width = MAX(1, new_width); long _height = MAX(1, new_height); float dx = (float)gdImageSX(im) / (float)_width; float dy = (float)gdImageSY(im) / (float)_height; gdFixed f_dx = gd_ftofx(dx); gdFixed f_dy = gd_ftofx(dy); gdFixed f_1 = gd_itofx(1); int dst_offset_h; int dst_offset_v = 0; long i; gdImagePtr new_img; const int transparent = im->transparent; new_img = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (new_img == NULL) { return NULL; } new_img->transparent = gdTrueColorAlpha(im->red[transparent], im->green[transparent], im->blue[transparent], im->alpha[transparent]); for (i=0; i < _height; i++) { long j; const gdFixed f_i = gd_itofx(i); const gdFixed f_a = gd_mulfx(f_i, f_dy); register long m = gd_fxtoi(f_a); dst_offset_h = 0; for (j=0; j < _width; j++) { /* Update bitmap */ gdFixed f_j = gd_itofx(j); gdFixed f_b = gd_mulfx(f_j, f_dx); const long n = gd_fxtoi(f_b); gdFixed f_f = f_a - gd_itofx(m); gdFixed f_g = f_b - gd_itofx(n); const gdFixed f_w1 = gd_mulfx(f_1-f_f, f_1-f_g); const gdFixed f_w2 = gd_mulfx(f_1-f_f, f_g); const gdFixed f_w3 = gd_mulfx(f_f, f_1-f_g); const gdFixed f_w4 = gd_mulfx(f_f, f_g); unsigned int pixel1; unsigned int pixel2; unsigned int pixel3; unsigned int pixel4; register gdFixed f_r1, f_r2, f_r3, f_r4, f_g1, f_g2, f_g3, f_g4, f_b1, f_b2, f_b3, f_b4, f_a1, f_a2, f_a3, f_a4; /* zero for the background color, nothig gets outside anyway */ pixel1 = getPixelOverflowPalette(im, n, m, 0); pixel2 = getPixelOverflowPalette(im, n + 1, m, 0); pixel3 = getPixelOverflowPalette(im, n, m + 1, 0); pixel4 = getPixelOverflowPalette(im, n + 1, m + 1, 0); f_r1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel1)); f_r2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel2)); f_r3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel3)); f_r4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel4)); f_g1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel1)); f_g2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel2)); f_g3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel3)); f_g4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel4)); f_b1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel1)); f_b2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel2)); f_b3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel3)); f_b4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel4)); f_a1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel1)); f_a2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel2)); f_a3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel3)); f_a4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel4)); { const char red = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_r1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_r2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_r3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_r4)); const char green = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_g1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_g2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_g3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_g4)); const char blue = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_b1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_b2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_b3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_b4)); const char alpha = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_a1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_a2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_a3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_a4)); new_img->tpixels[dst_offset_v][dst_offset_h] = gdTrueColorAlpha(red, green, blue, alpha); } dst_offset_h++; } dst_offset_v++; } return new_img; } static gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBilinearTC(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { long dst_w = MAX(1, new_width); long dst_h = MAX(1, new_height); float dx = (float)gdImageSX(im) / (float)dst_w; float dy = (float)gdImageSY(im) / (float)dst_h; gdFixed f_dx = gd_ftofx(dx); gdFixed f_dy = gd_ftofx(dy); gdFixed f_1 = gd_itofx(1); int dst_offset_h; int dst_offset_v = 0; int dwSrcTotalOffset; long i; gdImagePtr new_img; new_img = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (!new_img){ return NULL; } for (i=0; i < dst_h; i++) { long j; dst_offset_h = 0; for (j=0; j < dst_w; j++) { /* Update bitmap */ gdFixed f_i = gd_itofx(i); gdFixed f_j = gd_itofx(j); gdFixed f_a = gd_mulfx(f_i, f_dy); gdFixed f_b = gd_mulfx(f_j, f_dx); const long m = gd_fxtoi(f_a); const long n = gd_fxtoi(f_b); gdFixed f_f = f_a - gd_itofx(m); gdFixed f_g = f_b - gd_itofx(n); const gdFixed f_w1 = gd_mulfx(f_1-f_f, f_1-f_g); const gdFixed f_w2 = gd_mulfx(f_1-f_f, f_g); const gdFixed f_w3 = gd_mulfx(f_f, f_1-f_g); const gdFixed f_w4 = gd_mulfx(f_f, f_g); unsigned int pixel1; unsigned int pixel2; unsigned int pixel3; unsigned int pixel4; register gdFixed