/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP version 4.0 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2001 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available at through the world-wide-web at | | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Zeev Suraski | | Harald Radi | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* * This module implements support for COM components that support the IDispatch * interface. Both local (COM) and remote (DCOM) components can be accessed. * * Type libraries can be loaded (in order for PHP to recognize automation constants) * by specifying a typelib_file in the PHP .ini file. That file should contain * paths to type libraries, one in every line. By default, constants are registered * as case-sensitive. If you want them to be defined as case-insensitive, add * #case_insensitive or #cis at the end of the type library path. * * This is also the first module to demonstrate Zend's OO syntax overloading * capabilities. CORBA coders are invited to write a CORBA module as well! * * Zeev */ /* * 28.12.2000 * unicode conversion fixed by Harald Radi * * now all these strange '?'s should be disapeared */ /* * 28.1.2001 * VARIANT datatype and pass_by_reference support */ #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define _WIN32_DCOM #include #include #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "com.h" #include "conversion.h" zend_class_entry com_class_entry; PHP_FUNCTION(com_load); PHP_FUNCTION(com_invoke); PHP_FUNCTION(com_addref); PHP_FUNCTION(com_release); PHP_FUNCTION(com_propget); PHP_FUNCTION(com_propput); PHPAPI int php_COM_get_le_idispatch(); static int php_COM_load_typelib(char *typelib_name, int mode); static int le_idispatch; static int codepage; function_entry COM_functions[] = { PHP_FE(com_load, NULL) PHP_FE(com_invoke, NULL) PHP_FE(com_addref, NULL) PHP_FE(com_release, NULL) PHP_FE(com_propget, NULL) PHP_FE(com_propput, NULL) PHP_FALIAS(com_get, com_propget, NULL) PHP_FALIAS(com_propset, com_propput, NULL) PHP_FALIAS(com_set, com_propput, NULL) {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(COM) { DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES(); } PHPAPI int php_COM_check_ref(i_dispatch *obj) { if(!obj->referenced) { php_error(E_WARNING, "Object is already released. Calling AddRef() but maybe it doesn't exist anymore."); php_COM_addref(obj); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } PHPAPI HRESULT php_COM_invoke(i_dispatch *obj, DISPID dispIdMember, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS FAR* pDispParams, VARIANT FAR* pVarResult) { php_COM_check_ref(obj); /* TODO: doesn't work if(obj->typelib) { return obj->i.typeinfo->lpVtbl->Invoke(obj->i.typeinfo, obj->i.dispatch, dispIdMember, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, NULL, NULL); } else { return obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->Invoke(obj->i.dispatch, dispIdMember, &IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, NULL, NULL); }*/ return obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->Invoke(obj->i.dispatch, dispIdMember, &IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, NULL, NULL); } PHPAPI HRESULT php_COM_get_ids_of_names(i_dispatch *obj, OLECHAR FAR* FAR* rgszNames, DISPID FAR* rgDispId) { php_COM_check_ref(obj); /* TODO: doesn't work if(obj->typelib) { return obj->i.typeinfo->lpVtbl->GetIDsOfNames(obj->i.typeinfo, rgszNames, 1, rgDispId); } else { return obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->GetIDsOfNames(obj->i.dispatch, &IID_NULL, rgszNames, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, rgDispId); }*/ return obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->GetIDsOfNames(obj->i.dispatch, &IID_NULL, rgszNames, 1, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, rgDispId); } PHPAPI HRESULT php_COM_release(i_dispatch *obj) { HRESULT hr = 0; if(obj->referenced) { hr = obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->Release(obj->i.dispatch); obj->referenced--; } return