--TEST-- "strcmp()" function --INI-- precision = 12 --FILE-- "; var_dump(strcmp($str1_arr[$i], $str1_arr[$j])); } } } echo "\n#### Testing Miscelleneous inputs ####\n"; echo "--- Testing objects ---\n"; /* we get "Catchable fatal error: saying Object of class could not be converted to string" by default, when an object is passed instead of string. The error can be avoided by chosing the __toString magix method as follows: */ class string1 { function __toString() { return "Hello, world"; } } $obj_string1 = new string1; class string2 { function __toString() { return "Hello, world\0"; } } $obj_string2 = new string2; var_dump(strcmp("$obj_string1", "$obj_string2")); echo "\n--- Testing arrays ---\n"; $str_arr = array("hello", "?world", "!$%**()%**[][[[&@#~!"); var_dump(strcmp("hello?world,!$%**()%**[][[[&@#~!", $str_arr)); var_dump(strcmp("hello?world,!$%**()%**[][[[&@#~!", "$str_arr[1]")); var_dump(strcmp("hello?world,!$%**()%**[][[[&@#~!", "$str_arr[2]")); echo "\n--- Testing Resources ---\n"; $filename1 = "dummy.txt"; $filename2 = "dummy1.txt"; $file1 = fopen($filename1, "w"); // creating new file $file2 = fopen($filename2, "w"); // creating new file /* getting resource type for file handle */ $string1 = get_resource_type($file1); $string2 = get_resource_type($file2); $string3 = (int)get_resource_type($file2); /* string1 and string2 of same "stream" type */ var_dump(strcmp($string1, $string2)); // int(0) /* string1 is of "stream" type & string3 is of "int" type */ var_dump(strcmp($string1, $string3)); // int(1) fclose($file1); // closing the file "dummy.txt" fclose($file2); // closing the file "dummy1.txt" unlink("$filename1"); // deletes "dummy.txt" unlink("$filename2"); // deletes "dummy1.txt" echo "\n--- Testing a longer and heredoc string ---\n"; $string = << --EXPECTF-- #### Basic and Possible operations #### *** comparing the strings in an Array ( [0] => a [1] => A [2] => a [3] => A [4] => € [5] => ÿ [6] => ) Iteration 0 - strcmp of 'a' and 'a' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'a' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'a' and 'a' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'a' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'a' and '€' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'a' and 'ÿ' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'a' and '' is => int(%d) Iteration 1 - strcmp of 'A' and 'a' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and 'A' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'A' and 'a' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and 'A' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'A' and '€' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and 'ÿ' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and '' is => int(%d) Iteration 2 - strcmp of 'a' and 'a' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'a' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'a' and 'a' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'a' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'a' and '€' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'a' and 'ÿ' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'a' and '' is => int(%d) Iteration 3 - strcmp of 'A' and 'a' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and 'A' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'A' and 'a' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and 'A' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'A' and '€' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and 'ÿ' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'A' and '' is => int(%d) Iteration 4 - strcmp of '€' and 'a' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '€' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '€' and 'a' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '€' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '€' and '€' is => int(0) - strcmp of '€' and 'ÿ' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '€' and '' is => int(%d) Iteration 5 - strcmp of 'ÿ' and 'a' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ÿ' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ÿ' and 'a' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ÿ' and 'A' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ÿ' and '€' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ÿ' and 'ÿ' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'ÿ' and '' is => int(%d) Iteration 6 - strcmp of '' and 'a' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and 'A' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and 'a' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and 'A' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '€' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and 'ÿ' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) *** comparing the strings in an Array ( [0] => acc [1] => Acc [2] => ac [3] => accc [4] => acd [5] => ?acc [6] => acc! [7] => $!acc [8] => ;acc ) Iteration 0 - strcmp of 'acc' and 'acc' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'acc' and 'Acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and 'ac' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and '?acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and 'acc!' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 1 - strcmp of 'Acc' and 'acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and 'Acc' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'Acc' and 'ac' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and '?acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and 'acc!' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'Acc' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 2 - strcmp of 'ac' and 'acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and 'Acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and 'ac' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'ac' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and '?acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and 'acc!' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'ac' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 3 - strcmp of 'accc' and 'acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and 'Acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and 'ac' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and 'accc' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'accc' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and '?acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and 'acc!' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'accc' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 4 - strcmp of 'acd' and 'acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and 'Acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and 'ac' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and 'accc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and 'acd' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'acd' and '?acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and 'acc!' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acd' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 5 - strcmp of '?acc' and 'acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and 'Acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and 'ac' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and '?acc' is => int(0) - strcmp of '?acc' and 'acc!' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '?acc' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 6 - strcmp of 'acc!' and 'acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and 'Acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and 'ac' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and '?acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and 'acc!' is => int(0) - strcmp of 'acc!' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'acc!' and ';acc' is => int(%d) Iteration 7 - strcmp of '$!acc' and 'acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and 'Acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and 'ac' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and '?acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and 'acc!' