--TEST-- Test filesize() function: usage variations - size of files --SKIPIF-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing filesize(): usage variations *** *** Checking filesize() with different size of files *** int(1024) int(1025024) int(2049024) int(3073024) int(4097024) int(5121024) int(6145024) int(7169024) int(8193024) int(9217024) *** Done *** --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing filesize(): usage variations *** *** Checking filesize() with different size of files *** int(1024) int(1025024) int(2049024) int(3073024) int(4097024) int(5121024) int(6145024) int(7169024) int(8193024) int(9217024) *** Done ***