f_r1, f_r2, f_r3, f_r4, f_g1, f_g2, f_g3, f_g4, f_b1, f_b2, f_b3, f_b4, f_a1, f_a2, f_a3, f_a4; dwSrcTotalOffset = m + n; /* 0 for bgColor, nothing gets outside anyway */ pixel1 = getPixelOverflowTC(im, n, m, 0); pixel2 = getPixelOverflowTC(im, n + 1, m, 0); pixel3 = getPixelOverflowTC(im, n, m + 1, 0); pixel4 = getPixelOverflowTC(im, n + 1, m + 1, 0); f_r1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel1)); f_r2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel2)); f_r3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel3)); f_r4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel4)); f_g1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel1)); f_g2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel2)); f_g3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel3)); f_g4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel4)); f_b1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel1)); f_b2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel2)); f_b3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel3)); f_b4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel4)); f_a1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel1)); f_a2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel2)); f_a3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel3)); f_a4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel4)); { const char red = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_r1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_r2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_r3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_r4)); const char green = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_g1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_g2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_g3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_g4)); const char blue = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_b1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_b2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_b3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_b4)); const char alpha = (char) gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_a1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_a2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_a3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_a4)); new_img->tpixels[dst_offset_v][dst_offset_h] = gdTrueColorAlpha(red, green, blue, alpha); } dst_offset_h++; } dst_offset_v++; } return new_img; } gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBilinear(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { if (im->trueColor) { return gdImageScaleBilinearTC(im, new_width, new_height); } else { return gdImageScaleBilinearPalette(im, new_width, new_height); } } gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBicubicFixed(gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height) { const long new_width = MAX(1, width); const long new_height = MAX(1, height); const int src_w = gdImageSX(src); const int src_h = gdImageSY(src); const gdFixed f_dx = gd_ftofx((float)src_w / (float)new_width); const gdFixed f_dy = gd_ftofx((float)src_h / (float)new_height); const gdFixed f_1 = gd_itofx(1); const gdFixed f_2 = gd_itofx(2); const gdFixed f_4 = gd_itofx(4); const gdFixed f_6 = gd_itofx(6); const gdFixed f_gamma = gd_ftofx(1.04f); gdImagePtr dst; unsigned int dst_offset_x; unsigned int dst_offset_y = 0; long i; /* impact perf a bit, but not that much. Implementation for palette images can be done at a later point. */ if (src->trueColor == 0) { gdImagePaletteToTrueColor(src); } dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (!dst) { return NULL; } dst->saveAlphaFlag = 1; for (i=0; i < new_height; i++) { long j; dst_offset_x = 0; for (j=0; j < new_width; j++) { const gdFixed f_a = gd_mulfx(gd_itofx(i), f_dy); const gdFixed f_b = gd_mulfx(gd_itofx(j), f_dx); const long m = gd_fxtoi(f_a); const long n = gd_fxtoi(f_b); const gdFixed f_f = f_a - gd_itofx(m); const gdFixed f_g = f_b - gd_itofx(n); unsigned int src_offset_x[16], src_offset_y[16]; long k; register gdFixed f_red = 0, f_green = 0, f_blue = 0, f_alpha = 0; unsigned char red, green, blue, alpha = 0; int *dst_row = dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y]; if ((m < 1) || (n < 1)) { src_offset_x[0] = n; src_offset_y[0] = m; } else { src_offset_x[0] = n - 1; src_offset_y[0] = m; } if (m < 1) { src_offset_x[1] = n; src_offset_y[1] = m; } else { src_offset_x[1] = n; src_offset_y[1] = m; } if ((m < 1) || (n >= src_w - 1)) { src_offset_x[2] = n; src_offset_y[2] = m; } else { src_offset_x[2] = n + 1; src_offset_y[2] = m; } if ((m < 1) || (n >= src_w - 2)) { src_offset_x[3] = n; src_offset_y[3] = m; } else { src_offset_x[3] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[3] = m; } if (n < 1) { src_offset_x[4] = n; src_offset_y[4] = m; } else { src_offset_x[4] = n - 1; src_offset_y[4] = m; } src_offset_x[5] = n; src_offset_y[5] = m; if (n >= src_w-1) { src_offset_x[6] = n; src_offset_y[6] = m; } else { src_offset_x[6] = n + 1; src_offset_y[6] = m; } if (n >= src_w - 2) { src_offset_x[7] = n; src_offset_y[7] = m; } else { src_offset_x[7] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[7] = m; } if ((m >= src_h - 1) || (n < 1)) { src_offset_x[8] = n; src_offset_y[8] = m; } else { src_offset_x[8] = n - 1; src_offset_y[8] = m; } if (m >= src_h - 1) { src_offset_x[8] = n; src_offset_y[8] = m; } else { src_offset_x[9] = n; src_offset_y[9] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-1) || (n >= src_w-1)) { src_offset_x[10] = n; src_offset_y[10] = m; } else { src_offset_x[10] = n + 1; src_offset_y[10] = m; } if ((m >= src_h - 1) || (n >= src_w - 2)) { src_offset_x[11] = n; src_offset_y[11] = m; } else { src_offset_x[11] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[11] = m; } if ((m >= src_h - 2) || (n < 1)) { src_offset_x[12] = n; src_offset_y[12] = m; } else { src_offset_x[12] = n - 1; src_offset_y[12] = m; } if (m >= src_h - 2) { src_offset_x[13] = n; src_offset_y[13] = m; } else { src_offset_x[13] = n; src_offset_y[13] = m; } if ((m >= src_h - 2) || (n >= src_w - 1)) { src_offset_x[14] = n; src_offset_y[14] = m; } else { src_offset_x[14] = n + 1; src_offset_y[14] = m; } if ((m >= src_h - 2) || (n >= src_w - 2)) { src_offset_x[15] = n; src_offset_y[15] = m; } else { src_offset_x[15] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[15] = m; } for (k = -1; k < 3; k++) { const gdFixed f = gd_itofx(k)-f_f; const gdFixed f_fm1 = f - f_1; const gdFixed f_fp1 = f + f_1; const gdFixed f_fp2 = f + f_2; register gdFixed f_a = 0, f_b = 0, f_d = 0, f_c = 0; register gdFixed f_RY; int l; if (f_fp2 > 0) f_a = gd_mulfx(f_fp2, gd_mulfx(f_fp2,f_fp2)); if (f_fp1 > 0) f_b = gd_mulfx(f_fp1, gd_mulfx(f_fp1,f_fp1)); if (f > 0) f_c = gd_mulfx(f, gd_mulfx(f,f)); if (f_fm1 > 0) f_d = gd_mulfx(f_fm1, gd_mulfx(f_fm1,f_fm1)); f_RY = gd_divfx((f_a - gd_mulfx(f_4,f_b) + gd_mulfx(f_6,f_c) - gd_mulfx(f_4,f_d)),f_6); for (l = -1; l < 3; l++) { const gdFixed f = gd_itofx(l) - f_g; const gdFixed f_fm1 = f - f_1; const gdFixed f_fp1 = f + f_1; const gdFixed f_fp2 = f + f_2; register gdFixed f_a = 0, f_b = 0, f_c = 0, f_d = 0; register gdFixed f_RX, f_R, f_rs, f_gs, f_bs, f_ba; register int c; const int _k = ((k+1)*4) + (l+1); if (f_fp2 > 0) f_a = gd_mulfx(f_fp2,gd_mulfx(f_fp2,f_fp2)); if (f_fp1 > 0) f_b = gd_mulfx(f_fp1,gd_mulfx(f_fp1,f_fp1)); if (f > 0) f_c = gd_mulfx(f,gd_mulfx(f,f)); if (f_fm1 > 0) f_d = gd_mulfx(f_fm1,gd_mulfx(f_fm1,f_fm1)); f_RX = gd_divfx((f_a-gd_mulfx(f_4,f_b)+gd_mulfx(f_6,f_c)-gd_mulfx(f_4,f_d)),f_6); f_R = gd_mulfx(f_RY,f_RX); c = src->tpixels[*(src_offset_y + _k)][*(src_offset_x + _k)]; f_rs = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(c)); f_gs = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(c)); f_bs = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(c)); f_ba = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c)); f_red += gd_mulfx(f_rs,f_R); f_green += gd_mulfx(f_gs,f_R); f_blue += gd_mulfx(f_bs,f_R); f_alpha += gd_mulfx(f_ba,f_R); } } red = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_red, f_gamma)), 0, 255); green = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_green, f_gamma)), 0, 255); blue = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_blue, f_gamma)), 0, 255); alpha = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_alpha, f_gamma)), 0, 127); *(dst_row + dst_offset_x) = gdTrueColorAlpha(red, green, blue, alpha); dst_offset_x++; } dst_offset_y++; } return dst; } gdImagePtr gdImageScale(const gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height) { gdImagePtr im_scaled = NULL; if (src == NULL || src->interpolation_id < 0 || src->interpolation_id > GD_METHOD_COUNT) { return 0; } switch (src->interpolation_id) { /*Special cases, optimized implementations */ case GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR: im_scaled = gdImageScaleNearestNeighbour(src, new_width, new_height); break; case GD_BILINEAR_FIXED: im_scaled = gdImageScaleBilinear(src, new_width, new_height); break; case GD_BICUBIC_FIXED: im_scaled = gdImageScaleBicubicFixed(src, new_width, new_height); break; /* generic */ default: if (src->interpolation == NULL) { return NULL; } im_scaled = gdImageScaleTwoPass(src, src->sx, src->sy, new_width, new_height); break; } return im_scaled; } gdImagePtr gdImageRotateNearestNeighbour(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor) { float _angle = ((float) (-degrees / 180.0f) * (float)M_PI); const int src_w = gdImageSX(src); const int src_h = gdImageSY(src); const unsigned int new_width = (unsigned int)(abs((int)(src_w * cos(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h * sin(_angle))) + 0.5f); const unsigned int new_height = (unsigned int)(abs((int)(src_w * sin(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h * cos(_angle))) + 0.5f); const gdFixed f_0_5 = gd_ftofx(0.5f); const gdFixed f_H = gd_itofx(src_h/2); const gdFixed f_W = gd_itofx(src_w/2); const