--TEST-- ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() --FILE-- prop\n"; var_dump($this); return "Return Val"; } public function willThrow() { throw new Exception("Called willThrow()"); } public function methodWithArgs($a, $b) { echo "Called methodWithArgs($a, $b)\n"; } } $testClassInstance = new TestClass(); $testClassInstance->prop = "Hello"; $foo = new ReflectionMethod($testClassInstance, 'foo'); $methodWithArgs = new ReflectionMethod('TestClass', 'methodWithArgs'); $methodThatThrows = new ReflectionMethod("TestClass::willThrow"); echo "Public method:\n"; var_dump($foo->invokeArgs($testClassInstance, array())); var_dump($foo->invokeArgs($testClassInstance, array(true))); echo "\nMethod with args:\n"; var_dump($methodWithArgs->invokeArgs($testClassInstance, array(1, "arg2"))); var_dump($methodWithArgs->invokeArgs($testClassInstance, array(1, "arg2", 3))); echo "\nMethod that throws an exception:\n"; try { $methodThatThrows->invokeArgs($testClassInstance, array()); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } ?> --EXPECTF-- Public method: Called foo(), property = Hello object(TestClass)#%d (1) { [u"prop"]=> unicode(5) "Hello" } unicode(10) "Return Val" Called foo(), property = Hello object(TestClass)#%d (1) { [u"prop"]=> unicode(5) "Hello" } unicode(10) "Return Val" Method with args: Called methodWithArgs(1, arg2) NULL Called methodWithArgs(1, arg2) NULL Method that throws an exception: unicode(18) "Called willThrow()"