| // | | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Config.php'; class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common { // {{{ properties var $commands = array( 'list' => array( 'summary' => 'List Installed Packages', 'function' => 'doList', 'shortcut' => 'l', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => '[package] If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir)). With a parameter, it lists the files in that package. ', ), 'shell-test' => array( 'summary' => 'Shell Script Test', 'function' => 'doShellTest', 'shortcut' => 'st', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' [[relation] version] Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not. The version comparison operator. One of: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne The version to compare with '), 'info' => array( 'summary' => 'Display information about a package', 'function' => 'doInfo', 'shortcut' => 'in', 'options' => array(), 'doc' => ' Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an installed package.' ) ); // }}} // {{{ constructor /** * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor. * * @access public */ function PEAR_Command_Registry(&$ui, &$config) { parent::PEAR_Command_Common($ui, $config); } // }}} // {{{ doList() function _sortinfo($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['package'], $b['package']); } function doList($command, $options, $params) { $reg = new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir')); if (sizeof($params) == 0) { $installed = $reg->packageInfo(); usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo')); $i = $j = 0; $data = array( 'caption' => 'Installed packages:', 'border' => true, 'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State') ); foreach ($installed as $package) { $data['data'][] = array($package['package'], $package['version'], @$package['release_state']); } if (count($installed)==0) { $data = '(no packages installed)'; } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } else { if (file_exists($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0])) { include_once "PEAR/Common.php"; $obj = &new PEAR_Common; $info = $obj->infoFromAny($params[0]); $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path'); $installed = false; } else { $info = $reg->packageInfo($params[0]); $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path'); $installed = true; } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $this->raiseError($info); } if ($info === null) { return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed"); } $list = $info['filelist']; if ($installed) { $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0]; } else { $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]); } $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true, 'headline' => $headings); foreach ($list as $file => $att) { if ($installed) { if (empty($att['installed_as'])) { continue; } $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']); } else { if (isset($att['baseinstalldir'])) { $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } else { $dest = $file; } switch ($att['role']) { case 'test': case 'data': if ($installed) { break 2; } $dest = '-- will not be installed --'; break; case 'doc': $dest = $this->config->get('doc_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; break; case 'php': default: $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest; } $dest = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $dest); $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file); $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest); } } $this->ui->outputData($data, $command); } return true; } // }}} // {{{ doShellTest() function doShellTest($command, $options, $params) { $this->pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $reg = &new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir')); // "pear shell-test Foo" if (sizeof($params) == 1) { if (!$reg->packageExists($params[0])) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0" } elseif (sizeof($params) == 2) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($params[0], 'version'); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) { exit(1); } // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0" } elseif (sizeof($params) == 3) { $v = $reg->packageInfo($params[0], 'version'); if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) { exit(1); } } else { $this->popErrorHandling(); $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters"); exit(1); } } // }}} // {{{ doInfo function doInfo($command, $options, $params) { // $params[0] The package for showing info if (sizeof($params) != 1) { return $this->raiseError("This command only accepts one param: ". "the package you want information"); } if (@is_file($params[0])) { $obj = &new PEAR_Common(); $info = $obj->infoFromAny($params[0]); } else { $reg = &new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir')); $info = $reg->packageInfo($params[0]); } if (PEAR::isError($info)) { return $info; } if (empty($info)) { $this->ui->displayError("Nothing found for `$params[0]'"); return; } unset($info['filelist']); unset($info['changelog']); $keys = array_keys($info); $longtext = array('description', 'summary'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($info[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'maintainers': { $i = 0; $mstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $m) { if ($i++ > 0) { $mstr .= "\n"; } $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <"; if (isset($m['email'])) { $mstr .= $m['email']; } else { $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net'; } $mstr .= "> ($m[role])"; } $info[$key] = $mstr; break; } case 'release_deps': { $i = 0; $dstr = ''; foreach ($info[$key] as $d) { if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) { $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']]; } else { $rel = $d['rel']; } if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) { $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]); } else { $type = $d['type']; } if (isset($d['name'])) { $name = $d['name'] . ' '; } else { $name = ''; } if (isset($d['version'])) { $version = $d['version'] . ' '; } else { $version = ''; } $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version\n"; } $info[$key] = $dstr; break; } default: { $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]); break; } } } if ($key == '_lastmodified') { $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]); unset($info[$key]); $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate; } else { $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]); if (in_array($key, $longtext)) { $info[$key] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $info[$key]); } } } $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version']; $data = array( 'caption' => $caption, 'border' => true); foreach ($info as $key => $value) { $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $data['data'][] = array($key, $value); } $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info'); } // }}} } ?>