/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP version 4.0 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available at through the world-wide-web at | | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Dimitris Souflis , | | integrated to php by Nikos Mavroyanopoulos | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include #include #include #include "ext/standard/php_standard.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include #if !defined(WIN32) # define stricmp strcasecmp #endif static longreadlen = 0; static void column_to_string(SQLS stmt, int i, char *buffer, int *len); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(ovrimos) { php_printf(""Ovrimos" module
\n"); } /* Main User Functions */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_connect(string host, string db, string user, string password) Connect to an Ovrimos database */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_connect) { pval *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4; SQLH conn = 0; if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 4 || getParameters(ht, 4, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_string(arg1); convert_to_string(arg2); convert_to_string(arg3); convert_to_string(arg4); if (!sqlConnect (arg1->value.str.val, arg2->value.str.val, arg3->value.str.val, arg4->value.str.val, &conn, 0)) { RETURN_LONG(0); } RETURN_LONG((int) conn + 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void ovrimos_close(int connection) Close a connection */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_close) { pval *arg1; SQLH conn; if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 1 || getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE || arg1->type != IS_LONG) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } conn = (SQLH) (arg1->value.lval - 1); (void) sqlDisConnect(conn); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto void ovrimos_close_all() Close all connections */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_close_all) { pval *arg1; SQLH conn; (void) sqlDisconnectAll(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_longreadlen(int result_id, int length) Handle LONG columns */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_longreadlen) { pval *arg1, *arg2; if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); convert_to_long(arg2); longreadlen = arg2->value.lval; RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_prepare(int connection_id, string query) Prepares a statement for execution */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_prepare) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLH conn; char *query; SQLS stmt; if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); convert_to_string(arg2); conn = (SQLH) (arg1->value.lval - 1); query = arg2->value.str.val; if (!sqlAllocStmt(conn, &stmt)) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sqlPrepare(stmt, query)) { sqlFreeStmt(stmt); RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sqlGetOutputColDescr(stmt)) { sqlFreeStmt(stmt); RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sqlGetParamDescr(stmt)) { sqlFreeStmt(stmt); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_LONG((int) stmt + 1); } /* }}} */ /* * Execute prepared SQL statement. Supports only input parameters. */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_execute(int result_id [, array parameters_array]) Execute a prepared statement */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_execute) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLS stmt; int numArgs; int icol, colnb; numArgs = ARG_COUNT(ht); if (getParameters(ht, numArgs, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); colnb = sqlGetParamNb(stmt); if (colnb != 0) { pval **tmp; int arr_elem; if (arg2->type != IS_ARRAY) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Not an array in call to ovrimos_execute()"); RETURN_FALSE; } arr_elem = zend_hash_num_elements(arg2->value.ht); if (arr_elem < colnb) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Not enough parameters in call to ovrimos_execute(): %d instead of %d", arr_elem, colnb); RETURN_FALSE; } zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(arg2->value.ht); for (icol = 0; icol < colnb; icol++) { int len; cvt_error err; bool ret; char *msg; char buffer[10240]; sql_type to_type = sqlGetParamSQLType(stmt, icol); sql_type from_type; if (zend_hash_get_current_data (arg2->value.ht, (void **) &tmp) == FAILURE) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Error getting parameter %d in call to ovrimos_execute()", icol); RETURN_FALSE; } convert_to_string(*tmp); if ((*tmp)->type != IS_STRING) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Error converting parameter %d to string in call to ovrimos_execute()", icol); RETURN_FALSE; } /* PHP data to param type */ from_type.type = T_VARCHAR; from_type.u.length = (*tmp)->value.str.len; *buffer = 0; memcpy(buffer + 1, (*tmp)->value.str.val, from_type.u.length); buffer[from_type.u.length + 1] = 0; ret = type_convert(buffer, &from_type, &to_type, 0, &err); switch (err) { case cvt_trunc: msg = "Data truncated"; break; case cvt_range: msg = "Numeric value out of range"; break; case cvt_prec: msg = "Precision lost"; break; case cvt_incomp: msg = "Restricted data type attribute violation"; break; case cvt_no: msg = "Conversion failed"; break; } if (!ret) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Error converting parameter %d: %s in call to ovrimos_execute()", icol, msg); RETURN_FALSE; } len = sql_type_size(to_type) - 1; if (!sqlPutParam(stmt, icol, buffer + 1, len)) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Could send parameter %d (%d bytes) in call to ovrimos_execute()", icol, len); RETURN_FALSE; } } } if (!sqlExec(stmt)) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string ovrimos_cursor(int result_id) Get cursor name */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_cursor) { char cname[126]; pval *arg1; SQLS stmt; if (getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); if (!sqlGetCursorName(stmt, cname)) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_STRING(cname, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_exec(int connection_id, string query) Prepare and execute an SQL statement */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_exec) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLH conn; SQLS stmt; int numArgs; char *query; numArgs = ARG_COUNT(ht); if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); convert_to_string(arg2); conn = (SQLH) (arg1->value.lval - 1); query = arg2->value.str.val; if (!sqlAllocStmt(conn, &stmt)) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sqlExecDirect(stmt, query)) { sqlFreeStmt(stmt); RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sqlGetOutputColDescr(stmt)) { sqlFreeStmt(stmt); RETURN_FALSE; } if (!sqlGetParamDescr(stmt)) { sqlFreeStmt(stmt); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_LONG((int) stmt + 1); } /* }}} */ static void column_to_string(SQLS stmt, int i, char *buffer, int *len) { const char *bf = sqlColValue(stmt, i, 0); switch (sqlGetOutputColType(stmt, i)) { case T_BIGINT: case T_UBIGINT:{ switch (sqlGetOutputColType(stmt, i)) { case T_BIGINT: printsint64(Read(sint64, bf), buffer); break; case T_UBIGINT: printuint64(Read(uint64, bf), buffer); break; } *len = strlen(buffer); } break; case T_INTEGER: sprintf(buffer, "%11ld", Read(sint32, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_UINTEGER: sprintf(buffer, "%10lu", Read(uint32, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_SMALLINT: sprintf(buffer, "%6hd", Read(sint16, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_USMALLINT: sprintf(buffer, "%5hu", Read(uint16, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_TINYINT: sprintf(buffer, "%4hd", (sint16) Read(sint8, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_UTINYINT: sprintf(buffer, "%3hu", (uint16) Read(uint8, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_BIT: sprintf(buffer, "%s", (Read(uint8, bf) == 0) ? "off" : "on"); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_REAL: sprintf(buffer, "%9.7g", (double) Read(float, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_FLOAT: case T_DOUBLE: sprintf(buffer, "%19.17g", Read(double, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_DECIMAL: case T_NUMERIC:{ int prec = sqlGetOutputColPrecision(stmt, i); int scale = sqlGetOutputColScale(stmt, i); sprintf(buffer, "%*.*f", prec + 2, scale, Read(double, bf)); *len = strlen(buffer); } break; case T_CHAR: case T_VARCHAR: strcpy(buffer, bf); *len = strlen(buffer); break; case T_UNI_CHAR: case T_UNI_VARCHAR: uni_strcpy((uni_char *) buffer, (uni_char *) bf); *len = uni_strlen((uni_char *) buffer); break; case T_BINARY:{ int sz = sqlGetOutputColLength(stmt, i); memcpy(buffer, bf, sz); *len = sz; } break; case T_VARBINARY:{ int sz = Read(uint16, bf); memcpy(buffer, bf + 2, sz); *len = sz; } break; case T_DATE:{ char db[11]; if (!sql_date_to_str((uint32 *) bf, buffer)) { strcpy(buffer, "Error!"); } } break; case T_TIME:{ int prec = sqlGetOutputColPrecision(stmt, i); if (!sql_time_to_str ((uint32 *) bf, prec, 0, buffer)) { strcpy(buffer, "Error!"); } } break; case T_TIMESTAMP:{ int prec = sqlGetOutputColPrecision(stmt, i); if (!sql_timestamp_to_str ((uint32 *) bf, prec, 0, buffer)) { strcpy(buffer, "Error!"); } } break; case T_LONGVARCHAR: case T_LONGVARBINARY:{ if (longreadlen == 0) { *buffer = 0; *len = 0; } else if (!sqlColValueLong (stmt, i, 0, 0, longreadlen, buffer, len)) { strcpy(buffer, "Error!"); } } break; } } /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_fetch_into(int result_id, array result_array [, string how, [int rownumber]]) Fetch one result row into an array how: 'Next' (default), 'Prev', 'First', 'Last', 'Absolute' */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_fetch_into) { int