Extension Upgrade Tracking ========================== ext/standard ------------ Status: In Progress array.c ------- natsort(), natcasesort() Params API Either port strnatcmp() to support Unicode or maybe use ICU's numeric collation. Update: can't seem to get the right collation parameters to duplicate strnatcmp() functionality. Conclusion: port to support Unicode. string.c -------- hebrev(), hebrevc() Figure out if this is something we can use ICU for, internally. Check with Zeev. parse_str() Params API. How do we deal with encoding of the data? sscanf() Params API. Rest - no idea yet. str_replace() stri_replace() These are the problematic ones. There are a few approaches: 1. Case-fold both need and haystack and then do simple search. 2. Look at the implementation behind functions like u_strcasecmp() and try to adapt it to a string search. The implementation case-folds both strings incrementally. For a search, one would want to case-fold the pattern beforehand, but not the text in which you are searching. 3. Take the first character in the pattern and get the set of all characters that have the same case folding (see the UnicodeSet/USet API). Then search in the string for the occurrence of any one of the set items (which include strings!). Then do a case-insensitive comparison, allowing a match that does not end with the end of the text. The problematic cases are of course those ß->ss and similar. All other approaches bite. strnatcmp(), strnatcasecmp() Params API. The rest depends on porting of strnatcmp.c strtr() Check on Derick's progress. wordwrap() Upgrade, do wordwrapping on codepoint (or glyph ?) level, maybe use additional whitespace chars instead of just space. Completed ========= array.c ------- array_change_key_case() array_chunk() array_combine() array_count_values() array_fill() array_filter() array_flip() array_key_exists() array_keys() array_map() array_merge() array_merge_recursive() array_multisort() array_product() array_push(), array_pop(), array_shift(), array_unshift() array_pad() array_rand() array_reduce() array_reverse() array_search() array_slice() array_splice() array_sum() array_values() array_unique() array_walk() array_walk_recursive() compact() count() extract() in_array() min() max() range() shuffle() end(), prev(), next(), reset(), current(), key() sort(), rsort() asort(), arsort() ksort(), krsort() usort(), uasort(), uksort() array_diff(), array_udiff() array_diff_assoc(), array_diff_uassoc(), array_udiff_assoc(), array_udiff_uassoc() array_diff_key(), array_diff_ukey() array_intersect(), array_uintersect() array_intersect_assoc(), array_uintersect_assoc() array_intersect_uassoc(), array_uintersect_uassoc() array_intersect_key(), array_intersect_ukey() string.c -------- addcslashes() addslashes() basename() bin2hex() chr() chunk_split() count_chars() dirname() explode() implode() levenshtein() localeconv() money_format() nl_langinfo() nl2br() ord() pathinfo() quotemeta() range() similar_text() str_pad() str_repeat() str_rot13() str_shuffle() str_split() str_word_count() strcoll() strcspn() strip_tags() stripcslashes() stripslashes() stripos() stristr() strpbrk() strpos() strrchr() strripos() strrev() strrpos() strspn() strstr() strtok() strtolower() strtoupper() substr() substr_compare() substr_count() substr_replace() trim() ucfirst() ucwords() Zend Engine ----------- Status: In Progress TBD: debug_backtrace() Completed: class_exists() create_function() debug_print_backtrace() define() defined() each() error_reporting() extension_loaded() func_get_arg() func_get_args() func_num_args() function_exists() get_class() get_class_methods() get_class_vars() get_declared_classes() get_declared_interfaces() get_defined_constants() get_defined_functions() get_defined_vars() get_extension_funcs() get_included_files() get_loaded_extensions() get_object_vars() get_parent_class() get_resource_type() interface_exists() is_a() is_subclass_of() method_exists() property_exists() restore_error_handler() restore_exception_handler() set_error_handler() set_exception_handler() strcasecmp() strcmp() strlen() strncasecmp() strncmp() trigger_error() zend_thread_id() zend_version() vim: set et ts=4 sts=4: