| // | Hans Lellelid | // | Bertrand Mansion | // | Greg Beaver | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ /** * Base PEAR_Exception Class * * WARNING: This code should be considered stable, but the API is * subject to immediate and drastic change, so API stability is * at best alpha * * 1) Features: * * - Nestable exceptions (throw new PEAR_Exception($msg, $prev_exception)) * - Definable triggers, shot when exceptions occur * - Pretty and informative error messages * - Added more context info available (like class, method or cause) * - cause can be a PEAR_Exception or an array of mixed * PEAR_Exceptions/PEAR_ErrorStack warnings * - callbacks for specific exception classes and their children * * 2) Ideas: * * - Maybe a way to define a 'template' for the output * * 3) Inherited properties from PHP Exception Class: * * protected $message * protected $code * protected $line * protected $file * private $trace * * 4) Inherited methods from PHP Exception Class: * * __clone * __construct * getMessage * getCode * getFile * getLine * getTraceSafe * getTraceSafeAsString * __toString * * 5) Usage example * * * require_once 'PEAR/Exception.php'; * * class Test { * function foo() { * throw new PEAR_Exception('Error Message', ERROR_CODE); * } * } * * function myLogger($pear_exception) { * echo $pear_exception->getMessage(); * } * // each time a exception is thrown the 'myLogger' will be called * // (its use is completely optional) * PEAR_Exception::addObserver('myLogger'); * $test = new Test; * try { * $test->foo(); * } catch (PEAR_Exception $e) { * print $e; * } * * * @since PHP 5 * @package PEAR * @version $Revision$ * @author Tomas V.V.Cox * @author Hans Lellelid * @author Bertrand Mansion * */ class PEAR_Exception extends Exception { const OBSERVER_PRINT = -2; const OBSERVER_TRIGGER = -4; const OBSERVER_DIE = -8; protected $cause; private static $_observers = array(); private static $_uniqueid = 0; private $_trace; /** * Supported signatures: * PEAR_Exception(string $message); * PEAR_Exception(string $message, int $code); * PEAR_Exception(string $message, Exception $cause); * PEAR_Exception(string $message, Exception $cause, int $code); * PEAR_Exception(string $message, array $causes); * PEAR_Exception(string $message, array $causes, int $code); */ public function __construct($message, $p2 = null, $p3 = null) { if (is_int($p2)) { $code = $p2; $this->cause = null; } elseif ($p2 instanceof Exception || is_array($p2)) { $code = $p3; if (is_array($p2) && isset($p2['message'])) { // fix potential problem of passing in a single warning $p2 = array($p2); } $this->cause = $p2; } else { $code = null; $this->cause = null; } parent::__construct($message, $code); $this->signal(); } /** * @param mixed $callback - A valid php callback, see php func is_callable() * - A PEAR_Exception::OBSERVER_* constant * - An array(const PEAR_Exception::OBSERVER_*, * mixed $options) * @param string $label The name of the observer. Use this if you want * to remove it later with removeObserver() */ public static function addObserver($callback, $label = 'default') { self::$_observers[$label] = $callback; } public static function removeObserver($label = 'default') { unset(self::$_observers[$label]); } /** * @return int unique identifier for an observer */ public static function getUniqueId() { return self::$_uniqueid++; } private function signal() { foreach (self::$_observers as $func) { if (is_callable($func)) { call_user_func($func, $this); continue; } settype($func, 'array'); switch ($func[0]) { case self::OBSERVER_PRINT : $f = (isset($func[1])) ? $func[1] : '%s'; printf($f, $this->getMessage()); break; case self::OBSERVER_TRIGGER : $f = (isset($func[1])) ? $func[1] : E_USER_NOTICE; trigger_error($this->getMessage(), $f); break; case self::OBSERVER_DIE : $f = (isset($func[1])) ? $func[1] : '%s'; die(printf($f, $this->getMessage())); break; default: trigger_error('invalid observer type', E_USER_WARNING); } } } /** * Return specific error information that can be used for more detailed * error messages or translation. * * This method may be overridden in child exception classes in order * to add functionality not present in PEAR_Exception and is a placeholder * to define API * * The returned array must be an associative array of parameter => value like so: *
     * array('name' => $name, 'context' => array(...))
* @return array */ public function getErrorData() { return array(); } /** * Returns the exception that caused this exception to be thrown * @access public * @return Exception|array The context of the exception */ public function getCause() { return $this->cause; } /** * Function must be public to call on caused exceptions * @param array */ public function getCauseMessage(&$causes) { $trace = $this->getTraceSafe(); $cause = array('class' => get_class($this), 'message' => $this->message, 'file' => 'unknown', 'line' => 'unknown'); if (isset($trace[0])) { if (isset($trace[0]['file'])) { $cause['file'] = $trace[0]['file']; $cause['line'] = $trace[0]['line']; } } if ($this->cause instanceof PEAR_Exception) { $this->cause->getCauseMessage($causes); } if (is_array($this->cause)) { foreach ($this->cause as $cause) { if ($cause instanceof PEAR_Exception) { $cause->getCauseMessage($causes); } elseif (is_array($cause) && isset($cause['message'])) { // PEAR_ErrorStack warning $causes[] = array( 'class' => $cause['package'], 'message' => $cause['message'], 'file' => isset($cause['context']['file']) ? $cause['context']['file'] : 'unknown', 'line' => isset($cause['context']['line']) ? $cause['context']['line'] : 'unknown', ); } } } } public function getTraceSafe() { if (!isset($this->_trace)) { $this->_trace = $this->getTrace(); if (empty($this->_trace)) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $this->_trace = array($backtrace[count($backtrace)-1]); } } return $this->_trace; } public function getErrorClass() { $trace = $this->getTraceSafe(); return $trace[0]['class']; } public function getErrorMethod() { $trace = $this->getTraceSafe(); return $trace[0]['function']; } public function __toString() { if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { return $this->toHtml(); } return $this->toText(); } public function toHtml() { $trace = $this->getTraceSafe(); $causes = array(); $this->getCauseMessage($causes); $html = '' . "\n"; foreach ($causes as $i => $cause) { $html .= '\n"; } $html .= '' . "\n" . '' . '' . '' . "\n"; foreach ($trace as $k => $v) { $html .= '' . '' . '' . "\n"; } $html .= '' . '' . '' . "\n" . '
' . str_repeat('-', $i) . ' ' . $cause['class'] . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($cause['message']) . ' in ' . $cause['file'] . ' ' . 'on line ' . $cause['line'] . '' . "
Exception trace
' . $k . ''; if (!empty($v['class'])) { $html .= $v['class'] . $v['type']; } $html .= $v['function']; $args = array(); if (!empty($v['args'])) { foreach ($v['args'] as $arg) { if (is_null($arg)) $args[] = 'null'; elseif (is_array($arg)) $args[] = 'Array'; elseif (is_object($arg)) $args[] = 'Object('.get_class($arg).')'; elseif (is_bool($arg)) $args[] = $arg ? 'true' : 'false'; elseif (is_int($arg) || is_double($arg)) $args[] = $arg; else { $arg = (string)$arg; $str = htmlspecialchars(substr($arg, 0, 16)); if (strlen($arg) > 16) $str .= '…'; $args[] = "'" . $str . "'"; } } } $html .= '(' . implode(', ',$args) . ')' . '' . $v['file'] . ':' . $v['line'] . '
' . ($k+1) . '{main} 
'; return $html; } public function toText() { $causes = array(); $this->getCauseMessage($causes); $causeMsg = ''; foreach ($causes as $i => $cause) { $causeMsg .= str_repeat(' ', $i) . $cause['class'] . ': ' . $cause['message'] . ' in ' . $cause['file'] . ' on line ' . $cause['line'] . "\n"; } return $causeMsg . $this->getTraceAsString(); } } ?>