/* This file is part of libXMLRPC - a C library for xml-encoded function calls. Author: Dan Libby (dan@libby.com) */ /*-********************************************************************** * TODO: * * - [SOAP-ENC:position] read sparse arrays (and write?) * * - [SOAP-ENC:offset] read partially transmitted arrays (and write?) * * - read "flattened" multi-dimensional arrays. (don't bother writing) * * * * BUGS: * * - does not read schema. thus only knows soap pre-defined types. * * - references (probably) do not work. untested. * * - does not expose SOAP-ENV:Header to application at all. * * - does not use namespaces correctly, thus: * * - namespaces are hard-coded in comparison tokens * * - if a sender uses another namespace identifer, it will break * ************************************************************************/ static const char rcsid[] = "#(@) $Id:"; #ifdef _WIN32 #include "xmlrpc_win32.h" #endif #include #include #include "xml_to_soap.h" #include "base64.h" /* list of tokens used in vocab */ #define TOKEN_ANY "xsd:ur-type" #define TOKEN_ARRAY "SOAP-ENC:Array" #define TOKEN_ARRAY_TYPE "SOAP-ENC:arrayType" #define TOKEN_BASE64 "SOAP-ENC:base64" #define TOKEN_BOOLEAN "xsd:boolean" #define TOKEN_DATETIME "xsd:timeInstant" #define TOKEN_DOUBLE "xsd:double" #define TOKEN_FLOAT "xsd:float" #define TOKEN_ID "id" #define TOKEN_INT "xsd:int" #define TOKEN_NULL "xsi:null" #define TOKEN_STRING "xsd:string" #define TOKEN_STRUCT "xsd:struct" #define TOKEN_TYPE "xsi:type" #define TOKEN_FAULT "SOAP-ENV:Fault" #define TOKEN_MUSTUNDERSTAND "SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand" #define TOKEN_ACTOR "SOAP-ENV:actor" #define TOKEN_ACTOR_NEXT "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next" #define TOKEN_XMLRPC_FAULTCODE "faultCode" #define TOKEN_XMLRPC_FAULTSTRING "faultString" #define TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTCODE "faultcode" #define TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTSTRING "faultstring" #define TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTDETAILS "details" #define TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTACTOR "actor" /* determine if a string represents a soap type, as used in element names */ static inline int is_soap_type(const char* soap_type) { return(strstr(soap_type, "SOAP-ENC:") || strstr(soap_type, "xsd:")) ? 1 : 0; } /* utility func to generate a new attribute. possibly should be in xml_element.c?? */ static xml_element_attr* new_attr(const char* key, const char* val) { xml_element_attr* attr = malloc(sizeof(xml_element_attr)); if (attr) { attr->key = key ? strdup(key) : NULL; attr->val = val ? strdup(val) : NULL; } return attr; } struct array_info { char kids_type[30]; unsigned long size; /* ... ? */ }; /* parses soap arrayType attribute to generate an array_info structure. * TODO: should deal with sparse, flattened, & multi-dimensional arrays */ static struct array_info* parse_array_type_info(const char* array_type) { struct array_info* ai = NULL; if (array_type) { ai = (struct array_info*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct array_info)); if (ai) { char buf[128], *p; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", array_type); p = strchr(buf, '['); if (p) { *p = 0; } strcpy(ai->kids_type, buf); } } return ai; } /* performs heuristics on an xmlrpc_vector_array to determine * appropriate soap arrayType string. */ static const char* get_array_soap_type(XMLRPC_VALUE node) { XMLRPC_VALUE_TYPE_EASY type = xmlrpc_type_none; XMLRPC_VALUE xIter = XMLRPC_VectorRewind(node); int loopCount = 0; const char* soapType = TOKEN_ANY; type = XMLRPC_GetValueTypeEasy(xIter); xIter = XMLRPC_VectorNext(node); while (xIter) { /* 50 seems like a decent # of loops. That will likely * cover most cases. Any more and we start to sacrifice * performance. */ if ( (XMLRPC_GetValueTypeEasy(xIter) != type) || loopCount >= 50) { type = xmlrpc_type_none; break; } loopCount ++; xIter = XMLRPC_VectorNext(node); } switch (type) { case xmlrpc_type_none: soapType = TOKEN_ANY; break; case xmlrpc_type_empty: soapType = TOKEN_NULL; break; case xmlrpc_type_int: soapType = TOKEN_INT; break; case