hr; } PHPAPI HRESULT php_COM_addref(i_dispatch *obj) { obj->referenced++; return obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->AddRef(obj->i.dispatch); } PHPAPI HRESULT php_COM_set(i_dispatch *obj, IDispatch FAR* pDisp, int cleanup) { HRESULT hr = 1; obj->i.dispatch = pDisp; obj->referenced = 1; obj->typelib = !FAILED(obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->GetTypeInfo(obj->i.dispatch, 0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &(obj->i.typeinfo))); if(!cleanup) { hr = obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->AddRef(obj->i.dispatch); } return hr; } PHPAPI HRESULT php_COM_clone(i_dispatch *obj, i_dispatch *clone, int cleanup) { HRESULT hr; php_COM_check_ref(clone); obj->typelib = clone->typelib; obj->i.dispatch = clone->i.dispatch; obj->i.typeinfo = clone->i.typeinfo; if(cleanup) { obj->referenced = clone->referenced; clone->referenced = FALSE; } else { hr = obj->i.dispatch->lpVtbl->AddRef(obj->i.dispatch); obj->referenced = 1; } return hr; } PHPAPI char *php_COM_error_message(HRESULT hr) { void *pMsgBuf; if(!FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, hr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &pMsgBuf, 0, NULL)) { char error_string[] = "No description available"; pMsgBuf = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(error_string)); memcpy(pMsgBuf, error_string, sizeof(error_string)); } return pMsgBuf; } static char *php_string_from_clsid(const CLSID *clsid) { LPOLESTR ole_clsid; char *clsid_str; StringFromCLSID(clsid, &ole_clsid); clsid_str = php_OLECHAR_to_char(ole_clsid, NULL, 0, codepage); LocalFree(ole_clsid); return clsid_str; } static void php_idispatch_destructor(zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc) { i_dispatch *obj = (i_dispatch *)rsrc->ptr; while(obj->referenced) { php_COM_release(obj); } efree(obj); } static PHP_INI_MH(OnTypelibFileChange) { FILE *typelib_file; char *typelib_name_buffer; char *strtok_buf = NULL; #if SUPPORT_INTERACTIVE int interactive; ELS_FETCH(); interactive = EG(interactive); #endif if(!new_value || (typelib_file=VCWD_FOPEN(new_value, "r"))==NULL) { return FAILURE; } #if SUPPORT_INTERACTIVE if(interactive) { printf("Loading type libraries..."); fflush(stdout); } #endif typelib_name_buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*1024); while(fgets(typelib_name_buffer, 1024, typelib_file)) { char *typelib_name; char *modifier; int mode = CONST_PERSISTENT|CONST_CS; if(typelib_name_buffer[0]==';') { continue; } typelib_name = php_strtok_r(typelib_name_buffer, "\r\n", &strtok_buf); /* get rid of newlines */ typelib_name = php_strtok_r(typelib_name, "#", &strtok_buf); modifier = php_strtok_r(NULL, "#", &strtok_buf); if(modifier) { if(!strcmp(modifier, "cis") || !strcmp(modifier, "case_insensitive")) { mode &= ~CONST_CS; } } #if SUPPORT_INTERACTIVE if(interactive) { printf("\rLoading %-60s\r", typelib_name); } #endif php_COM_load_typelib(typelib_name, mode); } free(typelib_name_buffer); fclose(typelib_file); #if SUPPORT_INTERACTIVE if(interactive) { printf("\r%70s\r", ""); } #endif return SUCCESS; } PHP_INI_BEGIN() PHP_INI_ENTRY_EX("com.allow_dcom", "0", PHP_INI_SYSTEM, NULL, php_ini_boolean_displayer_cb) PHP_INI_ENTRY("com.typelib_file", "", PHP_INI_SYSTEM, OnTypelibFileChange) PHP_INI_END() /* {{{ proto int com_load(string module_name [, string remote_host [, int codepage]]) Loads a COM module */ PHP_FUNCTION(com_load) { pval *module_name, *server_name=NULL, *code_page; CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr; OLECHAR *ProgID; i_dispatch *obj; char *error_message; char *clsid_str; switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) { case 1: getParameters(ht, 1, &module_name); codepage = CP_ACP; break; case 2: if(!INI_INT("com.allow_dcom")) { php_error(E_WARNING, "DCOM is disabled"); RETURN_FALSE; } getParameters(ht, 2, &module_name, &server_name); convert_to_string(server_name); codepage = CP_ACP; break; case 3: getParameters(ht, 