--TEST-- Test var_dump() function --SKIPIF-- --INI-- precision=14 --FILE-- 'One'), array("test" => "is_array"), array(0), array(-1), array(10.5, 5.6), array("string", "test"), array('string', 'test'), ); /* calling check_vardump() to display contents of an array using var_dump() */ check_vardump($arrays); echo "\n*** Testing var_dump() on object variables ***\n"; class object_class { var $value; public $public_var1 = 10; private $private_var1 = 20; private $private_var2; protected $protected_var1 = "string_1"; protected $protected_var2; function object_class ( ) { $this->value = 50; $this->public_var2 = 11; $this->private_var2 = 21; $this->protected_var2 = "string_2"; } public function foo1() { echo "foo1() is called\n"; } protected function foo2() { echo "foo2() is called\n"; } private function foo3() { echo "foo3() is called\n"; } } /* class with no member */ class no_member_class { // no members } /* class with member as object of other class */ class contains_object_class { var $p = 30; var $class_object1; public $class_object2; private $class_object3; protected $class_object4; var $no_member_class_object; public function func() { echo "func() is called \n"; } function contains_object_class () { $this->class_object1 = new object_class(); $this->class_object2 = new object_class(); $this->class_object3 = $this->class_object1; $this->class_object4 = $this->class_object2; $this->no_member_class_object = new no_member_class(); $this->class_object5 = $this; //recursive reference } } /* objects of different classes */ $obj = new contains_object_class; $temp_class_obj = new object_class(); /* object which is unset */ $unset_obj = new object_class(); unset($unset_obj); $objects = array ( new object_class, new no_member_class, new contains_object_class, $obj, $obj->class_object1, $obj->class_object2, $obj->no_member_class_object, $temp_class_obj, @$unset_obj ); /* calling check_vardump() to display contents of the objects using var_dump() */ check_vardump($objects); echo "\n** Testing var_dump() on objects having circular reference **\n"; $recursion_obj1 = new object_class(); $recursion_obj2 = new object_class(); $recursion_obj1->obj = &$recursion_obj2; //circular reference $recursion_obj2->obj = &$recursion_obj1; //circular reference var_dump($recursion_obj2); echo "\n*** Testing var_dump() on resources ***\n"; /* file type resource */ $file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); /* directory type resource */ $dir_handle = opendir( dirname(__FILE__) ); $resources = array ( $file_handle, $dir_handle ); /* calling check_vardump() to display the resource content type using var_dump() */ check_vardump($resources); echo "\n*** Testing var_dump() on different combinations of scalar and non-scalar variables ***\n"; /* a variable which is unset */ $unset_var = 10.5; unset($unset_var); /* unset file type resource */ unset($file_handle); $variations = array ( array( 123, -1.2345, "a" ), array( "d", array(1, 3, 5), true, null), array( new no_member_class, array(), false, 0 ), array( -0.00, "Where am I?", array(7,8,9), TRUE, 'A', 987654321 ), array( @$unset_var, 2.E+10, 100-20.9, 000004.599998 ), //unusual data array( "array(1,2,3,4)1.0000002TRUE", @$file_handle, 111333.00+45e5, '/00\7') ); /* calling check_vardump() to display combinations of scalar and non-scalar variables using var_dump() */ check_vardump($variations); echo "\n*** Testing var_dump() on miscelleneous input arguments ***\n"; $misc_values = array ( @$unset_var, NULL, // NULL argument @$undef_variable, //undefined variable null ); /* calling check_vardump() to display miscelleneous data using var_dump() */ check_vardump($misc_values); echo "\n*** Testing var_dump() on multiple arguments ***\n"; var_dump( $integers, $floats, $strings, $arrays, $booleans, $resources, $objects, $misc_values, $variations ); /* checking var_dump() on functions */ echo "\n*** Testing var_dump() on anonymous functions ***\n"; $newfunc = create_function('$a,$b', 'return "$a * $b = " . ($a * $b);'); echo "New anonymous function: $newfunc\n"; var_dump( $newfunc(2, 3) ); /* creating anonymous function dynamically */ var_dump( create_function('$a', 'return "$a * $a = " . ($a * $b);') ); echo "\n*** Testing error conditions ***\n"; //passing zero argument var_dump(); /* closing resource handle used */ closedir($dir_handle); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing var_dump() on integer variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- int(0) -- Iteration 2 -- int(83) -- Iteration 3 -- int(123000000) -- Iteration 4 -- int(-83) -- Iteration 5 -- int(-12300000) -- Iteration 6 -- array(10) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) [6]=> int(7) [7]=> int(8) [8]=> int(9) [9]=> int(10) } -- Iteration 7 -- array(10) { [0]=> int(-1) [1]=> int(-2) [2]=> int(-3) [3]=> int(-4) [4]=> int(-5) [5]=> int(-6) [6]=> int(-7) [7]=> int(-8) [8]=> int(-9) [9]=> int(-10) } -- Iteration 8 -- int(2147483647) -- Iteration 9 -- float(2147483648) -- Iteration 10 -- float(-2147483648) -- Iteration 11 -- int(-2147483647) -- Iteration 12 -- int(2147483647) -- Iteration 13 -- float(-2147483648) -- Iteration 14 -- int(2147483647) -- Iteration 15 -- float(-2147483648) *** Testing var_dump() on float variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- float(0) -- Iteration 2 -- float(0) -- Iteration 3 -- float(1.234) -- Iteration 4 -- float(-1.234) -- Iteration 5 -- float(-2) -- Iteration 6 -- float(2) -- Iteration 7 -- float(-0.5) -- Iteration 8 -- float(0.567) -- Iteration 9 -- float(-0.00067) -- Iteration 10 -- float(-670) -- Iteration 11 -- float(670) -- Iteration 12 -- float(670) -- Iteration 13 -- float(-0.00410003) -- Iteration 14 -- float(-4100.03) -- Iteration 15 -- float(0.004100003) -- Iteration 16 -- float(4100.003) -- Iteration 17 -- float(100000) -- Iteration 18 -- float(-100000) -- Iteration 19 -- float(1.0E-5) -- Iteration 20 -- float(-1.0E-5) -- Iteration 21 -- float(100000) -- Iteration 22 -- float(-100000) -- Iteration 23 -- float(100000) -- Iteration 24 -- float(-100000) -- Iteration 25 -- float(100000) -- Iteration 26 -- float(-100000) -- Iteration 27 -- float(1.0E-5) -- Iteration 28 -- float(-1.0E-5) -- Iteration 29 -- float(-2147483649) -- Iteration 30 -- float(2147483649) -- Iteration 31 -- float(2147483649) -- Iteration 32 -- float(-2147483649) *** Testing var_dump() on string variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- string(0) "" -- Iteration 2 -- string(0) "" -- Iteration 3 -- string(1) " " -- Iteration 4 -- string(1) " " -- Iteration 5 -- string(1) "0" -- Iteration 6 -- string(1) "" -- Iteration 7 -- string(2) "\0" -- Iteration 8 -- string(1) " " -- Iteration 9 -- string(2) "\t" -- Iteration 10 -- string(3) "PHP" -- Iteration 11 -- string(3) "PHP" -- Iteration 12 -- string(29) "abcdn12340567800efgh\xijkl" -- Iteration 13 -- string(34) "abcdefghijklmnop0qrstuvwx0yz" -- Iteration 14 -- string(22) "1234 5678 9100 abcda" *** Testing var_dump() on boolean variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 2 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 4 -- bool(false) *** Testing var_dump() on array variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- array(0) { } -- Iteration 2 -- array(1) { [0]=> NULL } -- Iteration 3 -- array(1) { [0]=> NULL } -- Iteration 4 -- array(1) { [0]=> bool(true) } -- Iteration 5 -- array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } -- Iteration 6 -- array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } -- Iteration 7 -- array(2) { [0]=> array(0) { } [1]=> array(0) { } } -- Iteration 8 -- array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "a" [1]=> string(1) "b" } } -- Iteration 9 -- array(1) { [1]=> string(3) "One" } -- Iteration 10 -- array(1) { ["test"]=> string(8) "is_array" } -- Iteration 11 -- array(1) { [0]=> int(0) } -- Iteration 12 -- array(1) { [0]=> int(-1) } -- Iteration 13 -- array(2) { [0]=> float(10.5) [1]=> float(5.6) } -- Iteration 14 -- array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "string" [1]=> string(4) "test" } -- Iteration 15 -- array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "string" [1]=> string(4) "test" } *** Testing var_dump() on object variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } -- Iteration 2 -- object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } -- Iteration 3 -- object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> *RECURSION* } } -- Iteration 4 -- object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> *RECURSION* } } -- Iteration 5 -- object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } -- Iteration 6 -- object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } -- Iteration 7 -- object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } -- Iteration 8 -- object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } -- Iteration 9 -- NULL ** Testing var_dump() on objects having circular reference ** object(object_class)#%d (8) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) ["obj"]=> &object(object_class)#%d (8) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) ["obj"]=> &object(object_class)#%d (8) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) ["obj"]=> &object(object_class)#%d (8) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) ["obj"]=> *RECURSION* } } } } *** Testing var_dump() on resources *** -- Iteration 1 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) -- Iteration 2 -- resource(%d) of type (stream) *** Testing var_dump() on different combinations of scalar and non-scalar variables *** -- Iteration 1 -- array(3) { [0]=> int(123) [1]=> float(-1.2345) [2]=> string(1) "a" } -- Iteration 2 -- array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "d" [1]=> array(3) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(3) [2]=> int(5) } [2]=> bool(true) [3]=> NULL } -- Iteration 3 -- array(4) { [0]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } [1]=> array(0) { } [2]=> bool(false) [3]=> int(0) } -- Iteration 4 -- array(6) { [0]=> float(0) [1]=> string(11) "Where am I?" [2]=> array(3) { [0]=> int(7) [1]=> int(8) [2]=> int(9) } [3]=> bool(true) [4]=> string(1) "A" [5]=> int(987654321) } -- Iteration 5 -- array(4) { [0]=> NULL [1]=> float(20000000000) [2]=> float(79.1) [3]=> float(4.599998) } -- Iteration 6 -- array(4) { [0]=> string(27) "array(1,2,3,4)1.0000002TRUE" [1]=> NULL [2]=> float(4611333) [3]=> string(5) "/00\7" } *** Testing var_dump() on miscelleneous input arguments *** -- Iteration 1 -- NULL -- Iteration 2 -- NULL -- Iteration 3 -- NULL -- Iteration 4 -- NULL *** Testing var_dump() on multiple arguments *** array(15) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(83) [2]=> int(123000000) [3]=> int(-83) [4]=> int(-12300000) [5]=> array(10) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) [6]=> int(7) [7]=> int(8) [8]=> int(9) [9]=> int(10) } [6]=> array(10) { [0]=> int(-1) [1]=> int(-2) [2]=> int(-3) [3]=> int(-4) [4]=> int(-5) [5]=> int(-6) [6]=> int(-7) [7]=> int(-8) [8]=> int(-9) [9]=> int(-10) } [7]=> int(2147483647) [8]=> float(2147483648) [9]=> float(-2147483648) [10]=> int(-2147483647) [11]=> int(2147483647) [12]=> float(-2147483648) [13]=> int(2147483647) [14]=> float(-2147483648) } array(32) { [0]=> float(0) [1]=> float(0) [2]=> float(1.234) [3]=> float(-1.234) [4]=> float(-2) [5]=> float(2) [6]=> float(-0.5) [7]=> float(0.567) [8]=> float(-0.00067) [9]=> float(-670) [10]=> float(670) [11]=> float(670) [12]=> float(-0.00410003) [13]=> float(-4100.03) [14]=> float(0.004100003) [15]=> float(4100.003) [16]=> float(100000) [17]=> float(-100000) [18]=> float(1.0E-5) [19]=> float