xmlrpc_type_double: soapType = TOKEN_DOUBLE; break; case xmlrpc_type_boolean: soapType = TOKEN_BOOLEAN; break; case xmlrpc_type_string: soapType = TOKEN_STRING; break; case xmlrpc_type_base64: soapType = TOKEN_BASE64; break; case xmlrpc_type_datetime: soapType = TOKEN_DATETIME; break; case xmlrpc_type_struct: soapType = TOKEN_STRUCT; break; case xmlrpc_type_array: soapType = TOKEN_ARRAY; break; case xmlrpc_type_mixed: soapType = TOKEN_STRUCT; break; } return soapType; } /* determines whether a node is a fault or not, and of which type: * 0 = not a fault, * 1 = xmlrpc style fault * 2 = soap style fault. */ static inline int get_fault_type(XMLRPC_VALUE node) { if (XMLRPC_VectorGetValueWithID(node, TOKEN_XMLRPC_FAULTCODE) && XMLRPC_VectorGetValueWithID(node, TOKEN_XMLRPC_FAULTSTRING)) { return 1; } else if (XMLRPC_VectorGetValueWithID(node, TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTCODE) && XMLRPC_VectorGetValueWithID(node, TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTSTRING)) { return 2; } return 0; } /* input: an XMLRPC_VALUE representing a fault struct in xml-rpc style. * output: an XMLRPC_VALUE representing a fault struct in soap style, * with xmlrpc codes mapped to soap codes, and all other values preserved. * note that the returned value is a completely new value, and must be freed. * the input value is untouched. */ static XMLRPC_VALUE gen_fault_xmlrpc(XMLRPC_VALUE node, xml_element* el_target) { XMLRPC_VALUE xDup = XMLRPC_DupValueNew(node); XMLRPC_VALUE xCode = XMLRPC_VectorGetValueWithID(xDup, TOKEN_XMLRPC_FAULTCODE); XMLRPC_VALUE xStr = XMLRPC_VectorGetValueWithID(xDup, TOKEN_XMLRPC_FAULTSTRING); XMLRPC_SetValueID(xCode, TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTCODE, 0); XMLRPC_SetValueID(xStr, TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTSTRING, 0); /* rough mapping of xmlrpc fault codes to soap codes */ switch (XMLRPC_GetValueInt(xCode)) { case -32700: /* "parse error. not well formed", */ case -32701: /* "parse error. unsupported encoding" */ case -32702: /* "parse error. invalid character for encoding" */ case -32600: /* "server error. invalid xml-rpc. not conforming to spec." */ case -32601: /* "server error. requested method not found" */ case -32602: /* "server error. invalid method parameters" */ XMLRPC_SetValueString(xCode, "SOAP-ENV:Client", 0); break; case -32603: /* "server error. internal xml-rpc error" */ case -32500: /* "application error" */ case -32400: /* "system error" */ case -32300: /* "transport error */ XMLRPC_SetValueString(xCode, "SOAP-ENV:Server", 0); break; } return xDup; } /* returns a new XMLRPC_VALUE representing a soap fault, comprised of a struct with four keys. */ static XMLRPC_VALUE gen_soap_fault(const char* fault_code, const char* fault_string, const char* actor, const char* details) { XMLRPC_VALUE xReturn = XMLRPC_CreateVector(TOKEN_FAULT, xmlrpc_vector_struct); XMLRPC_AddValuesToVector(xReturn, XMLRPC_CreateValueString(TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTCODE, fault_code, 0), XMLRPC_CreateValueString(TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTSTRING, fault_string, 0), XMLRPC_CreateValueString(TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTACTOR, actor, 0), XMLRPC_CreateValueString(TOKEN_SOAP_FAULTDETAILS, details, 0), NULL); return xReturn; } /* translates xml soap dom to native data structures. recursive. */ XMLRPC_VALUE xml_element_to_SOAP_REQUEST_worker(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, XMLRPC_VALUE xParent, struct array_info* parent_array, XMLRPC_VALUE xCurrent, xml_element* el, int depth) { XMLRPC_REQUEST_TYPE rtype = xmlrpc_request_none; /* no current element on first call */ if (!xCurrent) { xCurrent = XMLRPC_CreateValueEmpty(); } /* increment recursion depth guage */ depth ++; /* safety first. must have a valid element */ if (el && el->name) { const char* id = NULL; const char* type = NULL, *arrayType=NULL, *actor = NULL; xml_element_attr* attr_iter = Q_Head(&el->attrs); int b_must_understand = 0; /* in soap, types may be specified in either element name -or- with xsi:type attribute. */ if (is_soap_type(el->name)) { type = el->name; } /* if our