3, &module_name, &server_name, &code_page); if(server_name->type == IS_NULL) { efree(server_name); server_name = NULL; } else { if(!INI_INT("com.allow_dcom")) { php_error(E_WARNING, "DCOM is disabled"); RETURN_FALSE; } convert_to_string(server_name); } convert_to_long(code_page); codepage = code_page->value.lval; break; default: WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; break; } convert_to_string(module_name); ProgID = php_char_to_OLECHAR(module_name->value.str.val, module_name->value.str.len, codepage); hr=CLSIDFromProgID(ProgID, &clsid); efree(ProgID); /* obtain CLSID */ if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); php_error(E_WARNING,"Invalid ProgID: %s\n", error_message); LocalFree(error_message); RETURN_FALSE; } obj = (i_dispatch *) emalloc(sizeof(i_dispatch)); /* obtain IDispatch */ if(!server_name) { hr = CoCreateInstance(&clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, &IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID *) &(obj->i.dispatch)); php_COM_set(obj, obj->i.dispatch, TRUE); } else { COSERVERINFO server_info; MULTI_QI pResults; server_info.dwReserved1=0; server_info.dwReserved2=0; server_info.pwszName = php_char_to_OLECHAR(server_name->value.str.val, server_name->value.str.len, codepage); server_info.pAuthInfo=NULL; pResults.pIID = &IID_IDispatch; pResults.pItf = NULL; pResults.hr = S_OK; hr=CoCreateInstanceEx(&clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, &server_info, 1, &pResults); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pResults.hr; obj->i.dispatch = (IDispatch *) pResults.pItf; php_COM_set(obj, obj->i.dispatch, TRUE); } efree(server_info.pwszName); } if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); clsid_str = php_string_from_clsid(&clsid); php_error(E_WARNING,"Unable to obtain IDispatch interface for CLSID %s: %s",clsid_str,error_message); LocalFree(error_message); efree(clsid_str); efree(obj); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_LONG(zend_list_insert(obj, le_idispatch)); } /* }}} */ int do_COM_invoke(i_dispatch *obj, pval *function_name, VARIANTARG *var_result, pval **arguments, int arg_count) { DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr; OLECHAR *funcname; char *error_message; VARIANTARG *variant_args; int current_arg, current_variant; DISPPARAMS dispparams; funcname = php_char_to_OLECHAR(function_name->value.str.val, function_name->value.str.len, codepage); hr = php_COM_get_ids_of_names(obj, &funcname, &dispid); if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); php_error(E_WARNING,"Unable to lookup %s: %s\n", function_name->value.str.val, error_message); LocalFree(error_message); efree(funcname); return FAILURE; } variant_args = (VARIANTARG *) emalloc(sizeof(VARIANTARG)*arg_count); for(current_arg=0; current_argvalue.lval, &type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { php_error(E_WARNING,"%d is not a COM object handler", function_name->value.str.val); RETURN_FALSE; } /* obtain property/method handler */ convert_to_string(function_name); if(do_COM_invoke(obj, function_name, &var_result, arguments+2, arg_count-2)==FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } efree(arguments); php_variant_to_pval(&var_result, return_value, 0, codepage); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed com_invoke(int module) Releases a COM object */ PHP_FUNCTION(com_release) { pval *object; i_dispatch *obj; int type; int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); if(arg_count != 1) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } if(getParameters(ht, 1, &object)==FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* obtain IDispatch interface */ convert_to_long(object); obj = (i_dispatch *)zend_list_find(object->value.lval, &type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { php_error(E_WARNING,"%d is not a COM object handler"); RETURN_FALSE; } return_value->type = IS_LONG; return_value->value.lval = php_COM_release(obj); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto mixed com_addref(int module) Increases