--TEST-- Test array_flip() function : usage variations - 'input' argument with repeatitive keys and values --FILE-- value flipped * Source code: ext/standard/array.c */ /* * Using different types of repeatitive keys as well as values for 'input' array */ echo "*** Testing array_flip() : 'input' array with repeatitive keys/values ***\n"; // array with numeric key repeatition $input = array(1 => 'value', 2 => 'VALUE', 1 => "VaLuE", 3.4 => 4, 3.4 => 5); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); // array with string key repeatition $input = array("key" => 1, "two" => 'TWO', 'three' => 3, 'key' => "FOUR"); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); // array with bool key repeatition $input = array(true => 1, false => 0, TRUE => -1); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); // array with null key repeatition $input = array(null => "Hello", NULL => 0); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); // array with numeric value repeatition $input = array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 3 => 1, "index" => 1); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); //array with string value repeatition $input = array('key1' => "value1", "key2" => '2', 'key3' => 'value1'); var_dump( array_flip($input) ); echo "Done" ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing array_flip() : 'input' array with repeatitive keys/values *** array(3) { [u"VaLuE"]=> int(1) [u"VALUE"]=> int(2) [5]=> int(3) } array(3) { [u"FOUR"]=> unicode(3) "key" [u"TWO"]=> unicode(3) "two" [3]=> unicode(5) "three" } array(2) { [-1]=> int(1) [0]=> int(0) } array(1) { [0]=> unicode(0) "" } array(2) { [1]=> unicode(5) "index" [2]=> unicode(3) "two" } array(2) { [u"value1"]=> unicode(4) "key3" [2]=> unicode(4) "key2" } Done