numArgs; char *s_how; typedef enum { h_next = 0, h_prev, h_first, h_last, h_absolute } h_type; h_type how = h_next; /* default */ sint32 rownum = 0; pval *arg_id, *arg_how = 0, *arg_row = 0, *arr, *tmp; SQLS stmt; int icol, colnb; bool ret; numArgs = ARG_COUNT(ht); switch (numArgs) { case 2: if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg_id, &arr) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; case 3: if (getParameters(ht, 3, &arg_id, &arr, &arg_how) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; case 4: if (getParameters(ht, 4, &arg_id, &arr, &arg_how, &arg_row) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; default: WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg_id); stmt = (SQLS) (arg_id->value.lval - 1); if (arg_how != 0) { if (arg_how->type != IS_STRING) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Third argument not string in ovrimos_fetch_into()"); RETURN_FALSE; } s_how = arg_how->value.str.val; if (stricmp(s_how, "next") == 0) { how = h_next; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "prev") == 0) { how = h_prev; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "first") == 0) { how = h_first; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "last") == 0) { how = h_last; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "absolute") == 0) { how = h_absolute; } else { php_error(E_WARNING, "Third argument not valid in ovrimos_fetch_into()"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (arg_row == 0 && how == h_absolute) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Fourth argument is required for ABSOLUTE in ovrimos_fetch_into()"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (arg_row != 0) { convert_to_long(arg_row); rownum = arg_row->value.lval; switch (how) { case h_next: case h_prev: rownum--; /* Next 1 should send FUNC_CURSOR_NEXT(0) */ break; } } } if (!ParameterPassedByReference(ht, 2)) { /* 1-based?... */ php_error(E_WARNING, "Array not passed by reference in call to ovrimos_fetch_into()"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (arr->type != IS_ARRAY) { if (array_init(arr) == FAILURE) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Can't convert to type Array"); RETURN_FALSE; } } switch (how) { case h_absolute: case h_first: ret = sqlCursorFirst(stmt, rownum); break; case h_last: ret = sqlCursorLast(stmt, rownum); break; case h_next: ret = sqlCursorNext(stmt, rownum); break; case h_prev: ret = sqlCursorPrev(stmt, rownum); break; } if (!ret) { RETURN_FALSE; } colnb = sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt); for (icol = 0; icol < colnb; icol++) { int len; char buffer[10240]; tmp = (pval *) emalloc(sizeof(pval)); tmp->refcount = 1; tmp->type = IS_STRING; tmp->value.str.len = 0; /* Produce column value in 'tmp' ... */ column_to_string(stmt, icol, buffer, &len); tmp->value.str.len = len; tmp->value.str.val = estrndup(buffer, len); zend_hash_index_update(arr->value.ht, icol, &tmp, sizeof(pval *), NULL); } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_fetch_row(int result_id [, int how, [int row_number]]) how: 'Next' (default), 'Prev', 'First', 'Last', 'Absolute' Fetch a row */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_fetch_row) { int numArgs, i; char *s_how; typedef enum { h_next = 0, h_prev, h_first, h_last, h_absolute } h_type; h_type how = h_next; /* default */ sint32 rownum = 0; pval *arg_id, *arg_how = 0, *arg_row = 0; SQLS stmt; bool ret; numArgs = ARG_COUNT(ht); switch (numArgs) { case 1: if (getParameters(ht, 1, &arg_id) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; case 2: if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg_id, &arg_how) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; case 3: if (getParameters(ht, 3, &arg_id, &arg_how, &arg_row) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; default: WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg_id); stmt = (SQLS) (arg_id->value.lval - 1); if (arg_how != 0) { if (arg_how->type != IS_STRING) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Second argument not string in ovrimos_fetch_row()"); RETURN_FALSE; } s_how = arg_how->value.str.val; if (stricmp(s_how, "next") == 0) { how = h_next; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "prev") == 0) { how = h_prev; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "first") == 0) { how = h_first; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "last") == 0) { how = h_last; } else if (stricmp(s_how, "absolute") == 0) { how = h_absolute; } else { php_error(E_WARNING, "Second argument not valid in ovrimos_fetch_row()"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (arg_row == 0 && how == 4) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Third argument is required for ABSOLUTE in ovrimos_fetch_row()"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (arg_row != 0) { convert_to_long(arg_row); rownum = arg_row->value.lval; switch (how) { case