| // | Tomas V.V.Cox | // | Martin Jansen | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ require_once 'PEAR/Common.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Dependency.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Remote.php'; require_once 'System.php'; /** * Administration class used to download PEAR packages and maintain the * installed package database. * * @since PEAR 1.4 * @author Greg Beaver */ class PEAR_Downloader extends PEAR_Common { /** * @var PEAR_Config * @access private */ var $_config; /** * @var PEAR_Registry * @access private */ var $_registry; /** * @var PEAR_Remote * @access private */ var $_remote; /** * Preferred Installation State (snapshot, devel, alpha, beta, stable) * @var string|null * @access private */ var $_preferredState; /** * Options from command-line passed to Install. * * Recognized options:
* - onlyreqdeps : install all required dependencies as well * - alldeps : install all dependencies, including optional * - installroot : base relative path to install files in * - force : force a download even if warnings would prevent it * @see PEAR_Command_Install * @access private * @var array */ var $_options; /** * Downloaded Packages after a call to download(). * * Format of each entry: * * * array('pkg' => 'package_name', 'file' => '/path/to/local/file', * 'info' => array() // parsed package.xml * ); * * @access private * @var array */ var $_downloadedPackages = array(); /** * Packages slated for download. * * This is used to prevent downloading a package more than once should it be a dependency * for two packages to be installed. * Format of each entry: * *
     * array('package_name1' => parsed package.xml, 'package_name2' => parsed package.xml,
     * );
* @access private * @var array */ var $_toDownload = array(); /** * Array of every package installed, with names lower-cased. * * Format: * * array('package1' => 0, 'package2' => 1, ); * * @var array */ var $_installed = array(); /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_errorStack = array(); // {{{ PEAR_Downloader() function PEAR_Downloader(&$ui, $options, &$config) { $this->_options = $options; $this->_config = &$config; $this->_preferredState = $this->_config->get('preferred_state'); $this->ui = &$ui; if (!$this->_preferredState) { // don't inadvertantly use a non-set preferred_state $this->_preferredState = null; } $php_dir = $this->_config->get('php_dir'); if (isset($this->_options['installroot'])) { if (substr($this->_options['installroot'], -1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $this->_options['installroot'] = substr($this->_options['installroot'], 0, -1); } $php_dir = $this->_prependPath($php_dir, $this->_options['installroot']); } $this->_registry = &new PEAR_Registry($php_dir); $this->_remote = &new PEAR_Remote($config); if (isset($this->_options['alldeps']) || isset($this->_options['onlyreqdeps'])) { $this->_installed = $this->_registry->listPackages(); array_walk($this->_installed, create_function('&$v,$k','$v = strtolower($v);')); $this->_installed = array_flip($this->_installed); } parent::PEAR_Common(); } // }}} // {{{ configSet() function configSet($key, $value, $layer = 'user') { $this->_config->set($key, $value, $layer); $this->_preferredState = $this->_config->get('preferred_state'); if (!$this->_preferredState) { // don't inadvertantly use a non-set preferred_state $this->_preferredState = null; } } // }}} // {{{ setOptions() function setOptions($options) { $this->_options = $options; } // }}} // {{{ _downloadFile() /** * @param string filename to download * @param string version/state * @param string original value passed to command-line * @param string|null preferred state (snapshot/devel/alpha/beta/stable) * Defaults to configuration preferred state * @return null|PEAR_Error|string * @access private */ function _downloadFile($pkgfile, $version, $origpkgfile, $state = null) { if (is_null($state)) { $state = $this->_preferredState; } // {{{ check the package filename, and whether it's already installed $need_download = false; if (preg_match('#^(http|ftp)://#', $pkgfile)) { $need_download = true; } elseif (!