OpenSSL extension for PHP4 $Id$ The functions implemented so far make it possible to seal and open data, and also create and verify signatures. To enable the extension, configure PHP with --with-openssl. Functions: int openssl_get_privatekey(string key [, string passphrase]) Parses the key data and returns a key resource identifier. If the key is encrypted a passphrase is needed. This can be supplied as second argument. int openssl_get_publickey(string cert) Extracts the public key from the given certificate and returns a key resource identifier. void openssl_free_key(int key) Frees the resource given by the key resource identifier. bool openssl_sign(string data, string signature, int key) Uses key to create signature for data, returns true on success and false on failure. int openssl_verify(string data, string signature, int key) Uses key to verify that the signature is correct for the given data. Returns 1 if correct, 0 if incorrect, and -1 on error. int openssl_seal(string data, string sealdata, array ekeys, array pubkeys) Encrypts data using pubkeys, so that only owners of the respective private keys and ekeys can decrypt and read the data. Returns the length of the sealed data on success, else false. bool openssl_open(string data, string opendata, string ekey, int privkey) Opens (decrypts) sealed data using a private key and the corresponding envelope key. Returns true on success and false on failure. See below for more details on usage. Also feel free to mail me at if you have questions. The OpenSSL documentation, especially the EVP documentation at, might also be of help. HOWTO: To do anything you need a private key and a certificate containing the corresponding public key. This is similar to what you have using say an Apache webserver with OpenSSL. For testing you could try keys that come with OpenSSL, that's what the sample scripts below do. You can also get keys from some CA, or you can create them yourself. Creating private key To generate an unprotected 1024 bit RSA private key you can do openssl genrsa -out /tmp/test.key 1024 Private keys should be protected by a passphrase though. Creating a self signed certificate To generate a self signed certificate from the key that is valid for 365 days, do openssl req -new -key /tmp/test.key -out /tmp/test.crt -days 365 -x509 Example usage These examples use keys that come with OpenSSL, you should perhaps test with those first. Seal and open Sign and verify