--TEST-- Interface of the class mysqli_stmt --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- true, 'attr_get' => true, 'attr_set' => true, 'bind_param' => true, 'bind_result' => true, 'close' => true, 'data_seek' => true, 'execute' => true, 'fetch' => true, 'free_result' => true, 'get_warnings' => true, 'num_rows' => true, 'prepare' => true, 'reset' => true, 'result_metadata' => true, 'send_long_data' => true, 'stmt' => true, 'store_result' => true, ); if ($IS_MYSQLND) $expected_methods['get_result'] = true; foreach ($methods as $k => $method) { if (isset($expected_methods[$method])) { unset($methods[$k]); unset($expected_methods[$method]); } if ($method == 'mysqli_stmt') { // get_class_method reports different constructor names unset($expected_methods['__construct']); unset($methods[$k]); } } if (!empty($methods)) { printf("More methods found than indicated. Dumping list of unexpected methods.\n"); var_dump($methods); } if (!empty($expected_methods)) { printf("Some methods are missing. Dumping list of missing methods.\n"); var_dump($expected_methods); } if (empty($methods) && empty($expected_methods)) printf("ok\n"); printf("\nClass variables:\n"); $variables = array_keys(get_class_vars(get_class($stmt))); sort($variables); foreach ($variables as $k => $var) printf("%s\n", $var); printf("\nObject variables:\n"); $variables = array_keys(get_object_vars($stmt)); foreach ($variables as $k => $var) printf("%s\n", $var); printf("\nMagic, magic properties:\n"); assert(mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) === $stmt->affected_rows); printf("stmt->affected_rows = '%s'\n", $stmt->affected_rows); if (!$stmt->prepare("INSERT INTO test(id, label) VALUES (100, 'z')") || !$stmt->execute()) printf("[001] [%d] %s\n", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error); assert(mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) === $stmt->affected_rows); printf("stmt->affected_rows = '%s'\n", $stmt->affected_rows); assert(mysqli_stmt_errno($stmt) === $stmt->errno); printf("stmt->errno = '%s'\n", $stmt->errno); assert(mysqli_stmt_error($stmt) === $stmt->error); printf("stmt->error = '%s'\n", $stmt->error); assert(mysqli_stmt_field_count($stmt) === $stmt->field_count); printf("stmt->field_count = '%s'\n", $stmt->field_count); assert($stmt->id > 0); printf("stmt->id = '%s'\n", $stmt->id); assert(mysqli_stmt_insert_id($stmt) === $stmt->insert_id); printf("stmt->insert_id = '%s'\n", $stmt->insert_id); assert(mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt) === $stmt->num_rows); printf("stmt->num_rows = '%s'\n", $stmt->num_rows); assert(mysqli_stmt_param_count($stmt) === $stmt->param_count); printf("stmt->param_count = '%s'\n", $stmt->param_count); assert(mysqli_stmt_sqlstate($stmt) === $stmt->sqlstate); printf("stmt->sqlstate = '%s'\n", $stmt->sqlstate); printf("\nAccess to undefined properties:\n"); printf("stmt->unknown = '%s'\n", @$stmt->unknown); @$stmt->unknown = 13; printf("stmt->unknown = '%s'\n", @$stmt->unknown); printf("\nPrepare using the constructor:\n"); $stmt = new mysqli_stmt($link, 'SELECT id FROM test ORDER BY id'); if (!$stmt->execute()) printf("[002] [%d] %s\n", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error); $stmt->close(); $obj = new stdClass(); if (!is_object($stmt = new mysqli_stmt($link, $obj))) printf("[003] Expecting NULL got %s/%s\n", gettype($stmt), $stmt); print "done!"; ?> --EXPECTF-- Parent class: bool(false) Methods: ok Class variables: affected_rows errno error field_count id insert_id num_rows param_count sqlstate Object variables: affected_rows insert_id num_rows param_count field_count errno error sqlstate id Magic, magic properties: Warning: mysqli_stmt_affected_rows(): invalid object or resource mysqli_stmt in %s on line %d Warning: main(): Property access is not allowed yet in %s on line %d Warning: main(): Property access is not allowed yet in %s on line %d stmt->affected_rows = '' stmt->affected_rows = '1' stmt->errno = '0' stmt->error = '' stmt->field_count = '0' stmt->id = '%d' stmt->insert_id = '0' stmt->num_rows = '0' stmt->param_count = '0' stmt->sqlstate = '00000' Access to undefined properties: stmt->unknown = '' stmt->unknown = '13' Prepare using the constructor: Warning: mysqli_stmt::mysqli_stmt() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given in %s on line %d done! --UEXPECTF-- Parent class: bool(false) Methods: ok Class variables: affected_rows errno error field_count id insert_id num_rows param_count sqlstate Object variables: affected_rows insert_id num_rows param_count field_count errno error sqlstate id Magic, magic properties: Warning: mysqli_stmt_affected_rows(): invalid object or resource mysqli_stmt in %s on line %d Warning: main(): Property access is not allowed yet in %s on line %d Warning: main(): Property access is not allowed yet in %s on line %d stmt->affected_rows = '' stmt->affected_rows = '1' stmt->errno = '0' stmt->error = '' stmt->field_count = '0' stmt->id = '%d' stmt->insert_id = '0' stmt->num_rows = '0' stmt->param_count = '0' stmt->sqlstate = '00000' Access to undefined properties: stmt->unknown = '' stmt->unknown = '13' Prepare using the constructor: Warning: mysqli_stmt::mysqli_stmt() expects parameter 2 to be binary string, object given in %s on line %d done!