gdFixed f_cos = gd_ftofx(cos(-_angle)); const gdFixed f_sin = gd_ftofx(sin(-_angle)); unsigned int dst_offset_x; unsigned int dst_offset_y = 0; unsigned int i; gdImagePtr dst; dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (!dst) { return NULL; } dst->saveAlphaFlag = 1; for (i = 0; i < new_height; i++) { unsigned int j; dst_offset_x = 0; for (j = 0; j < new_width; j++) { gdFixed f_i = gd_itofx((int)i - (int)new_height/2); gdFixed f_j = gd_itofx((int)j - (int)new_width/2); gdFixed f_m = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_sin) + gd_mulfx(f_i,f_cos) + f_0_5 + f_H; gdFixed f_n = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_cos) - gd_mulfx(f_i,f_sin) + f_0_5 + f_W; long m = gd_fxtoi(f_m); long n = gd_fxtoi(f_n); if ((m > 0) && (m < src_h-1) && (n > 0) && (n < src_w-1)) { if (dst_offset_y < new_height) { dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = src->tpixels[m][n]; } } else { if (dst_offset_y < new_height) { dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = bgColor; } } } dst_offset_y++; } return dst; } gdImagePtr gdImageRotateGeneric(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor) { float _angle = ((float) (-degrees / 180.0f) * (float)M_PI); const int angle_rounded = (int)floor(degrees * 100); const int src_w = gdImageSX(src); const int src_h = gdImageSY(src); const unsigned int new_width = (unsigned int)(abs((int)(src_w * cos(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h * sin(_angle))) + 0.5f); const unsigned int new_height = (unsigned int)(abs((int)(src_w * sin(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h * cos(_angle))) + 0.5f); const gdFixed f_0_5 = gd_ftofx(0.5f); const gdFixed f_H = gd_itofx(src_h/2); const gdFixed f_W = gd_itofx(src_w/2); const gdFixed f_cos = gd_ftofx(cos(-_angle)); const gdFixed f_sin = gd_ftofx(sin(-_angle)); unsigned int dst_offset_x; unsigned int dst_offset_y = 0; unsigned int i; gdImagePtr dst; const gdFixed f_slop_y = f_sin; const gdFixed f_slop_x = f_cos; const gdFixed f_slop = f_slop_x > 0 && f_slop_x > 0 ? f_slop_x > f_slop_y ? gd_divfx(f_slop_y, f_slop_x) : gd_divfx(f_slop_x, f_slop_y) : 0; if (bgColor < 0) { return NULL; } dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (!dst) { return NULL; } dst->saveAlphaFlag = 1; for (i = 0; i < new_height; i++) { unsigned int j; dst_offset_x = 0; for (j = 0; j < new_width; j++) { gdFixed f_i = gd_itofx((int)i - (int)new_height/ 2); gdFixed f_j = gd_itofx((int)j - (int)new_width / 2); gdFixed f_m = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_sin) + gd_mulfx(f_i,f_cos) + f_0_5 + f_H; gdFixed f_n = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_cos) - gd_mulfx(f_i,f_sin) + f_0_5 + f_W; long m = gd_fxtoi(f_m); long n = gd_fxtoi(f_n); if ((n <= 0) || (m <= 0) || (m >= src_h) || (n >= src_w)) { dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = bgColor; } else if ((n <= 1) || (m <= 1) || (m >= src_h - 1) || (n >= src_w - 1)) { gdFixed f_127 = gd_itofx(127); register int c = getPixelInterpolated(src, n, m, bgColor); c = c | (( gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c) + ((int)(127* gd_fxtof(f_slop)))) << 24); dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = _color_blend(bgColor, c); } else { dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = getPixelInterpolated(src, n, m, bgColor); } } dst_offset_y++; } return dst; } gdImagePtr gdImageRotateBilinear(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor) { float _angle = (float)((- degrees / 180.0f) * M_PI); const unsigned int src_w = gdImageSX(src); const unsigned int src_h = gdImageSY(src); unsigned int new_width = abs((int)(src_w*cos(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h*sin(_angle) + 0.5f)); unsigned int new_height = abs((int)(src_w*sin(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h*cos(_angle) + 0.5f)); const gdFixed f_0_5 = gd_ftofx(0.5f); const gdFixed f_H = gd_itofx(src_h/2); const gdFixed f_W = gd_itofx(src_w/2); const gdFixed f_cos = gd_ftofx(cos(-_angle)); const gdFixed f_sin = gd_ftofx(sin(-_angle)); const gdFixed f_1 = gd_itofx(1); unsigned int i; unsigned int dst_offset_x; unsigned int dst_offset_y = 0; unsigned int src_offset_x, src_offset_y; gdImagePtr dst; dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (dst == NULL) { return NULL; } dst->saveAlphaFlag = 1; for (i = 0; i < new_height; i++) { unsigned int j; dst_offset_x = 0; for (j=0; j < new_width; j++) { const gdFixed f_i = gd_itofx((int)i - (int)new_height/2); const gdFixed f_j = gd_itofx((int)j - (int)new_width/2); const gdFixed f_m = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_sin) + gd_mulfx(f_i,f_cos) + f_0_5 + f_H; const gdFixed f_n = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_cos) - gd_mulfx(f_i,f_sin) + f_0_5 + f_W; const unsigned int m = gd_fxtoi(f_m); const unsigned int n = gd_fxtoi(f_n); if ((m > 0) && (m < src_h - 1) && (n > 0) && (n < src_w - 1)) { const gdFixed f_f = f_m - gd_itofx(m); const gdFixed f_g = f_n - gd_itofx(n); const gdFixed f_w1 = gd_mulfx(f_1-f_f, f_1-f_g); const gdFixed f_w2 = gd_mulfx(f_1-f_f, f_g); const gdFixed f_w3 = gd_mulfx(f_f, f_1-f_g); const gdFixed f_w4 = gd_mulfx(f_f, f_g); if (n < src_w - 1) { src_offset_x = n + 1; src_offset_y = m; } if (m < src_h-1) { src_offset_x = n; src_offset_y = m + 1; } if (!