--TEST-- Test krsort() function : usage variations - sort heredoc strings --FILE-- "Heredoc", $simple_heredoc2 => "HEREDOC", $multiline_heredoc => "heredoc string\twith!@# and 123\nTest this!!!" ); echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' value is default --\n"; $temp_array = $array; var_dump(krsort($temp_array) ); // expecting : bool(true) var_dump($temp_array); echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_REGULAR --\n"; $temp_array = $array; var_dump(krsort($temp_array, SORT_REGULAR) ); // expecting : bool(true) var_dump($temp_array); echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_STRING --\n"; $temp_array = $array; var_dump(krsort($temp_array, SORT_STRING) ); // expecting : bool(true) var_dump($temp_array); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing krsort() : usage variations *** -- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' value is default -- bool(true) array(3) { [u"heredoc string with!@# and 123 Test this!!!"]=> unicode(43) "heredoc string with!@# and 123 Test this!!!" [u"Heredoc"]=> unicode(7) "Heredoc" [u"HEREDOC"]=> unicode(7) "HEREDOC" } -- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_REGULAR -- bool(true) array(3) { [u"heredoc string with!@# and 123 Test this!!!"]=> unicode(43) "heredoc string with!@# and 123 Test this!!!" [u"Heredoc"]=> unicode(7) "Heredoc" [u"HEREDOC"]=> unicode(7) "HEREDOC" } -- Testing krsort() by supplying heredoc string array, 'flag' = SORT_STRING -- bool(true) array(3) { [u"heredoc string with!@# and 123 Test this!!!"]=> unicode(43) "heredoc string with!@# and 123 Test this!!!" [u"Heredoc"]=> unicode(7) "Heredoc" [u"HEREDOC"]=> unicode(7) "HEREDOC" } Done