parent node, by definition a vector, is not an array, then our element name must be our key identifier. */ else if (XMLRPC_GetVectorType(xParent) != xmlrpc_vector_array) { id = el->name; if(!strcmp(id, "item")) { } } /* iterate through element attributes, pick out useful stuff. */ while (attr_iter) { /* element's type */ if (!strcmp(attr_iter->key, TOKEN_TYPE)) { type = attr_iter->val; } /* array type */ else if (!strcmp(attr_iter->key, TOKEN_ARRAY_TYPE)) { arrayType = attr_iter->val; } /* must understand, sometimes present in headers. */ else if (!strcmp(attr_iter->key, TOKEN_MUSTUNDERSTAND)) { b_must_understand = strchr(attr_iter->val, '1') ? 1 : 0; } /* actor, used in conjuction with must understand. */ else if (!strcmp(attr_iter->key, TOKEN_ACTOR)) { actor = attr_iter->val; } attr_iter = Q_Next(&el->attrs); } /* check if caller says we must understand something in a header. */ if (b_must_understand) { /* is must understand actually indended for us? BUG: spec says we should also determine if actor is our URL, but we do not have that information. */ if (!actor || !strcmp(actor, TOKEN_ACTOR_NEXT)) { /* TODO: implement callbacks or other mechanism for applications to "understand" these headers. For now, we just bail if we get a mustUnderstand header intended for us. */ XMLRPC_RequestSetError(request, gen_soap_fault("SOAP-ENV:MustUnderstand", "SOAP Must Understand Error", "", "")); return xCurrent; } } /* set id (key) if one was found. */ if (id) { XMLRPC_SetValueID_Case(xCurrent, id, 0, xmlrpc_case_exact); } /* according to soap spec, depth 1 = Envelope, 2 = Header, Body & Fault, 3 = methodcall or response. */ if (depth == 3) { const char* methodname = el->name; char* p = NULL; /* BUG: we determine request or response type using presence of "Response" in element name. According to spec, this is only recommended, not required. Apparently, implementations are supposed to know the type of action based on state, which strikes me as a bit lame. Anyway, we don't have that state info, thus we use Response as a heuristic. */ rtype = #ifdef strcasestr strcasestr(el->name, "response") ? xmlrpc_request_response : xmlrpc_request_call; #else strstr(el->name, "esponse") ? xmlrpc_request_response : xmlrpc_request_call; #endif XMLRPC_RequestSetRequestType(request, rtype); /* Get methodname. strip xml namespace crap. */ p = strchr(el->name, ':'); if (p) { methodname = p + 1; } if (rtype == xmlrpc_request_call) { XMLRPC_RequestSetMethodName(request, methodname); } } /* Next, we begin to convert actual values. if no children, then must be a scalar value. */ if (!Q_Size(&el->children)) { if (!type && parent_array && parent_array->kids_type[0]) { type = parent_array->kids_type; } if (!type || !strcmp(type, TOKEN_STRING)) { XMLRPC_SetValueString(xCurrent, el->text.str, el->text.len); } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_INT)) { XMLRPC_SetValueInt(xCurrent, atoi(el->text.str)); } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_BOOLEAN)) { XMLRPC_SetValueBoolean(xCurrent, atoi(el->text.str)); } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_DOUBLE) || !strcmp(type, TOKEN_FLOAT)) { XMLRPC_SetValueDouble(xCurrent, atof(el->text.str)); } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_NULL)) { /* already an empty val. do nothing. */ } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_DATETIME)) { XMLRPC_SetValueDateTime_ISO8601(xCurrent, el->text.str); } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_BASE64)) { struct buffer_st buf; base64_decode(&buf, el->text.str, el->text.len); XMLRPC_SetValueBase64(xCurrent, buf.data, buf.offset); buffer_delete(&buf); } } /* Element has children, thus a vector, or "compound type" in soap-speak. */ else { struct array_info* ai = NULL; xml_element* iter = (xml_element*)Q_Head(&el->children); if (!type || !strcmp(type, TOKEN_STRUCT)) { XMLRPC_SetIsVector(xCurrent, xmlrpc_vector_struct); } else if (!strcmp(type, TOKEN_ARRAY) || arrayType != NULL) { /* determine magic associated with soap array type. this is passed down as we recurse, so our children have access to the info. */ ai = parse_array_type_info(arrayType); // alloc'ed ai free'd