((n >= src_w-1) || (m >= src_h-1))) { src_offset_x = n + 1; src_offset_y = m + 1; } { const int pixel1 = src->tpixels[src_offset_y][src_offset_x]; register int pixel2, pixel3, pixel4; if (src_offset_y + 1 >= src_h) { pixel2 = bgColor; pixel3 = bgColor; pixel4 = bgColor; } else if (src_offset_x + 1 >= src_w) { pixel2 = bgColor; pixel3 = bgColor; pixel4 = bgColor; } else { pixel2 = src->tpixels[src_offset_y][src_offset_x + 1]; pixel3 = src->tpixels[src_offset_y + 1][src_offset_x]; pixel4 = src->tpixels[src_offset_y + 1][src_offset_x + 1]; } { const gdFixed f_r1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel1)); const gdFixed f_r2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel2)); const gdFixed f_r3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel3)); const gdFixed f_r4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(pixel4)); const gdFixed f_g1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel1)); const gdFixed f_g2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel2)); const gdFixed f_g3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel3)); const gdFixed f_g4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(pixel4)); const gdFixed f_b1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel1)); const gdFixed f_b2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel2)); const gdFixed f_b3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel3)); const gdFixed f_b4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(pixel4)); const gdFixed f_a1 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel1)); const gdFixed f_a2 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel2)); const gdFixed f_a3 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel3)); const gdFixed f_a4 = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(pixel4)); const gdFixed f_red = gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_r1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_r2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_r3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_r4); const gdFixed f_green = gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_g1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_g2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_g3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_g4); const gdFixed f_blue = gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_b1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_b2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_b3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_b4); const gdFixed f_alpha = gd_mulfx(f_w1, f_a1) + gd_mulfx(f_w2, f_a2) + gd_mulfx(f_w3, f_a3) + gd_mulfx(f_w4, f_a4); const unsigned char red = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(f_red), 0, 255); const unsigned char green = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(f_green), 0, 255); const unsigned char blue = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(f_blue), 0, 255); const unsigned char alpha = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(f_alpha), 0, 127); dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = gdTrueColorAlpha(red, green, blue, alpha); } } } else { dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x++] = bgColor; } } dst_offset_y++; } return dst; } gdImagePtr gdImageRotateBicubicFixed(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor) { const float _angle = (float)((- degrees / 180.0f) * M_PI); const int src_w = gdImageSX(src); const int src_h = gdImageSY(src); const unsigned int new_width = abs((int)(src_w*cos(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h*sin(_angle) + 0.5f)); const unsigned int new_height = abs((int)(src_w*sin(_angle))) + abs((int)(src_h*cos(_angle) + 0.5f)); const gdFixed f_0_5 = gd_ftofx(0.5f); const gdFixed f_H = gd_itofx(src_h/2); const gdFixed f_W = gd_itofx(src_w/2); const gdFixed f_cos = gd_ftofx(cos(-_angle)); const gdFixed f_sin = gd_ftofx(sin(-_angle)); const gdFixed f_1 = gd_itofx(1); const gdFixed f_2 = gd_itofx(2); const gdFixed f_4 = gd_itofx(4); const gdFixed f_6 = gd_itofx(6); const gdFixed f_gama = gd_ftofx(1.04f); unsigned int dst_offset_x; unsigned int dst_offset_y = 0; unsigned int i; gdImagePtr dst; dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(new_width, new_height); if (dst == NULL) { return NULL; } dst->saveAlphaFlag = 1; for (i=0; i < new_height; i++) { unsigned int j; dst_offset_x = 0; for (j=0; j < new_width; j++) { const gdFixed f_i = gd_itofx((int)i - (int)new_height/2); const gdFixed f_j = gd_itofx((int)j - (int)new_width/2); const gdFixed f_m = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_sin) + gd_mulfx(f_i,f_cos) + f_0_5 + f_H; const gdFixed f_n = gd_mulfx(f_j,f_cos) - gd_mulfx(f_i,f_sin) + f_0_5 + f_W; const int m = gd_fxtoi(f_m); const int n = gd_fxtoi(f_n); if ((m > 0) && (m < src_h - 1) && (n > 0) && (n < src_w-1)) { const gdFixed f_f = f_m - gd_itofx(m); const gdFixed f_g = f_n - gd_itofx(n); unsigned int src_offset_x[16], src_offset_y[16]; unsigned char red, green, blue, alpha; gdFixed f_red=0, f_green=0, f_blue=0, f_alpha=0; int k; if ((m < 1) || (n < 1)) { src_offset_x[0] = n; src_offset_y[0] = m; } else { src_offset_x[0] = n - 1; src_offset_y[0] = m; } if (m < 1) { src_offset_x[1] = n; src_offset_y[1] = m; } else { src_offset_x[1] = n; src_offset_y[1] = m ; } if ((m < 1) || (n >= src_w-1)) { src_offset_x[2] = - 1; src_offset_y[2] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[2] = n + 1; src_offset_y[2] = m ; } if ((m < 1) || (n >= src_w-2)) { src_offset_x[3] = - 1; src_offset_y[3] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[3] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[3] = m ; } if (n < 1) { src_offset_x[4] = - 1; src_offset_y[4] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[4] = n - 1; src_offset_y[4] = m; } src_offset_x[5] = n; src_offset_y[5] = m; if (n >= src_w-1) { src_offset_x[6] = - 1; src_offset_y[6] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[6] = n + 1; src_offset_y[6] = m; } if (n >= src_w-2) { src_offset_x[7] = - 1; src_offset_y[7] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[7] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[7] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-1) || (n < 1)) { src_offset_x[8] = - 1; src_offset_y[8] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[8] = n - 1; src_offset_y[8] = m; } if (m >= src_h-1) { src_offset_x[8] = - 1; src_offset_y[8] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[9] = n; src_offset_y[9] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-1) || (n >= src_w-1)) { src_offset_x[10] = - 1; src_offset_y[10] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[10] = n + 1; src_offset_y[10] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-1) || (n >= src_w-2)) { src_offset_x[11] = - 1; src_offset_y[11] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[11] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[11] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-2) || (n < 1)) { src_offset_x[12] = - 1; src_offset_y[12] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[12] = n - 1; src_offset_y[12] = m; } if (m >= src_h-2) { src_offset_x[13] = - 1; src_offset_y[13] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[13] = n; src_offset_y[13] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-2) || (n >= src_w - 1)) { src_offset_x[14] = - 1; src_offset_y[14] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[14] = n + 1; src_offset_y[14] = m; } if ((m >= src_h-2) || (n >= src_w-2)) { src_offset_x[15] = - 1; src_offset_y[15] = - 1; } else { src_offset_x[15] = n + 1 + 1; src_offset_y[15] = m; } for (k=-1; k<3; k++) { const gdFixed f = gd_itofx(k)-f_f; const gdFixed f_fm1 = f - f_1; const gdFixed f_fp1 = f + f_1; const gdFixed f_fp2 = f + f_2; gdFixed f_a = 0, f_b = 0,f_c = 0, f_d = 0; gdFixed f_RY; int l; if (f_fp2 > 0) { f_a = gd_mulfx(f_fp2,gd_mulfx(f_fp2,f_fp2)); } if (f_fp1 > 0) { f_b = gd_mulfx(f_fp1,gd_mulfx(f_fp1,f_fp1)); } if (f > 0) { f_c = gd_mulfx(f,gd_mulfx(f,f)); } if (f_fm1 > 0) { f_d = gd_mulfx(f_fm1,gd_mulfx(f_fm1,f_fm1)); } f_RY = gd_divfx((f_a-gd_mulfx(f_4,f_b)+gd_mulfx(f_6,f_c)-gd_mulfx(f_4,f_d)),f_6); for (l=-1; l< 3; l++) { const gdFixed f = gd_itofx(l) - f_g; const gdFixed f_fm1 = f - f_1; const gdFixed f_fp1 = f + f_1; const gdFixed f_fp2 = f + f_2; gdFixed f_a = 0, f_b = 0, f_c = 0, f_d = 0; gdFixed f_RX, f_R; const int _k = ((k + 1) * 4) + (l + 1); register gdFixed f_rs, f_gs, f_bs, f_as; register int c; if (f_fp2 > 0) { f_a = gd_mulfx(f_fp2,gd_mulfx(f_fp2,f_fp2)); } if (f_fp1 > 0) { f_b = gd_mulfx(f_fp1,gd_mulfx(f_fp1,f_fp1)); } if (f > 0) { f_c = gd_mulfx(f,gd_mulfx(f,f)); } if (f_fm1 > 0) { f_d = gd_mulfx(f_fm1,gd_mulfx(f_fm1,f_fm1)); } f_RX = gd_divfx((f_a - gd_mulfx(f_4, f_b) + gd_mulfx(f_6, f_c) - gd_mulfx(f_4, f_d)), f_6); f_R = gd_mulfx(f_RY, f_RX); if ((src_offset_x[_k] <= 0) || (src_offset_y[_k] <= 0) || (src_offset_y[_k] >= src_h) || (src_offset_x[_k] >= src_w)) { c = bgColor; } else if ((src_offset_x[_k] <= 1) || (src_offset_y[_k] <= 1) || (src_offset_y[_k] >= (int)src_h - 1) || (src_offset_x[_k] >= (int)src_w - 1)) { gdFixed f_127 = gd_itofx(127); c = src->tpixels[src_offset_y[_k]][src_offset_x[_k]]; c = c | (( (int) (gd_fxtof(gd_mulfx(f_R, f_127)) + 50.5f)) << 24); c = _color_blend(bgColor, c); } else { c = src->tpixels[src_offset_y[_k]][src_offset_x[_k]]; } f_rs = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetRed(c)); f_gs = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetGreen(c)); f_bs = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetBlue(c)); f_as = gd_itofx(gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c)); f_red += gd_mulfx(f_rs, f_R); f_green += gd_mulfx(f_gs, f_R); f_blue += gd_mulfx(f_bs, f_R); f_alpha += gd_mulfx(f_as, f_R); } } red = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_red, f_gama)), 0, 255); green = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_green, f_gama)), 0, 255); blue = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_blue, f_gama)), 0, 255); alpha = (unsigned char) CLAMP(gd_fxtoi(gd_mulfx(f_alpha, f_gama)), 0, 127); dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x] = gdTrueColorAlpha(red, green, blue, alpha); } else { dst->tpixels[dst_offset_y][dst_offset_x] = bgColor; } dst_offset_x++; } dst_offset_y++; } return dst; } gdImagePtr gdImageRotateInterpolated(const gdImagePtr src, const float angle, int bgcolor) { const int angle_rounded = (int)floor(angle * 100); if (bgcolor < 0) { return NULL; } /* impact perf a bit, but not that much. Implementation for palette images can be done at a later point. */ if (src->trueColor == 0) { if (bgcolor >= 0) { bgcolor = gdTrueColorAlpha(src->red[bgcolor], src->green[bgcolor], src->blue[bgcolor], src->alpha[bgcolor]); } gdImagePaletteToTrueColor(src); } /* no interpolation needed here */ switch (angle_rounded) { case 9000: return gdImageRotate90(src, 0); case 18000: return gdImageRotate180(src, 0); case 27000: return gdImageRotate270(src, 0); } if (src == NULL || src->interpolation_id < 1 || src->interpolation_id > GD_METHOD_COUNT) { return NULL; } switch (src->interpolation_id) { case GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR: return gdImageRotateNearestNeighbour(src, angle, bgcolor); break; case GD_BILINEAR_FIXED: return gdImageRotateBilinear(src, angle, bgcolor); break; case GD_BICUBIC_FIXED: return gdImageRotateBicubicFixed(src, angle, bgcolor); break; default: return gdImageRotateGeneric(src, angle, bgcolor); } return NULL; } /** * Title: Affine transformation **/ /** * Group: Transform **/ static void gdImageClipRectangle(gdImagePtr im, gdRectPtr r) { int c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y; int x1,y1; gdImageGetClip(im, &c1x, &c1y, &c2x, &c2y); x1 = r->x + r->width - 1; y1 = r->y + r->height - 1; r->x = CLAMP(r->x, c1x, c2x); r->y = CLAMP(r->y, c1y, c2y); r->width = CLAMP(x1, c1x, c2x) - r->x + 1; r->height = CLAMP(y1, c1y, c2y) - r->y + 1; } void gdDumpRect(const char *msg, gdRectPtr r) { printf("%s (%i, %i) (%i, %i)\n", msg, r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height); } /** * Function: gdTransformAffineGetImage * Applies an affine transformation to a region and return an image * containing the complete transformation. * * Parameters: * dst - Pointer to a gdImagePtr to store the created image, NULL when * the creation or the transformation failed * src - Source image * src_area - rectangle defining the source region to transform * dstY - Y position in the destination image * affine - The desired affine transformation * * Returns: * GD_TRUE if the affine is rectilinear or GD_FALSE */ int gdTransformAffineGetImage(gdImagePtr *dst, const gdImagePtr src, gdRectPtr src_area, const double affine[6]) { int res; double m[6]; gdRect bbox; gdRect area_full; if (src_area == NULL) { area_full.x = 0; area_full.y = 0; area_full.width = gdImageSX(src); area_full.height = gdImageSY(src); src_area = &area_full; } gdTransformAffineBoundingBox(src_area, affine, &bbox); *dst = gdImageCreateTrueColor(bbox.width, bbox.height); if (*dst == NULL) { return GD_FALSE; } (*dst)->saveAlphaFlag = 1; if (!src->trueColor) { gdImagePaletteToTrueColor(src); } /* Translate to dst origin (0,0) */ gdAffineTranslate(m, -bbox.x, -bbox.y); gdAffineConcat(m, affine, m); gdImageAlphaBlending(*dst, 0); res = gdTransformAffineCopy(*dst, 0,0, src, src_area, m); if (res != GD_TRUE) { gdImageDestroy(*dst); dst = NULL; return GD_FALSE; } else { return GD_TRUE; } } /** * Function: gdTransformAffineCopy * Applies an affine transformation to a region and copy the result * in a destination to the given position. * * Parameters: * dst - Image to draw the transformed image * src - Source image * dstX - X position in the destination image * dstY - Y position in the destination image * src_area - Rectangular region to rotate in the src image * * Returns: * GD_TRUE if the affine is rectilinear or GD_FALSE */ int gdTransformAffineCopy(gdImagePtr dst, int dst_x, int dst_y, const gdImagePtr src, gdRectPtr src_region, const double affine[6]) { int c1x,c1y,c2x,c2y; int backclip = 0; int backup_clipx1, backup_clipy1, backup_clipx2, backup_clipy2; register int x, y, src_offset_x, src_offset_y; double inv[6]; int *dst_p; gdPointF pt, src_pt; gdRect bbox; int end_x, end_y; gdInterpolationMethod interpolation_id_bak = GD_DEFAULT; interpolation_method interpolation_bak; /* These methods use special implementations */ if (src->interpolation_id == GD_BILINEAR_FIXED || src->interpolation_id == GD_BICUBIC_FIXED || src->interpolation_id == GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR) { interpolation_id_bak = src->interpolation_id; interpolation_bak = src->interpolation; gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(src, GD_BICUBIC); } gdImageClipRectangle(src, src_region); if (src_region->x > 0 || src_region->y > 0 || src_region->width < gdImageSX(src) || src_region->height < gdImageSY(src)) { backclip = 1; gdImageGetClip(src, &backup_clipx1, &backup_clipy1, &backup_clipx2, &backup_clipy2); gdImageSetClip(src, src_region->x, src_region->y, src_region->x + src_region->width - 1, src_region->y + src_region->height - 1); } if (!gdTransformAffineBoundingBox(src_region, affine, &bbox)) { if (backclip) { gdImageSetClip(src, backup_clipx1, backup_clipy1, backup_clipx2, backup_clipy2); } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(src, interpolation_id_bak); return GD_FALSE; } gdImageGetClip(dst, &c1x, &c1y, &c2x, &c2y); end_x = bbox.width + (int) fabs(bbox.x); end_y = bbox.height + (int) fabs(bbox.y); /* Get inverse affine to let us work with destination -> source */ gdAffineInvert(inv, affine); src_offset_x = src_region->x; src_offset_y = src_region->y; if (dst->alphaBlendingFlag) { for (y = bbox.y; y <= end_y; y++) { pt.y = y + 0.5; for (x = 0; x <= end_x; x++) { pt.x = x + 0.5; gdAffineApplyToPointF(&src_pt, &pt, inv); gdImageSetPixel(dst, dst_x + x, dst_y + y, getPixelInterpolated(src, src_offset_x + src_pt.x, src_offset_y + src_pt.y, 0)); } } } else { for (y = 0; y <= end_y; y++) { pt.y = y + 0.5 + bbox.y; if ((dst_y + y) < 0 || ((dst_y + y) > gdImageSY(dst) -1)) { continue; } dst_p = dst->tpixels[dst_y + y] + dst_x; for (x = 0; x <= end_x; x++) { pt.x = x + 0.5 + bbox.x; gdAffineApplyToPointF(&src_pt, &pt, inv); if ((dst_x + x) < 0 || (dst_x + x) > (gdImageSX(dst) - 1)) { break; } *(dst_p++) = getPixelInterpolated(src, src_offset_x + src_pt.x, src_offset_y + src_pt.y, -1); } } } /* Restore clip if required */ if (backclip) { gdImageSetClip(src, backup_clipx1, backup_clipy1, backup_clipx2, backup_clipy2); } gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(src, interpolation_id_bak); return GD_TRUE; } /** * Function: gdTransformAffineBoundingBox * Returns the bounding box of an affine transformation applied to a * rectangular area * * Parameters: * src - Rectangular source area for the affine transformation * affine - the affine transformation * bbox - the resulting bounding box * * Returns: * GD_TRUE if the affine is rectilinear or GD_FALSE */ int gdTransformAffineBoundingBox(gdRectPtr src, const double affine[6], gdRectPtr bbox) { gdPointF extent[4], min, max, point; int i; extent[0].x=0.0; extent[0].y=0.0; extent[1].x=(double) src->width; extent[1].y=0.0; extent[2].x=(double) src->width; extent[2].y=(double) src->height; extent[3].x=0.0; extent[3].y=(double) src->height; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { point=extent[i]; if (gdAffineApplyToPointF(&extent[i], &point, affine) != GD_TRUE) { return GD_FALSE; } } min=extent[0]; max=extent[0]; for (i=1; i < 4; i++) { if (min.x > extent[i].x) min.x=extent[i].x; if (min.y > extent[i].y) min.y=extent[i].y; if (max.x < extent[i].x) max.x=extent[i].x; if (max.y < extent[i].y) max.y=extent[i].y; } bbox->x = (int) min.x; bbox->y = (int) min.y; bbox->width = (int) floor(max.x - min.x) - 1; bbox->height = (int) floor(max.y - min.y); return GD_TRUE; } int gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(gdImagePtr im, gdInterpolationMethod id) { if (im == NULL || id < 0 || id > GD_METHOD_COUNT) { return 0; } switch (id) { case GD_DEFAULT: im->interpolation_id = GD_BILINEAR_FIXED; im->interpolation = NULL; break; /* Optimized versions */ case GD_BILINEAR_FIXED: case GD_BICUBIC_FIXED: case GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR: case GD_WEIGHTED4: im->interpolation = NULL; break; /* generic versions*/ case GD_BELL: im->interpolation = filter_bell; break; case GD_BESSEL: im->interpolation = filter_bessel; break; case GD_BICUBIC: im->interpolation = filter_bicubic; break; case GD_BLACKMAN: im->interpolation = filter_blackman; break; case GD_BOX: im->interpolation = filter_box; break; case GD_BSPLINE: im->interpolation = filter_bspline; break; case GD_CATMULLROM: im->interpolation = filter_catmullrom; break; case GD_GAUSSIAN: im->interpolation = filter_gaussian; break; case GD_GENERALIZED_CUBIC: im->interpolation = filter_generalized_cubic; break; case GD_HERMITE: im->interpolation = filter_hermite; break; case GD_HAMMING: im->interpolation = filter_hamming; break; case GD_HANNING: im->interpolation = filter_hanning; break; case GD_MITCHELL: im->interpolation = filter_mitchell; break; case GD_POWER: im->interpolation = filter_power; break; case GD_QUADRATIC: im->interpolation = filter_quadratic; break; case GD_SINC: im->interpolation = filter_sinc; break; case GD_TRIANGLE: im->interpolation = filter_triangle; break; default: return 0; break; } im->interpolation_id = id; return 1; } #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma optimize("", on) #endif