--TEST-- Interface of the class mysqli_result --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- query('SELECT * FROM test'); $row = $mysqli_result->fetch_row(); $link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket); $res = mysqli_query($link, 'SELECT * FROM test'); assert(mysqli_fetch_row($res) === $row); printf("Parent class:\n"); var_dump(get_parent_class($mysqli_result)); printf("\nMethods:\n"); $methods = get_class_methods($mysqli_result); $expected_methods = array( '__construct' => true, 'close' => true, 'data_seek' => true, 'fetch_array' => true, 'fetch_assoc' => true, 'fetch_field' => true, 'fetch_field_direct' => true, 'fetch_fields' => true, 'fetch_object' => true, 'fetch_row' => true, 'field_seek' => true, 'free' => true, 'free_result' => true, ); if ($IS_MYSQLND) $expected_methods['fetch_all'] = true; foreach ($methods as $k => $method) { if (isset($expected_methods[$method])) { unset($expected_methods[$method]); unset($methods[$k]); } if ($method == 'mysqli_result') { // get_class_method reports different constructor names unset($expected_methods['__construct']); unset($methods[$k]); } } if (!empty($expected_methods)) { printf("Dumping list of missing methods.\n"); var_dump($expected_methods); } if (!empty($methods)) { printf("Dumping list of unexpected methods.\n"); var_dump($methods); } if (empty($expected_methods) && empty($methods)) printf("ok\n"); printf("\nClass variables:\n"); $variables = array_keys(get_class_vars(get_class($mysqli_result))); sort($variables); foreach ($variables as $k => $var) printf("%s\n", $var); printf("\nObject variables:\n"); $variables = array_keys(get_object_vars($mysqli_result)); foreach ($variables as $k => $var) printf("%s\n", $var); printf("\nMagic, magic properties:\n"); assert(($tmp = mysqli_field_tell($res)) === $mysqli_result->current_field); printf("mysqli_result->current_field = '%s'/%s ('%s'/%s)\n", $mysqli_result->current_field, gettype($mysqli_result->current_field), $tmp, gettype($tmp)); assert(($tmp = mysqli_field_count($link)) === $mysqli_result->field_count); printf("mysqli_result->field_count = '%s'/%s ('%s'/%s)\n", $mysqli_result->field_count, gettype($mysqli_result->field_count), $tmp, gettype($tmp)); assert(($tmp = mysqli_fetch_lengths($res)) === $mysqli_result->lengths); printf("mysqli_result->lengths -> '%s'/%s ('%s'/%s)\n", ((is_array($mysqli_result->lengths)) ? implode(' ', $mysqli_result->lengths) : 'n/a'), gettype($mysqli_result->lengths), ((is_array($tmp)) ? implode(' ', $tmp) : 'n/a'), gettype($tmp)); assert(($tmp = mysqli_num_rows($res)) === $mysqli_result->num_rows); printf("mysqli_result->num_rows = '%s'/%s ('%s'/%s)\n", $mysqli_result->num_rows, gettype($mysqli_result->num_rows), $tmp, gettype($tmp)); assert(in_array($mysqli_result->type, array(MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT))); printf("mysqli_result->type = '%s'/%s\n", ((MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT == $mysqli_result->type) ? 'store' : 'use'), gettype($mysqli_result->type)); printf("\nAccess to undefined properties:\n"); printf("mysqli_result->unknown = '%s'\n", @$mysqli_result->unknown); printf("\nConstructor:\n"); if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result($link))) printf("[001] Expecting object/mysqli_result got %s/%s\n", gettye($res), $res); if (null !== ($tmp = @$res->num_rows)) printf("[002] Expecting NULL got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), $tmp); if (!mysqli_query($link, "SELECT id FROM test ORDER BY id")) printf("[003] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result($link))) printf("[004] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result($link, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT))) printf("[005] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result($link, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT))) printf("[006] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result($link, 'invalid'))) printf("[007] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); $valid = array(MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT, MYSQLI_USE_RESULT); do { $mode = mt_rand(-1000, 1000); } while (in_array($mode, $valid)); if ($TEST_EXPERIMENTAL) { ob_start(); if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result($link, $mode))) printf("[008] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!stristr($content, 'Invalid value for resultmode')) printf("[009] Expecting warning because of invalid resultmode\n"); } if (!is_object($res = new mysqli_result('foo'))) printf("[010] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); if (!is_object($res = @new mysqli_result($link, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT, 1))) printf("[011] [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link)); print "done!"; ?> --EXPECTF-- Parent class: bool(false) Methods: ok Class variables: current_field field_count lengths num_rows type Object variables: current_field field_count lengths num_rows type Magic, magic properties: mysqli_result->current_field = '0'/integer ('0'/integer) mysqli_result->field_count = '2'/integer ('2'/integer) mysqli_result->lengths -> '1 1'/array ('1 1'/array) mysqli_result->num_rows = '6'/integer ('6'/integer) mysqli_result->type = 'store'/integer Access to undefined properties: mysqli_result->unknown = '' Constructor: Warning: mysqli_result::mysqli_result() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in %s on line %d Warning: mysqli_result::mysqli_result() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in %s on line %d done! --UEXPECTF-- Parent class: bool(false) Methods: ok Class variables: current_field field_count lengths num_rows type Object variables: current_field field_count lengths num_rows type Magic, magic properties: mysqli_result->current_field = '0'/integer ('0'/integer) mysqli_result->field_count = '2'/integer ('2'/integer) mysqli_result->lengths -> '1 1'/array ('1 1'/array) mysqli_result->num_rows = '6'/integer ('6'/integer) mysqli_result->type = 'store'/integer Access to undefined properties: mysqli_result->unknown = '' Constructor: Warning: mysqli_result::mysqli_result() expects parameter 2 to be long, Unicode string given in %s on line %d Warning: mysqli_result::mysqli_result() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, Unicode string given in %s on line %d done!