below. XMLRPC_SetIsVector(xCurrent, xmlrpc_vector_array); } else { /* mixed is probably closest thing we have to compound type. */ XMLRPC_SetIsVector(xCurrent, xmlrpc_vector_mixed); } /* Recurse, adding values as we go. Check for error during recursion and if found, bail. this short-circuits us out of the recursion. */ while ( iter && !XMLRPC_RequestGetError(request) ) { XMLRPC_VALUE xNext = NULL; /* top level elements don't actually represent values, so we just pass the current value along until we are deep enough. */ if ( depth <= 2 || (rtype == xmlrpc_request_response && depth <= 3) ) { xml_element_to_SOAP_REQUEST_worker(request, NULL, ai, xCurrent, iter, depth); } /* ready to do some actual de-serialization. create a new empty value and pass that along to be init'd, then add it to our current vector. */ else { xNext = XMLRPC_CreateValueEmpty(); xml_element_to_SOAP_REQUEST_worker(request, xCurrent, ai, xNext, iter, depth); XMLRPC_AddValueToVector(xCurrent, xNext); } iter = (xml_element*)Q_Next(&el->children); } /* cleanup */ if (ai) { free(ai); } } } return xCurrent; } /* Convert soap xml dom to XMLRPC_VALUE, sans request info. untested. */ XMLRPC_VALUE xml_element_to_SOAP_VALUE(xml_element* el) { return xml_element_to_SOAP_REQUEST_worker(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, el, 0); } /* Convert soap xml dom to XMLRPC_REQUEST */ XMLRPC_VALUE xml_element_to_SOAP_REQUEST(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, xml_element* el) { if (request) { return XMLRPC_RequestSetData(request, xml_element_to_SOAP_REQUEST_worker(request, NULL, NULL, NULL, el, 0)); } return NULL; } /* translates data structures to soap/xml. recursive */ xml_element* SOAP_to_xml_element_worker(XMLRPC_REQUEST request, XMLRPC_VALUE node) { #define BUF_SIZE 128 xml_element* elem_val = NULL; if (node) { int bFreeNode = 0; /* sometimes we may need to free 'node' variable */ char buf[BUF_SIZE]; XMLRPC_VALUE_TYPE_EASY type = XMLRPC_GetValueTypeEasy(node); char* pName = NULL, *pAttrType = NULL; /* create our return value element */ elem_val = xml_elem_new(); switch (type) { case xmlrpc_type_struct: case xmlrpc_type_mixed: case xmlrpc_type_array: if (type == xmlrpc_type_array) { /* array's are _very_ special in soap. TODO: Should handle sparse/partial arrays here. */ /* determine soap array type. */ const char* type = get_array_soap_type(node); xml_element_attr* attr_array_type = NULL; /* specify array kids type and array size. */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s[%i]", type, XMLRPC_VectorSize(node)); attr_array_type = new_attr(TOKEN_ARRAY_TYPE, buf); Q_PushTail(&elem_val->attrs, attr_array_type); pAttrType = TOKEN_ARRAY; } /* check for fault, which is a rather special case. (can't these people design anything consistent/simple/elegant?) */ else if (type == xmlrpc_type_struct) { int fault_type = get_fault_type(node); if (fault_type) { if (fault_type == 1) { /* gen fault from xmlrpc style fault codes notice that we get a new node, which must be freed herein. */ node = gen_fault_xmlrpc(node, elem_val); bFreeNode = 1; } pName = TOKEN_FAULT; } } { /* recurse through sub-elements */ XMLRPC_VALUE xIter = XMLRPC_VectorRewind(node); while ( xIter ) { xml_element* next_el = SOAP_to_xml_element_worker(request, xIter); if (next_el) { Q_PushTail(&elem_val->children, next_el); } xIter = XMLRPC_VectorNext(node); } } break; /* handle scalar types */ case xmlrpc_type_empty: pAttrType = TOKEN_NULL; break; case xmlrpc_type_string: pAttrType = TOKEN_STRING; simplestring_addn(&elem_val->text, XMLRPC_GetValueString(node), XMLRPC_GetValueStringLen(node)); break; case xmlrpc_type_int: pAttrType = TOKEN_INT; snprintf(buf, BUF_SIZE, "%i", XMLRPC_GetValueInt(node)); simplestring_add(&elem_val->text, buf); break; case xmlrpc_type_boolean: pAttrType = TOKEN_BOOLEAN; snprintf(buf, BUF_SIZE, "%i", XMLRPC_GetValueBoolean(node)); simplestring_add(&elem_val->text, buf); break; case xmlrpc_type_double: pAttrType = TOKEN_DOUBLE; snprintf(buf, BUF_SIZE, "%f", XMLRPC_GetValueDouble(node)); simplestring_add(&elem_val->text, buf); break; case xmlrpc_type_datetime: { time_t tt = XMLRPC_GetValueDateTime(node); struct tm *tm = localtime (&tt); pAttrType = TOKEN_DATETIME; if(strftime (buf, BUF_SIZE, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tm)) { simplestring_add(&elem_val->text, buf); } } break; case xmlrpc_type_base64: { struct buffer_st buf; pAttrType = TOKEN_BASE64; base64_encode(&buf, XMLRPC_GetValueBase64(node), XMLRPC_GetValueStringLen(node)); simplestring_addn(&elem_val->text, buf.data, buf.offset ); buffer_delete(&buf); } break; break; default: break; } /* determining element's name is a bit tricky, due to soap semantics. */ if (!pName) { /* if the value's type is known... */ if (pAttrType) { /* see if it has an id (key). If so, use that as name, and type as an attribute. */ pName = (char*)XMLRPC_GetValueID(node); if (pName) { Q_PushTail(&elem_val->attrs, new_attr(TOKEN_TYPE, pAttrType)); } /* otherwise, use the type as the name. */ else { pName = pAttrType; } } /* if the value's type is not known... (a rare case?) */ else { /* see if it has an id (key). otherwise, default to generic "item" */ pName = (char*)XMLRPC_GetValueID(node); if (!pName) { pName = "item"; } } } elem_val->name = strdup(pName); /* cleanup */ if (bFreeNode) { XMLRPC_CleanupValue(node); } } return elem_val; } /* convert XMLRPC_VALUE to soap xml dom. untested. */ xml_element* SOAP_VALUE_to_xml_element(XMLRPC_VALUE node) { return SOAP_to_xml_element_worker(NULL, node); } /* convert XMLRPC_REQUEST to soap xml dom. */ xml_element* SOAP_REQUEST_to_xml_element(XMLRPC_REQUEST request) { xml_element* root = xml_elem_new(); /* safety first. */ if (root) { xml_element* body = xml_elem_new(); root->name = strdup("SOAP-ENV:Envelope"); /* silly namespace stuff */ Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/")); Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema-instance")); Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:xsd", "http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema")); Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:SOAP-ENC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/")); Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:si", "http://soapinterop.org/xsd")); Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:ns6", "http://testuri.org")); Q_PushTail(&root->attrs, new_attr("SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/")); /* Q_PushHead(&root->attrs, new_attr("xmlns:ks", "http://kitchen.sink.org/soap/everything/under/sun")); JUST KIDDING!! :-) ----> ------------------------------------------------- */ if (body) { /* go ahead and serialize first... */ xml_element* el_serialized = SOAP_to_xml_element_worker(request, XMLRPC_RequestGetData(request)); /* check for fault, in which case, there is no intermediate element */ if (el_serialized && !strcmp(el_serialized->name, TOKEN_FAULT)) { Q_PushTail(&body->children, el_serialized); } /* usual case: not a fault. Add Response element in between. */ else { xml_element* rpc = xml_elem_new(); if (rpc) { const char* methodname = XMLRPC_RequestGetMethodName(request); XMLRPC_REQUEST_TYPE rtype = XMLRPC_RequestGetRequestType(request); /* if we are making a request, we want to use the methodname as is. */ if (rtype == xmlrpc_request_call) { if (methodname) { rpc->name = strdup(methodname); } } /* if it's a response, we append "Response". Also, given xmlrpc-epi API/architecture, it's likely that we don't have a methodname for the response, so we have to check that. */ else { char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", methodname ? methodname : "", "Response"); rpc->name = strdup(buf); } /* add serialized data to method call/response. add method call/response to body element */ if (rpc->name) { if(el_serialized) { if(Q_Size(&el_serialized->children) && rtype == xmlrpc_request_call) { xml_element* iter = (xml_element*)Q_Head(&el_serialized->children); while(iter) { Q_PushTail(&rpc->children, iter); iter = (xml_element*)Q_Next(&el_serialized->children); } xml_elem_free_non_recurse(el_serialized); } else { Q_PushTail(&rpc->children, el_serialized); } } Q_PushTail(&body->children, rpc); } else { /* no method name?! TODO: fault here...? */ } } } body->name = strdup("SOAP-ENV:Body"); Q_PushTail(&root->children, body); } } return root; }