--TEST-- sqlite: sqlite_seek --INI-- sqlite.assoc_case=0 --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- ====SEEK:-1==== Warning: sqlite_seek(): row -1 out of range in %ssqlite_022.php on line %d array(1) { [0]=> unicode(3) "one" } ====SEEK:0==== array(1) { [0]=> unicode(3) "one" } ====SEEK:1==== array(1) { [0]=> unicode(3) "two" } ====SEEK:2==== array(1) { [0]=> unicode(5) "three" } ====SEEK:3==== Warning: sqlite_seek(): row 3 out of range in %ssqlite_022.php on line %d array(1) { [0]=> unicode(5) "three" } ====AGAIN==== ====SEEK:-1==== Warning: sqlite_seek(): row -1 out of range in %ssqlite_022.php on line %d array(1) { [0]=> unicode(5) "three" } ====SEEK:0==== array(1) { [0]=> unicode(3) "one" } ====SEEK:1==== array(1) { [0]=> unicode(3) "two" } ====SEEK:2==== array(1) { [0]=> unicode(5) "three" } ====SEEK:3==== Warning: sqlite_seek(): row 3 out of range in %ssqlite_022.php on line %d array(1) { [0]=> unicode(5) "three" } ====DONE!====