h_next: case h_prev: rownum--; /* Next 1 should send FUNC_CURSOR_NEXT(0) */ break; } } } switch (how) { case h_absolute: case h_first: ret = sqlCursorFirst(stmt, rownum); break; case h_last: ret = sqlCursorLast(stmt, rownum); break; case h_next: ret = sqlCursorNext(stmt, rownum); break; case h_prev: ret = sqlCursorPrev(stmt, rownum); break; } if (!ret) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string ovrimos_result(int result_id, mixed field) Get result data */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_result) { int numArgs = ARG_COUNT(ht); pval *arg_id, *arg_field; int icol, colnb; SQLS stmt; int len; char buffer[1024]; if (numArgs != 2 || getParameters(ht, 2, &arg_id, &arg_field) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; convert_to_long(arg_id); stmt = (SQLS) (arg_id->value.lval - 1); colnb = sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt); if (arg_field->type == IS_STRING) { int i; for (i = 0; i < colnb; i++) { if (!stricmp (arg_field->value.str.val, sqlGetOutputColName(stmt, i))) { icol = i; break; } } } else if (arg_field->type == IS_LONG) { icol = arg_field->value.lval - 1; } else { php_error(E_WARNING, "Second argument neither number nor string in ovrimos_result()"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (icol < 0 || icol > colnb) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Unknown column in ovrimos_result()"); RETURN_FALSE; } column_to_string(stmt, icol, buffer, &len); RETURN_STRINGL(buffer, len, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_result_all(int result_id [, string format]) Print result as HTML table */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_result_all) { long fetched = 0; pval *arg1, *arg2; int numArgs; SQLS stmt; int icol, colnb; char buffer[1024]; int len; numArgs = ARG_COUNT(ht); if (numArgs == 1) { if (getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } else { if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); colnb = sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt); /* Start table tag */ if (numArgs == 1) { php_printf(""); } else { convert_to_string(arg2); php_printf("
", arg2->value.str.val); } for (icol = 0; icol < colnb; icol++) { php_printf("", sqlGetOutputColName(stmt, icol)); } php_printf("\n"); if (sqlCursorFirst(stmt, 0)) { do { fetched++; php_printf(""); for (icol = 0; icol < colnb; icol++) { column_to_string(stmt, icol, buffer, &len); php_printf("", buffer); } php_printf("\n"); } while (sqlCursorNext(stmt, 0)); } php_printf("
\n"); RETURN_LONG(fetched); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_free_result(int result_id) Free resources associated with a result */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_free_result) { pval *arg1; SQLS stmt; if (getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); sqlCloseCursor(stmt); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_num_rows(int result_id) Get number of rows in a result */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_num_rows) { uint32 rows; pval *arg1; SQLS stmt; if (getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); sqlGetRowCount(stmt, &rows); RETURN_LONG(rows); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_num_fields(int result_id) Get number of columns in a result */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_num_fields) { pval *arg1; SQLS stmt; if (getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); RETURN_LONG(sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string ovrimos_field_name(int result_id, int field_number) Get a column name */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_field_name) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLS stmt; int field; if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); convert_to_long(arg2); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); if (arg2->value.lval < 1) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Field numbering starts at 1! in call to ovrimos_field_name()"); RETURN_FALSE; } field = arg2->value.lval - 1; if (field >= sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt)) { php_error(E_WARNING, "No field at this index (%d) in call to ovrimos_field_name()", field); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_STRING((char *) sqlGetOutputColName(stmt, field), 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto string ovrimos_field_type(int result_id, int field_number) Get the datatype of a column */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_field_type) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLS stmt; int field; if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); convert_to_long(arg2); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); if (arg2->value.lval < 1) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Field numbering starts at 1! in call to ovrimos_field_type()"); RETURN_FALSE; } field = arg2->value.lval - 1; if (field >= sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt)) { php_error(E_WARNING, "No field at this index (%d) in call to ovrimos_field_type()", field); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_LONG(sqlGetOutputColType(stmt, field)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_field_len(int result_id, int field_number) Get the length of a column */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_field_len) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLS stmt; int field; if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); convert_to_long(arg2); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); if (arg2->value.lval < 1) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Field numbering starts at 1! in call to ovrimos_field_len()"); RETURN_FALSE; } field = arg2->value.lval - 1; if (field >= sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt)) { php_error(E_WARNING, "No field at this index (%d) in call to ovrimos_field_len()", field); RETURN_FALSE; } switch (sqlGetOutputColType(stmt, field)) { case T_LONGVARCHAR: case T_LONGVARBINARY: RETURN_LONG(longreadlen); default: RETURN_LONG(sqlGetOutputColLength(stmt, field)); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_field_num(int result_id, string field_name) Return column number */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_field_num) { pval *arg1, *arg2; SQLS stmt; int i, n; if (getParameters(ht, 2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE || arg2->type != IS_STRING) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } convert_to_long(arg1); stmt = (SQLS) (arg1->value.lval - 1); n = sqlGetOutputColNb(stmt); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!strcmp (arg2->value.str.val, sqlGetOutputColName(stmt, i))) { RETURN_LONG(i + 1); } } RETURN_FALSE; } /* }}} */ #if 0 /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_autocommit(int connection_id, int OnOff) Toggle autocommit mode There can be problems with pconnections!*/ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_autocommit) { } /* }}} */ #endif /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_commit(int connection_id) Commit an ovrimos transaction */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_commit) { pval *arg1; SQLH conn; if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 1 || getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE || arg1->type != IS_LONG) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } conn = (SQLH) (arg1->value.lval - 1); if (!sqlTransactCommit(conn)) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_rollback(int connection_id) Rollback a transaction */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_rollback) { pval *arg1; SQLH conn; if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 1 || getParameters(ht, 1, &arg1) == FAILURE || arg1->type != IS_LONG) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } conn = (SQLH) (arg1->value.lval - 1); if (!sqlTransactRollback(conn)) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ #if 0 /* {{{ proto int ovrimos_setoption(int conn_id|result_id, int which, int option, int value) Sets connection or statement options */ PHP_FUNCTION(ovrimos_setoption) { } /* }}} */ #endif function_entry ovrimos_functions[] = { /* PHP_FE(ovrimos_setoption, NULL)*/ /* PHP_FE(ovrimos_autocommit, NULL)*/ PHP_FE(ovrimos_close, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_close_all, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_commit, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_connect, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_cursor, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_exec, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_prepare, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_execute, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_fetch_row, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_fetch_into, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_field_len, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_field_name, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_field_type, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_field_num, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_free_result, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_num_fields, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_num_rows, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_result, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_result_all, NULL) PHP_FE(ovrimos_rollback, NULL) /* PHP_FE(ovrimos_binmode, NULL)*/ PHP_FE(ovrimos_longreadlen, NULL) PHP_FALIAS(ovrimos_do, ovrimos_exec, NULL) {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; zend_module_entry ovrimos_module_entry = { "Ovrimos", ovrimos_functions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PHP_MINFO(ovrimos), STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; DLEXPORT zend_module_entry *get_module() { return &ovrimos_module_entry; };