(-1.0E-5) [20]=> float(100000) [21]=> float(-100000) [22]=> float(100000) [23]=> float(-100000) [24]=> float(100000) [25]=> float(-100000) [26]=> float(1.0E-5) [27]=> float(-1.0E-5) [28]=> float(-2147483649) [29]=> float(2147483649) [30]=> float(2147483649) [31]=> float(-2147483649) } array(14) { [0]=> string(0) "" [1]=> string(0) "" [2]=> string(1) " " [3]=> string(1) " " [4]=> string(1) "0" [5]=> string(1) "" [6]=> string(2) "\0" [7]=> string(1) " " [8]=> string(2) "\t" [9]=> string(3) "PHP" [10]=> string(3) "PHP" [11]=> string(29) "abcdn12340567800efgh\xijkl" [12]=> string(34) "abcdefghijklmnop0qrstuvwx0yz" [13]=> string(22) "1234 5678 9100 abcda" } array(15) { [0]=> array(0) { } [1]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL } [2]=> array(1) { [0]=> NULL } [3]=> array(1) { [0]=> bool(true) } [4]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } [5]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(0) "" } [6]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(0) { } [1]=> array(0) { } } [7]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) } [1]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(1) "a" [1]=> string(1) "b" } } [8]=> array(1) { [1]=> string(3) "One" } [9]=> array(1) { ["test"]=> string(8) "is_array" } [10]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(0) } [11]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(-1) } [12]=> array(2) { [0]=> float(10.5) [1]=> float(5.6) } [13]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "string" [1]=> string(4) "test" } [14]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "string" [1]=> string(4) "test" } } array(4) { [0]=> bool(true) [1]=> bool(false) [2]=> bool(true) [3]=> bool(false) } array(2) { [0]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) [1]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } array(9) { [0]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } [1]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } [2]=> object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> *RECURSION* } } [3]=> object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> object(contains_object_class)#%d (7) { ["p"]=> int(30) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } ["class_object5"]=> *RECURSION* } } [4]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } [5]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } [6]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } [7]=> object(object_class)#%d (7) { ["value"]=> int(50) ["public_var1"]=> int(10) ["private_var1":"object_class":private]=> int(20) ["private_var2":"object_class":private]=> int(21) ["protected_var1":protected]=> string(8) "string_1" ["protected_var2":protected]=> string(8) "string_2" ["public_var2"]=> int(11) } [8]=> NULL } array(4) { [0]=> NULL [1]=> NULL [2]=> NULL [3]=> NULL } array(6) { [0]=> array(3) { [0]=> int(123) [1]=> float(-1.2345) [2]=> string(1) "a" } [1]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(1) "d" [1]=> array(3) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(3) [2]=> int(5) } [2]=> bool(true) [3]=> NULL } [2]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) { } [1]=> array(0) { } [2]=> bool(false) [3]=> int(0) } [3]=> array(6) { [0]=> float(0) [1]=> string(11) "Where am I?" [2]=> array(3) { [0]=> int(7) [1]=> int(8) [2]=> int(9) } [3]=> bool(true) [4]=> string(1) "A" [5]=> int(987654321) } [4]=> array(4) { [0]=> NULL [1]=> float(20000000000) [2]=> float(79.1) [3]=> float(4.599998) } [5]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(27) "array(1,2,3,4)1.0000002TRUE" [1]=> NULL [2]=> float(4611333) [3]=> string(5) "/00\7" } } *** Testing var_dump() on anonymous functions *** New anonymous function: lambda_1 string(9) "2 * 3 = 6" string(9) "lambda_2" *** Testing error conditions *** Warning: var_dump() expects at least %d parameter, %d given in %s on line %d Done