--TEST-- Test count() function --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- 1, "b" => 2, array("c" => 3, array("d" => 5))); print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 3, is ".count($arr, COUNT_NORMAL)."\n"; print "COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 6, is ".count($arr, COUNT_RECURSIVE)."\n"; print "-- Testing strings --\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is ".count("string", COUNT_NORMAL)."\n"; print "COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 1, is ".count("string", COUNT_RECURSIVE)."\n"; print "-- Testing various types with no second argument --\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is ".count("string")."\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 2, is ".count(array("a", array("b")))."\n"; $arr = array('a'=>array(NULL, NULL, NULL), 1=>array(NULL=>1, 1=>NULL), array(array(array(array(array(NULL)))))); print "-- Testing really cool arrays --\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 3, is ".count($arr, COUNT_NORMAL)."\n"; print "COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 13, is ".count($arr, COUNT_RECURSIVE)."\n"; echo "\n*** Testing possible variations of count() function on arrays ***"; $count_array = array( array(), array( 1 => "string"), array( "" => "string", 0 => "a", NULL => "b", -1.00 => "c", array(array(array(NULL)))), array( -2.44444 => 12, array(array(1, 2, array(array("0"))))), array( "a" => 1, "b" => -2.344, "b" => "string", "c" => NULL, "d" => -2.344), array( 4 => 1, 3 => -2.344, "3" => "string", "2" => NULL, 1 => -2.344, array()), array( TRUE => TRUE, FALSE => FALSE, "" => "", " " => " ", NULL => NULL, "\x000" => "\x000", "\000" => "\000"), array( NULL, 1.23 => "Hi", "string" => "hello", array("" => "World", "-2.34" => "a", "0" => "b")) ); $i = 0; foreach ($count_array as $count_value) { echo "\n-- Iteration $i --\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL is ".count($count_value, COUNT_NORMAL)."\n"; print "COUNT_RECURSIVE is ".count($count_value, COUNT_RECURSIVE)."\n"; $i++; } /* Testing count() by passing constant with no second argument */ print "\n-- Testing count() on constants with no second argument --\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is ".count(100)."\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is ".count(-23.45)."\n"; print "\n-- Testing count() on NULL and Unset variables --\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 0, is ".count(NULL)."\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is ".count("")."\n"; print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 0, is ".@count($a)."\n"; print "\n-- Testing count() on an empty sub-array --\n"; $arr = array(1, array(3, 4, array())); print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 2, is ".count($arr, COUNT_NORMAL)."\n"; print "COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 5, is ".count($arr, COUNT_RECURSIVE)."\n"; echo "\n-- Testing count() on objects with Countable interface --\n"; class count_class implements Countable { private $var_private; public $var_public; protected $var_protected; public function count() { return 3; } } $obj = new count_class(); print "COUNT_NORMAL: should be 3, is ".count($obj)."\n"; echo "\n-- Testing count() on resource type --\n"; $resource1 = fopen( __FILE__, "r" ); // Creating file(stream type) resource $resource2 = opendir( "." ); // Creating dir resource /* creating an array with resources as elements */ $arr_resource = array("a" => $resource1, "b" => $resource2); var_dump(count($arr_resource)); echo "\n-- Testing count() on arrays containing references --\n"; $arr = array(1, array("a", "b", "c")); $arr[2] = &$arr[1]; $mode_arr = array( COUNT_NORMAL, COUNT_RECURSIVE, 0, 1, -1, -1.45, 2, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); for( $i =0; $i < count( $mode_arr ); $i++) { echo "For mode '$mode_arr[$i]' count is => "; var_dump(count($arr, $mode_arr[$i])); } echo "\n-- Testing error conditions --"; var_dump( count() ); // No. of args = 0 var_dump( count(array(), COUNT_NORMAL, 100) ); // No. of args > expected /* Testing Invalid type arguments */ var_dump( count("string", ABCD) ); var_dump( count(100, "string") ); var_dump( count(array(), "") ); echo "\nDone"; --CLEAN-- /* closing the resource handles */ fclose( $resource1 ); closedir( $resource2 ); ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing basic functionality of count() function *** -- Testing NULL -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 0, is 0 COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 0, is 0 -- Testing arrays -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 2, is 2 COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 8, is 8 -- Testing hashes -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 3, is 3 COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 6, is 6 -- Testing strings -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is 1 COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 1, is 1 -- Testing various types with no second argument -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is 1 COUNT_NORMAL: should be 2, is 2 -- Testing really cool arrays -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 3, is 3 COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 13, is 13 *** Testing possible variations of count() function on arrays *** -- Iteration 0 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 0 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 0 -- Iteration 1 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 1 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 1 -- Iteration 2 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 4 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 7 -- Iteration 3 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 2 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 8 -- Iteration 4 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 4 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 4 -- Iteration 5 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 5 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 5 -- Iteration 6 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 6 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 6 -- Iteration 7 -- COUNT_NORMAL is 4 COUNT_RECURSIVE is 7 -- Testing count() on constants with no second argument -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is 1 COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is 1 -- Testing count() on NULL and Unset variables -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 0, is 0 COUNT_NORMAL: should be 1, is 1 COUNT_NORMAL: should be 0, is 0 -- Testing count() on an empty sub-array -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 2, is 2 COUNT_RECURSIVE: should be 5, is 5 -- Testing count() on objects with Countable interface -- COUNT_NORMAL: should be 3, is 3 -- Testing count() on resource type -- int(2) -- Testing count() on arrays containing references -- For mode '0' count is => int(3) For mode '1' count is => int(9) For mode '0' count is => int(3) For mode '1' count is => int(9) For mode '-1' count is => int(3) For mode '-1.45' count is => int(3) For mode '2' count is => int(3) For mode '1' count is => int(9) For mode '' count is => int(3) For mode '' count is => int(3) -- Testing error conditions -- Warning: count() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: count() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d NULL Notice: Use of undefined constant ABCD - assumed 'ABCD' in %s on line %d Warning: count() expects parameter 2 to be long, %s given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: count() expects parameter 2 to be long, %s given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: count() expects parameter 2 to be long, %s given in %s on line %d NULL Done