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '$!acc' and '$!acc' is => int(0) - strcmp of '$!acc' and ';acc' is => int(-%d) Iteration 8 - strcmp of ';acc' and 'acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and 'Acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and 'ac' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and 'accc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and 'acd' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and '?acc' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and 'acc!' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and '$!acc' is => int(%d) - strcmp of ';acc' and ';acc' is => int(0) *** comparing the strings in an Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 0 [2] => 0 [3] => -1 [4] => -1 [5] => [6] => [7] => 1 [8] => [9] => string ) Iteration 0 - strcmp of '1' and '1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '1' and '0' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '0' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 1 - strcmp of '0' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0' and '0' is => int(0) - strcmp of '0' and '0' is => int(0) - strcmp of '0' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 2 - strcmp of '0' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0' and '0' is => int(0) - strcmp of '0' and '0' is => int(0) - strcmp of '0' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 3 - strcmp of '-1' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '-1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '-1' and '-1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '-1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '-1' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 4 - strcmp of '-1' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '-1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '-1' and '-1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '-1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '-1' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 5 - strcmp of '' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '-1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '-1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 6 - strcmp of '' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '-1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '-1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 7 - strcmp of '1' and '1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '1' and '0' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '0' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and '1' is => int(0) - strcmp of '1' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 8 - strcmp of '' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '0' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '-1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '-1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and '1' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '' and '' is => int(0) - strcmp of '' and 'string' is => int(-%d) Iteration 9 - strcmp of 'string' and '1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '0' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '0' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '-1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '1' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and '' is => int(%d) - strcmp of 'string' and 'string' is => int(0) *** comparing the strings in an Array ( [0] => 10.5 [1] => 1.5 [2] => 9.5 [3] => 11.5 [4] => 100.5 [5] => 105 [6] => -10.5 [7] => 10 [8] => 0.5 ) Iteration 0 - strcmp of '10.5' and '10.5' is => int(0) - strcmp of '10.5' and '1.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '100.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '105' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '10' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '10.5' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 1 - strcmp of '1.5' and '10.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '1.5' is => int(0) - strcmp of '1.5' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '100.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '105' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '10' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '1.5' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 2 - strcmp of '9.5' and '10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '1.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '9.5' is => int(0) - strcmp of '9.5' and '11.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '100.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '105' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '10' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '9.5' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 3 - strcmp of '11.5' and '10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '1.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '11.5' is => int(0) - strcmp of '11.5' and '100.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '105' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '10' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '11.5' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 4 - strcmp of '100.5' and '10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '1.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '100.5' is => int(0) - strcmp of '100.5' and '105' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '10' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '100.5' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 5 - strcmp of '105' and '10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '105' and '1.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '105' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '105' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '105' and '100.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '105' and '105' is => int(0) - strcmp of '105' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '105' and '10' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '105' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 6 - strcmp of '-10.5' and '10.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '1.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '100.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '105' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '-10.5' is => int(0) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '10' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '-10.5' and '0.5' is => int(-%d) Iteration 7 - strcmp of '10' and '10.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10' and '1.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '10' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10' and '100.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10' and '105' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '10' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '10' and '10' is => int(0) - strcmp of '10' and '0.5' is => int(%d) Iteration 8 - strcmp of '0.5' and '10.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '1.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '9.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '11.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '100.5' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '105' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '-10.5' is => int(%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '10' is => int(-%d) - strcmp of '0.5' and '0.5' is => int(0) #### Testing Miscelleneous inputs #### --- Testing objects --- int(-%d) --- Testing arrays --- Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d int(%d) int(%d) int(%d) --- Testing Resources --- int(0) int(%d) --- Testing a longer and heredoc string --- int(0) int(-%d) int(%d) --- Testing a heredoc null string --- int(-%d) int(0) int(-%d) --- Testing simple and complex syntax strings --- int(-%d) int(-%d) Notice: Undefined variable: strS in %s on line %d int(%d) int(-%d) int(-%d) --- Testing binary safe and binary chars --- int(%d) int(-%d) int(0) int(0) int(%d) int(%d) int(%d) --- Comparing long float values --- int(0) int(-%d) int(0) #### checking error conditions #### Warning: Wrong parameter count for strcmp() in %s on line %d Warning: Wrong parameter count for strcmp() in %s on line %d Warning: Wrong parameter count for strcmp() in %s on line %d Warning: Wrong parameter count for strcmp() in %s on line %d Done