SQLite SQLite database bindings wez Wez Furlong wez@php.net lead tal Tal Peer tal@php.net developer helly Marcus Börger helly@php.net lead SQLite is a C library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine. Programs that link with the SQLite library can have SQL database access without running a separate RDBMS process. This extension allows you to access SQLite databases from within PHP. Windows binary available from: http://snaps.php.net/win32/PECL_STABLE/php_sqlite.dll PHP stable 1.0 2003-06-21 Added: sqlite_udf_encode_binary() and sqlite_udf_decode_binary() for handling binary data in UDF callbacks. sqlite_popen() for persistent db connections. sqlite_unbuffered_query() for high performance queries. sqlite_last_error() returns error code from last operation. sqlite_error_string() returns description of error. sqlite_create_aggregate() for registering aggregating SQL functions. sqlite_create_function() for registering regular SQL functions. sqlite_fetch_string() for speedy access to first column of result sets. sqlite_fetch_all() to receive all rowsets from a query as an array. iteration interface sqlite_query() functions accept resource/query string in either order, for compatibility with mysql and postgresql extensions. Fixed some build issues for thread-safe builds. Increase the default busy timeout interval to 60 seconds.