--TEST-- Test rsort() function : object functionality --FILE-- class_value = $value; } } // class declaration for string objects class for_string_rsort { public $class_value; // initializing object member value function __construct($value){ $this->class_value = $value; } // return string value function __tostring() { return (string)$this->value; } } // array of integer objects $unsorted_int_obj = array( new for_integer_rsort(11), new for_integer_rsort(66), new for_integer_rsort(23), new for_integer_rsort(-5), new for_integer_rsort(0.001), new for_integer_rsort(0) ); // array of string objects $unsorted_str_obj = array ( new for_string_rsort("axx"), new for_string_rsort("t"), new for_string_rsort("w"), new for_string_rsort("py"), new for_string_rsort("apple"), new for_string_rsort("Orange"), new for_string_rsort("Lemon"), new for_string_rsort("aPPle") ); echo "\n-- Sort flag = default --\n"; // testing rsort() function by supplying integer object array, flag value is default $temp_array = $unsorted_int_obj; var_dump(rsort($temp_array) ); var_dump($temp_array); // testing rsort() function by supplying string object array, flag value is default $temp_array = $unsorted_str_obj; var_dump(rsort($temp_array) ); var_dump($temp_array); echo "\n-- Sort flag = SORT_REGULAR --\n"; // testing rsort() function by supplying integer object array, flag value = SORT_REGULAR $temp_array = $unsorted_int_obj; var_dump(rsort($temp_array, SORT_REGULAR) ); var_dump($temp_array); // testing rsort() function by supplying string object array, flag value = SORT_REGULAR $temp_array = $unsorted_str_obj; var_dump(rsort($temp_array, SORT_REGULAR) ); var_dump($temp_array); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing rsort() : object functionality *** -- Sort flag = default -- bool(true) array(6) { [0]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(66) } [1]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(23) } [2]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(11) } [3]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> float(0.001) } [4]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(0) } [5]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(-5) } } bool(true) array(8) { [0]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(1) "w" } [1]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(1) "t" } [2]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(2) "py" } [3]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(3) "axx" } [4]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(5) "apple" } [5]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(5) "aPPle" } [6]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(6) "Orange" } [7]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(5) "Lemon" } } -- Sort flag = SORT_REGULAR -- bool(true) array(6) { [0]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(66) } [1]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(23) } [2]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(11) } [3]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> float(0.001) } [4]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(0) } [5]=> object(for_integer_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> int(-5) } } bool(true) array(8) { [0]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(1) "w" } [1]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(1) "t" } [2]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(2) "py" } [3]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(3) "axx" } [4]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(5) "apple" } [5]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(5) "aPPle" } [6]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(6) "Orange" } [7]=> object(for_string_rsort)#%d (1) { [u"class_value"]=> unicode(5) "Lemon" } } Done