the reference counter on a COM object */ PHP_FUNCTION(com_addref) { pval *object; i_dispatch *obj; int type; int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); if(arg_count != 1) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } if(getParameters(ht, 1, &object)==FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } /* obtain IDispatch interface */ convert_to_long(object); obj = (i_dispatch *)zend_list_find(object->value.lval, &type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { php_error(E_WARNING,"%d is not a COM object handler"); RETURN_FALSE; } return_value->type = IS_LONG; return_value->value.lval = php_COM_addref(obj); } /* }}} */ static int do_COM_offget(VARIANT *result, i_dispatch *array, pval *property, int cleanup) { pval function_name; int retval; function_name.value.str.val = "Item"; function_name.value.str.len = 4; function_name.type = IS_STRING; retval = do_COM_invoke(array, &function_name, result, &property, 1); if(cleanup) { php_COM_release(array); efree(array); } return retval; } static int do_COM_propget(VARIANTARG *var_result, i_dispatch *obj, pval *arg_property, int cleanup) { DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr; OLECHAR *propname; char *error_message; DISPPARAMS dispparams; /* obtain property handler */ propname = php_char_to_OLECHAR(arg_property->value.str.val, arg_property->value.str.len, codepage); hr = php_COM_get_ids_of_names(obj, &propname, &dispid); if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); php_error(E_WARNING,"Unable to lookup %s: %s\n", arg_property->value.str.val, error_message); LocalFree(error_message); efree(propname); if(cleanup) { php_COM_release(obj); } return FAILURE; } dispparams.cArgs = 0; dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0; hr = php_COM_invoke(obj, dispid, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dispparams, var_result); if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); php_error(E_WARNING,"PropGet() failed: %s\n", error_message); LocalFree(error_message); efree(propname); if(cleanup) { php_COM_release(obj); } return FAILURE; } efree(propname); if(cleanup) { php_COM_release(obj); } return SUCCESS; } static void do_COM_propput(pval *return_value, i_dispatch *obj, pval *arg_property, pval *value) { DISPID dispid; HRESULT hr; OLECHAR *propname; char *error_message; VARIANT *var_result; DISPPARAMS dispparams; VARIANTARG new_value; DISPID mydispid = DISPID_PROPERTYPUT; var_result = emalloc(sizeof(VARIANT)); /* obtain property handler */ propname = php_char_to_OLECHAR(arg_property->value.str.val, arg_property->value.str.len, codepage); hr = php_COM_get_ids_of_names(obj, &propname, &dispid); if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); php_error(E_WARNING,"Unable to lookup %s: %s\n", arg_property->value.str.val, error_message); LocalFree(error_message); efree(propname); RETURN_FALSE; } php_pval_to_variant(value, &new_value, codepage); dispparams.rgvarg = &new_value; dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = &mydispid; dispparams.cArgs = 1; dispparams.cNamedArgs = 1; hr = php_COM_invoke(obj, dispid, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dispparams, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { error_message = php_COM_error_message(hr); php_error(E_WARNING,"PropPut() failed: %s\n", error_message); LocalFree(error_message); efree(propname); RETURN_FALSE; } dispparams.cArgs = 0; dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0; hr = php_COM_invoke(obj, dispid, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dispparams, var_result); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { php_variant_to_pval(var_result, return_value, 0, codepage); } else { *return_value = *value; zval_copy_ctor(return_value); } efree(var_result); efree(propname); } /* {{{ proto mixed com_propget(int module, string property_name) Gets properties from a COM module */ PHP_FUNCTION(com_propget) { pval *arg_idispatch, *arg_property; int type; i_dispatch *obj; VARIANTARG var_result; if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()!