@is_file($pkgfile)) { if ($this->validPackageName($pkgfile)) { if ($this->_registry->packageExists($pkgfile)) { if (empty($this->_options['upgrade']) && empty($this->_options['force'])) { $errors[] = "$pkgfile already installed"; return; } } $pkgfile = $this->getPackageDownloadUrl($pkgfile, $version); $need_download = true; } else { if (strlen($pkgfile)) { $errors[] = "Could not open the package file: $pkgfile"; } else { $errors[] = "No package file given"; } return; } } // }}} // {{{ Download package ----------------------------------------------- if ($need_download) { $downloaddir = $this->_config->get('download_dir'); if (empty($downloaddir)) { if (PEAR::isError($downloaddir = System::mktemp('-d'))) { return $downloaddir; } $this->log(3, '+ tmp dir created at ' . $downloaddir); } $callback = $this->ui ? array(&$this, '_downloadCallback') : null; $this->pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $file = $this->downloadHttp($pkgfile, $this->ui, $downloaddir, $callback); $this->popErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($file)) { if ($this->validPackageName($origpkgfile)) { if (!PEAR::isError($info = $this->_remote->call('package.info', $origpkgfile))) { if (!count($info['releases'])) { return $this->raiseError('Package ' . $origpkgfile . ' has no releases'); } else { return $this->raiseError('No releases of preferred state "' . $state . '" exist for package ' . $origpkgfile . '. Use ' . $origpkgfile . '-state to install another' . ' state (like ' . $origpkgfile .'-beta)', PEAR_INSTALLER_ERROR_NO_PREF_STATE); } } else { return $pkgfile; } } else { return $this->raiseError($file); } } $pkgfile = $file; } // }}} return $pkgfile; } // }}} // {{{ getPackageDownloadUrl() function getPackageDownloadUrl($package, $version = null) { if ($version) { $package .= "-$version"; } if ($this === null || $this->_config === null) { $package = "http://pear.php.net/get/$package"; } else { $package = "http://" . $this->_config->get('master_server') . "/get/$package"; } if (!extension_loaded("zlib")) { $package .= '?uncompress=yes'; } return $package; } // }}} // {{{ extractDownloadFileName($pkgfile, &$version) function extractDownloadFileName($pkgfile, &$version) { if (@is_file($pkgfile)) { return $pkgfile; } // regex defined in Common.php if (preg_match(PEAR_COMMON_PACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_PREG, $pkgfile, $m)) { $version = (isset($m[3])) ? $m[3] : null; return $m[1]; } $version = null; return $pkgfile; } // }}} // }}} // {{{ getDownloadedPackages() /** * Retrieve a list of downloaded packages after a call to {@link download()}. * * Also resets the list of downloaded packages. * @return array */ function getDownloadedPackages() { $ret = $this->_downloadedPackages; $this->_downloadedPackages = array(); $this->_toDownload = array(); return $ret; } // }}} // {{{ download() /** * Download any files and their dependencies, if necessary * * BC-compatible method name * @param array a mixed list of package names, local files, or package.xml */ function download($packages) { return $this->doDownload($packages); } // }}} // {{{ doDownload() /** * Download any files and their dependencies, if necessary * * @param array a mixed list of package names, local files, or package.xml */ function doDownload($packages) { $mywillinstall = array(); $state = $this->_preferredState; // {{{ download files in this list if necessary foreach($packages as $pkgfile) { $need_download = false; if (!is_file($pkgfile)) { if (preg_match('#^(http|ftp)://#', $pkgfile)) { $need_download = true; } $pkgfile = $this->_downloadNonFile($pkgfile); if (PEAR::isError($pkgfile)) { return $pkgfile; } if ($pkgfile === false) { continue; } } // end is_file() $tempinfo = $this->infoFromAny($pkgfile); if ($need_download) { $this->_toDownload[] = $tempinfo['package']; } if (isset($this->_options['alldeps']) || isset($this->_options['onlyreqdeps'])) { // ignore dependencies if there are any errors if (!PEAR::isError($tempinfo)) { $mywillinstall[strtolower($tempinfo['package'])] = @$tempinfo['release_deps']; } } $this->_downloadedPackages[] = array('pkg' => $tempinfo['package'], 'file' => $pkgfile, 'info' => $tempinfo); } // end foreach($packages) // }}} // {{{ extract dependencies from downloaded files and then download // them if necessary if (isset($this->_options['alldeps']) || isset($this->_options['onlyreqdeps'])) { $deppackages = array(); foreach ($mywillinstall as $package => $alldeps) { if (!is_array($alldeps)) { // there are no dependencies continue; } foreach($alldeps as $info) { if ($info['type'] != 'pkg') { continue; } $ret = $this->_processDependency($package, $info, $mywillinstall); if ($ret === false) { continue; } if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { return $ret; } $deppackages[] = $ret; } // foreach($alldeps } if (count($deppackages)) { $this->doDownload($deppackages); } } // }}} if --alldeps or --onlyreqdeps } // }}} // {{{ _downloadNonFile($pkgfile) /** * @return false|PEAR_Error|string false if loop should be broken out of, * string if the file was downloaded, * PEAR_Error on exception * @access private */ function _downloadNonFile($pkgfile) { $origpkgfile = $pkgfile; $state = null; $pkgfile = $this->extractDownloadFileName($pkgfile, $version); if (preg_match('#^(http|ftp)://#', $pkgfile)) { return $this->_downloadFile($pkgfile, $version, $origpkgfile); } if (!$this->validPackageName($pkgfile)) { return $this->raiseError("Package name '$pkgfile' not valid"); } // ignore packages that are installed unless we are upgrading $curinfo = $this->_registry->packageInfo($pkgfile); if ($this->_registry->packageExists($pkgfile) && empty($this->_options['upgrade']) && empty($this->_options['force'])) { $this->log(0, "Package '{$curinfo['package']}' already installed, skipping"); return false; } if (in_array($pkgfile, $this->_toDownload)) { return false; } $releases = $this->_remote->call('package.info', $pkgfile, 'releases', true); if (!count($releases)) { return $this->raiseError("No releases found for package '$pkgfile'"); } // Want a specific version/state if ($version !== null) { // Passed Foo-1.2 if ($this->validPackageVersion($version)) { if (!isset($releases[$version])) { return $this->raiseError("No release with version '$version' found for '$pkgfile'"); } // Passed Foo-alpha } elseif (in_array($version, $this->getReleaseStates())) { $state = $version; $version = 0; foreach ($releases as $ver => $inf) { if ($inf['state'] == $state && version_compare("$version", "$ver") < 0) { $version = $ver; break; } } if ($version == 0) { return $this->raiseError("No release with state '$state' found for '$pkgfile'"); } // invalid postfix passed } else { return $this->raiseError("Invalid postfix '-$version', be sure to pass a valid PEAR ". "version number or release state"); } // Guess what to download } else { $states = $this->betterStates($this->_preferredState, true); $possible = false; $version = 0; foreach ($releases as $ver => $inf) { if (in_array($inf['state'], $states) && version_compare("$version", "$ver") < 0) { $version = $ver; break; } } if ($version === 0 && !isset($this->_options['force'])) { return $this->raiseError('No release with state equal to: \'' . implode(', ', $states) . "' found for '$pkgfile'"); } elseif ($version === 0) { $this->log(0, "Warning: $pkgfile is state '$inf[state]' which is less stable " . "than state '$this->_preferredState'"); } } // Check if we haven't already the version if (empty($this->_options['force']) && !is_null($curinfo)) { if ($curinfo['version'] == $version) { $this->log(0, "Package '{$curinfo['package']}-{$curinfo['version']}' already installed, skipping"); return false; } elseif (version_compare("$version", "{$curinfo['version']}") < 0) { $this->log(0, "Package '{$curinfo['package']}' version '{$curinfo['version']}' " . " is installed and {$curinfo['version']} is > requested '$version', skipping"); return false; } } $this->_toDownload[] = $pkgfile; return $this->_downloadFile($pkgfile, $version, $origpkgfile, $state); } // }}} // {{{ _processDependency($package, $info, $mywillinstall) /** * Process a dependency, download if necessary * @param array dependency information from PEAR_Remote call * @param array packages that will be installed in this iteration * @return false|string|PEAR_Error * @access private * @todo Add test for relation 'lt'/'le' -> make sure that the dependency requested is * in fact lower than the required value. This will be very important for BC dependencies */ function _processDependency($package, $info, $mywillinstall) { $state = $this->_preferredState; if (!isset($this->_options['alldeps']) && isset($info['optional']) && $info['optional'] == 'yes') { // skip optional deps $this->log(0, "skipping Package '$package' optional dependency '$info[name]'"); return false; } // {{{ get releases $releases = $this->_remote->call('package.info', $info['name'], 'releases', true); if (PEAR::isError($releases)) { return $releases; } if (!count($releases)) { if (!isset($this->_installed[strtolower($info['name'])])) { $this->pushError("Package '$package' dependency '$info[name]' ". "has no releases"); } return false; } $found = false; $save = $releases; while(count($releases) && !$found) { if (!empty($state) && $state != 'any') { list($release_version, $release) = each($releases); if ($state != $release['state'] && !in_array($release['state'], $this->betterStates($state))) { // drop this release - it ain't stable enough array_shift($releases); } else { $found = true; } } else { $found = true; } } if (!count($releases) && !$found) { $get = array(); foreach($save as $release) { $get = array_merge($get, $this->betterStates($release['state'], true)); } $savestate = array_shift($get); $this->pushError( "Release for '$package' dependency '$info[name]' " . "has state '$savestate', requires '$state'"); return false; } if (in_array(strtolower($info['name']), $this->_toDownload) || isset($mywillinstall[strtolower($info['name'])])) { // skip upgrade check for packages we will install return false; } if (!isset($this->_installed[strtolower($info['name'])])) { // check to see if we can install the specific version required if ($info['rel'] == 'eq') { return $info['name'] . '-' . $info['version']; } // skip upgrade check for packages we don't have installed return $info['name']; } // }}} // {{{ see if a dependency must be upgraded $inst_version = $this->_registry->packageInfo($info['name'], 'version'); if (!isset($info['version'])) { // this is a rel='has' dependency, check against latest if (version_compare($release_version, $inst_version, 'le')) { return false; } else { return $info['name']; } } if (version_compare($info['version'], $inst_version, 'le')) { // installed version is up-to-date return false; } return $info['name']; } // }}} // {{{ _downloadCallback() function _downloadCallback($msg, $params = null) { switch ($msg) { case 'saveas': $this->log(1, "downloading $params ..."); break; case 'done': $this->log(1, '...done: ' . number_format($params, 0, '', ',') . ' bytes'); break; case 'bytesread': static $bytes; if (empty($bytes)) { $bytes = 0; } if (!($bytes % 10240)) { $this->log(1, '.', false); } $bytes += $params; break; case 'start': $this->log(1, "Starting to download {$params[0]} (".number_format($params[1], 0, '', ',')." bytes)"); break; } if (method_exists($this->ui, '_downloadCallback')) $this->ui->_downloadCallback($msg, $params); } // }}} // {{{ _prependPath($path, $prepend) function _prependPath($path, $prepend) { if (strlen($prepend) > 0) { if (OS_WINDOWS && preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $path)) { $path = $prepend . substr($path, 2); } else { $path = $prepend . $path; } } return $path; } // }}} // {{{ pushError($errmsg, $code) /** * @param string * @param integer */ function pushError($errmsg, $code = -1) { array_push($this->_errorStack, array($errmsg, $code)); } // }}} // {{{ getErrorMsgs() function getErrorMsgs() { $msgs = array(); $errs = $this->_errorStack; foreach ($errs as $err) { $msgs[] = $err[0]; } $this->_errorStack = array(); return $msgs; } // }}} } // }}} ?>