WHAT IS THIS? It is an output filter for Apache 2.0. HOW DOES IT WORK? In Apache 2.0, you have handlers which generate content (like reading a script from disk). The content goes then through a chain of filters. PHP can be such a filter, so that it processes your script and hands the output to the next filter (which will usually cause a write to the network). DOES IT WORK? It is experimental as interfaces in Apache 2.0 might change in the future. HOW TO INSTALL Get the latest Apache 2.0 alpha or the CVS code and install it. $ cd apache-2.x $ cd src $ ./configure --enable-so $ make install For testing purposes, you might want to use --with-mpm=prefork. (Albeit PHP also works with threaded MPMs.) Configure PHP 4: $ cd php-4.x $ ./configure --with-apxs2=/path/to/apache-2.0/bin/apxs $ make install At the end of conf/httpd.conf, add: AddOutputFilter PHP AddInputFilter PHP That's it. Now start bin/httpd. DEBUGGING APACHE AND PHP To debug Apache, we recommened: 1. Use the Prefork MPM (Apache 1.3-like process model) by configuring Apache with '--with-mpm=prefork'. 2. Set the variable "ONE_PROCESS" to 1 and export it before starting Apache/a debugger. If you want to debug a part of the PHP startup procedure, set a breakpoint on 'load_module'. Step through it until apr_dso_load() is done. Then you can set a breakpoint on any PHP-related symbol. TODO PHP functions like apache_sub_req (see php_functions.c) Protocol handlers Passing script data to engine without temporary file