=2 || getParameters(ht, 2, &arg_idispatch, &arg_property)==FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } /* obtain IDispatch interface */ convert_to_long(arg_idispatch); obj = (i_dispatch *)zend_list_find(arg_idispatch->value.lval,&type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { php_error(E_WARNING,"%d is not a COM object handler", arg_idispatch->value.lval); } convert_to_string(arg_property); if(do_COM_propget(&var_result, obj, arg_property, 0)==FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } php_variant_to_pval(&var_result, return_value, 0, codepage); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto bool com_propput(int module, string property_name, mixed value) Puts the properties for a module */ PHP_FUNCTION(com_propput) { pval *arg_idispatch, *arg_property, *arg_value; int type; i_dispatch *obj; if(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()!=3 || getParameters(ht, 3, &arg_idispatch, &arg_property, &arg_value)==FAILURE) { WRONG_PARAM_COUNT; } /* obtain i_dispatch interface */ convert_to_long(arg_idispatch); /* obtain i_dispatch interface */ obj = (i_dispatch *)zend_list_find(arg_idispatch->value.lval,&type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { php_error(E_WARNING,"%d is not a COM object handler", arg_idispatch->value.lval); } convert_to_string(arg_property); do_COM_propput(return_value, obj, arg_property, arg_value); } /* }}} */ PHPAPI pval php_COM_get_property_handler(zend_property_reference *property_reference) { zend_overloaded_element *overloaded_property; zend_llist_element *element; pval return_value; pval **idispatch_handle; pval *object = property_reference->object; int type; i_dispatch *obj, *obj_prop; VARIANT *var_result; return_value.type = IS_NULL; /* fetch the IDispatch interface */ zend_hash_index_find(object->value.obj.properties, 0, (void **) &idispatch_handle); obj = (i_dispatch *) zend_list_find((*idispatch_handle)->value.lval, &type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { return return_value; } obj_prop = (i_dispatch *) emalloc(sizeof(i_dispatch)); var_result = (VARIANT *) emalloc(sizeof(VARIANT)); for(element=property_reference->elements_list->head; element; element=element->next) { overloaded_property = (zend_overloaded_element *) element->data; switch(overloaded_property->type) { case OE_IS_ARRAY: if(do_COM_offget(var_result, obj, &overloaded_property->element, element!=property_reference->elements_list->head)==FAILURE) { efree(var_result); efree(obj_prop); return return_value; } break; case OE_IS_OBJECT: if(do_COM_propget(var_result, obj, &overloaded_property->element, element!=property_reference->elements_list->head)==FAILURE) { efree(var_result); efree(obj_prop); return return_value; } break; case OE_IS_METHOD: { if(obj == obj_prop) { pval *handle; return_value.type = IS_OBJECT; return_value.value.obj.ce = &com_class_entry; return_value.value.obj.properties = (HashTable *) emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); return_value.is_ref = 1; return_value.refcount = 1; zend_hash_init(return_value.value.obj.properties, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0); ALLOC_ZVAL(handle); handle->type = IS_LONG; handle->value.lval = zend_list_insert(obj, php_COM_get_le_idispatch()); pval_copy_constructor(handle); INIT_PZVAL(handle); zend_hash_index_update(return_value.value.obj.properties, 0, &handle, sizeof(pval *), NULL); } else { efree(obj_prop); return_value = *object; return_value.refcount++; } efree(var_result); return return_value; } break; } if(var_result->vt == VT_DISPATCH) { if(var_result->pdispVal == NULL) { efree(var_result); efree(obj_prop); return return_value; } php_COM_set(obj_prop, var_result->pdispVal, TRUE); obj = obj_prop; } else { efree(obj_prop); obj_prop = NULL; } pval_destructor(&overloaded_property->element); } if(obj_prop != NULL) { pval *handle; return_value.type = IS_OBJECT; return_value.value.obj.ce = &com_class_entry; return_value.value.obj.properties = (HashTable *) emalloc(sizeof(HashTable)); return_value.is_ref = 1; return_value.refcount = 1; zend_hash_init(return_value.value.obj.properties, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0); ALLOC_ZVAL(handle); handle->type = IS_LONG; handle->value.lval = zend_list_insert(obj, php_COM_get_le_idispatch()); pval_copy_constructor(handle); INIT_PZVAL(handle); zend_hash_index_update(return_value.value.obj.properties, 0, &handle, sizeof(pval *), NULL); } else { php_variant_to_pval(var_result, &return_value, TRUE, codepage); } efree(var_result); return return_value; } PHPAPI int php_COM_set_property_handler(zend_property_reference *property_reference, pval *value) { pval result; zend_overloaded_element *overloaded_property; zend_llist_element *element; pval **idispatch_handle; pval *object = property_reference->object; i_dispatch *obj; int type; VARIANTARG var_result; /* fetch the IDispatch interface */ zend_hash_index_find(object->value.obj.properties, 0, (void **) &idispatch_handle); obj = (i_dispatch *)zend_list_find((*idispatch_handle)->value.lval,&type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { return FAILURE; } var_result.vt = VT_DISPATCH; var_result.pdispVal = obj->i.dispatch; for(element=property_reference->elements_list->head; element && element!=property_reference->elements_list->tail; element=element->next) { overloaded_property = (zend_overloaded_element *) element->data; switch(overloaded_property->type) { case OE_IS_ARRAY: break; case OE_IS_OBJECT: if(var_result.vt != VT_DISPATCH) { return FAILURE; } else { do_COM_propget(&var_result, obj, &overloaded_property->element, element!=property_reference->elements_list->head); } break; case OE_IS_METHOD: /* this shouldn't happen */ return FAILURE; } pval_destructor(&overloaded_property->element); } if(var_result.vt != VT_DISPATCH) { return FAILURE; } obj = (i_dispatch *) emalloc(sizeof(i_dispatch)); obj->typelib = FALSE; obj->i.dispatch = var_result.pdispVal; overloaded_property = (zend_overloaded_element *) element->data; do_COM_propput(&result, obj, &overloaded_property->element, value); pval_destructor(&overloaded_property->element); efree(obj); return SUCCESS; } PHPAPI void php_COM_call_function_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, zend_property_reference *property_reference) { pval property, **handle; pval *object = property_reference->object; zend_overloaded_element *function_name = (zend_overloaded_element *) property_reference->elements_list->tail->data; i_dispatch *obj; int type; if(zend_llist_count(property_reference->elements_list)==1 && !strcmp(function_name->element.value.str.val, "com")) { /* constructor */ pval *object_handle; PHP_FN(com_load)(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU); if(!zend_is_true(return_value)) { var_reset(object); return; } ALLOC_ZVAL(object_handle); *object_handle = *return_value; pval_copy_constructor(object_handle); INIT_PZVAL(object_handle); zend_hash_index_update(object->value.obj.properties, 0, &object_handle, sizeof(pval *), NULL); pval_destructor(&function_name->element); return; } property = php_COM_get_property_handler(property_reference); zend_hash_index_find(property.value.obj.properties, 0, (void **) &handle); obj = (i_dispatch *)zend_list_find((*handle)->value.lval,&type); if(!obj || (type!=le_idispatch)) { if(property.refcount == 1) { pval_destructor(&property); } pval_destructor(&function_name->element); return; } if(zend_llist_count(property_reference->elements_list)==1 && !strcmp(function_name->element.value.str.val, "release")) { return_value->type = IS_LONG; return_value->value.lval = php_COM_release(obj); } else if(zend_llist_count(property_reference->elements_list)==1 && !strcmp(function_name->element.value.str.val, "addref")) { return_value->type = IS_LONG; return_value->value.lval = php_COM_addref(obj); } else { pval **arguments; VARIANT *var_result; int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); var_result = (VARIANT *) emalloc(sizeof(VARIANT)); var_result->vt = VT_EMPTY; arguments = (pval **) emalloc(sizeof(pval *)*arg_count); getParametersArray(ht, arg_count, arguments); if(do_COM_invoke(obj , &function_name->element, var_result, arguments, arg_count)==FAILURE) { RETVAL_FALSE; } php_variant_to_pval(var_result, return_value, 0, codepage); efree(arguments); efree(var_result); } if(property.refcount == 1) { pval_destructor(&property); } pval_destructor(&function_name->element); } static int php_COM_load_typelib(char *typelib_name, int mode) { ITypeLib *TypeLib; ITypeComp *TypeComp; OLECHAR *p; CLSID clsid; char *strtok_buf, *major, *minor; int i; int interfaces; ELS_FETCH(); typelib_name = php_strtok_r(typelib_name, ",", &strtok_buf); major = php_strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtok_buf); minor = php_strtok_r(NULL, ",", &strtok_buf); p = php_char_to_OLECHAR(typelib_name, strlen(typelib_name), codepage); if(!FAILED(CLSIDFromString(p, &clsid))) { HRESULT hr; WORD major_i = 1; WORD minor_i = 0; if(major && minor) { major_i = (WORD) atoi(major); minor_i = (WORD) atoi(minor); } hr = LoadRegTypeLib((REFGUID) &clsid, major_i, minor_i, LANG_NEUTRAL, &TypeLib); if(FAILED(hr) && (!major || !minor)) { IDispatch *Dispatch; ITypeInfo *TypeInfo; int idx; if(FAILED(CoCreateInstance(&clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, &IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID *) &Dispatch))) { efree(p); return FAILURE; } if(FAILED(Dispatch->lpVtbl->GetTypeInfo(Dispatch, 0, LANG_NEUTRAL, &TypeInfo))) { Dispatch->lpVtbl->Release(Dispatch); efree(p); return FAILURE; } Dispatch->lpVtbl->Release(Dispatch); if(FAILED(TypeInfo->lpVtbl->GetContainingTypeLib(TypeInfo, &TypeLib, &idx))) { TypeInfo->lpVtbl->Release(TypeInfo); efree(p); return FAILURE; } TypeInfo->lpVtbl->Release(TypeInfo); } } else { if(FAILED(LoadTypeLib(p, &TypeLib))) { efree(p); return FAILURE; } } interfaces = TypeLib->lpVtbl->GetTypeInfoCount(TypeLib); TypeLib->lpVtbl->GetTypeComp(TypeLib, &TypeComp); for(i=0; ilpVtbl->GetTypeInfoType(TypeLib, i, &pTKind); if(pTKind==TKIND_ENUM) { ITypeInfo *TypeInfo; VARDESC *pVarDesc; UINT NameCount; int j; #if 0 BSTR bstr_EnumId; char *EnumId; TypeLib->lpVtbl->GetDocumentation(TypeLib, i, &bstr_EnumId, NULL, NULL, NULL); EnumId = php_OLECHAR_to_char(bstr_EnumId, NULL, 0, codepage); printf("Enumeration %d - %s:\n", i, EnumId); efree(EnumId); #endif TypeLib->lpVtbl->GetTypeInfo(TypeLib, i, &TypeInfo); j=0; while(TypeInfo->lpVtbl->GetVarDesc(TypeInfo, j, &pVarDesc)==S_OK) { BSTR bstr_ids; char *ids; zend_constant c; TypeInfo->lpVtbl->GetNames(TypeInfo, pVarDesc->memid, &bstr_ids, 1, &NameCount); if(NameCount!=1) { j++; continue; } LocalFree(bstr_ids); ids = php_OLECHAR_to_char(bstr_ids, NULL, 1, codepage); c.name_len = strlen(ids)+1; c.name = ids; php_variant_to_pval(pVarDesc->lpvarValue, &c.value, 1, codepage); c.flags = mode; zend_register_constant(&c ELS_CC); /*printf("%s -> %ld\n", ids, pVarDesc->lpvarValue->lVal);*/ j++; } TypeInfo->lpVtbl->Release(TypeInfo); } } TypeLib->lpVtbl->Release(TypeLib); efree(p); return SUCCESS; } void php_register_COM_class() { INIT_OVERLOADED_CLASS_ENTRY(com_class_entry, "COM", NULL, php_COM_call_function_handler, php_COM_get_property_handler, php_COM_set_property_handler); zend_register_internal_class(&com_class_entry); } PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(COM) { CoInitialize(NULL); le_idispatch = zend_register_list_destructors_ex(php_idispatch_destructor, NULL, "COM", module_number); php_register_COM_class(); REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); return SUCCESS; } PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(COM) { CoUninitialize(); UNREGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); return SUCCESS; } // exports for external object creation zend_module_entry COM_module_entry = { "com", COM_functions, PHP_MINIT(COM), PHP_MSHUTDOWN(COM), NULL, NULL, PHP_MINFO(COM), STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; PHPAPI int php_COM_get_le_idispatch() { return le_idispatch; } #endif