/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 5 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Ed Batutis | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* {{{ includes */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "grapheme.h" #include "grapheme_util.h" #include "intl_common.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ext/standard/php_string.h" ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS( intl ) /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_close_global_iterator - clean up */ void grapheme_close_global_iterator( TSRMLS_D ) { UBreakIterator *global_break_iterator = INTL_G( grapheme_iterator ); if ( NULL != global_break_iterator ) { ubrk_close(global_break_iterator); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_intl_case_fold: convert string to lowercase */ void grapheme_intl_case_fold(UChar** ptr_to_free, UChar **str, int32_t *str_len, UErrorCode *pstatus ) { UChar *dest; int32_t dest_len, size_required; /* allocate a destination string that is a bit larger than the src, hoping that is enough */ dest_len = (*str_len) + ( *str_len / 10 ); dest = (UChar*) eumalloc(dest_len); *pstatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; size_required = u_strFoldCase(dest, dest_len, *str, *str_len, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT, pstatus); dest_len = size_required; if ( U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == *pstatus ) { dest = (UChar*) eurealloc(dest, dest_len); *pstatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; size_required = u_strFoldCase(dest, dest_len, *str, *str_len, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT, pstatus); } if ( U_FAILURE(*pstatus) ) { return; } if ( NULL != ptr_to_free) { efree(*ptr_to_free); *ptr_to_free = dest; } *str = dest; *str_len = dest_len; return; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_substr_ascii f='from' - starting point, l='length' */ void grapheme_substr_ascii(char *str, int str_len, int f, int l, int argc, char **sub_str, int *sub_str_len) { *sub_str = NULL; if (argc > 2) { if ((l < 0 && -l > str_len)) { return; } else if (l > str_len) { l = str_len; } } else { l = str_len; } if (f > str_len || (f < 0 && -f > str_len)) { return; } if (l < 0 && (l + str_len - f) < 0) { return; } /* if "from" position is negative, count start position from the end * of the string */ if (f < 0) { f = str_len + f; if (f < 0) { f = 0; } } /* if "length" position is negative, set it to the length * needed to stop that many chars from the end of the string */ if (l < 0) { l = (str_len - f) + l; if (l < 0) { l = 0; } } if (f >= str_len) { return; } if ((f + l) > str_len) { l = str_len - f; } *sub_str = str + f; *sub_str_len = l; return; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_strrpos_utf16 - strrpos using utf16 */ int grapheme_strrpos_utf16(unsigned char *haystack, int32_t haystack_len, unsigned char*needle, int32_t needle_len, int32_t offset, int f_ignore_case TSRMLS_DC) { UChar *uhaystack, *puhaystack, *uhaystack_end, *uneedle; int32_t uhaystack_len, uneedle_len; UErrorCode status; unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE]; UBreakIterator* bi = NULL; int ret_pos, pos; /* convert the strings to UTF-16. */ uhaystack = NULL; uhaystack_len = 0; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, (char *) haystack, haystack_len, &status ); if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) { /* Set global error code. */ intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC ); /* Set error messages. */ intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 1 TSRMLS_CC ); efree( uhaystack ); return -1; } if ( f_ignore_case ) { grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uhaystack, &uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, &status ); } /* get a pointer to the haystack taking into account the offset */ bi = NULL; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator(u_break_iterator_buffer, &status TSRMLS_CC ); puhaystack = grapheme_get_haystack_offset(bi, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, offset); if ( NULL == puhaystack ) { intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "grapheme_strpos: Offset not contained in string", 1 TSRMLS_CC ); efree( uhaystack ); ubrk_close (bi); return -1; } uneedle = NULL; uneedle_len = 0; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uneedle, &uneedle_len, (char *) needle, needle_len, &status ); if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) { /* Set global error code. */ intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC ); /* Set error messages. */ intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 1 TSRMLS_CC ); efree( uhaystack ); efree( uneedle ); ubrk_close (bi); return -1; } if ( f_ignore_case ) { grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uneedle, &uneedle, &uneedle_len, &status ); } ret_pos = -1; /* -1 represents 'not found' */ /* back up until there's needle_len characters to compare */ uhaystack_end = uhaystack + uhaystack_len; pos = ubrk_last(bi); puhaystack = uhaystack + pos; while ( uhaystack_end - puhaystack < uneedle_len ) { pos = ubrk_previous(bi); if ( UBRK_DONE == pos ) { break; } puhaystack = uhaystack + pos; } /* is there enough haystack left to hold the needle? */ if ( ( uhaystack_end - puhaystack ) < uneedle_len ) { /* not enough, not found */ goto exit; } while ( UBRK_DONE != pos ) { if (!u_memcmp(uneedle, puhaystack, uneedle_len)) { /* needle_len - 1 in zend memnstr? */ /* does the grapheme in the haystack end at the same place as the last grapheme in the needle? */ if ( ubrk_isBoundary(bi, pos + uneedle_len) ) { /* found it, get grapheme count offset */ ret_pos = grapheme_count_graphemes(bi, uhaystack, pos); break; } /* set position back */ ubrk_isBoundary(bi, pos); } pos = ubrk_previous(bi); puhaystack = uhaystack + pos; } exit: efree( uhaystack ); efree( uneedle ); ubrk_close (bi); return ret_pos; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_strpos_utf16 - strrpos using utf16*/ int grapheme_strpos_utf16(unsigned char *haystack, int32_t haystack_len, unsigned char*needle, int32_t needle_len, int32_t offset, int32_t *puchar_pos, int f_ignore_case TSRMLS_DC) { UChar *uhaystack, *puhaystack, *uneedle; int32_t uhaystack_len, uneedle_len; int ret_pos; unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE]; UBreakIterator* bi; UErrorCode status; *puchar_pos = -1; /* convert the strings to UTF-16. */ uhaystack = NULL; uhaystack_len = 0; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uhaystack, &uhaystack_len, (char *) haystack, haystack_len, &status ); if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) { /* Set global error code. */ intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC ); /* Set error messages. */ intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 1 TSRMLS_CC ); efree( uhaystack ); return -1; } /* get a pointer to the haystack taking into account the offset */ bi = NULL; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator(u_break_iterator_buffer, &status TSRMLS_CC ); puhaystack = grapheme_get_haystack_offset(bi, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, offset); uhaystack_len = (uhaystack_len - ( puhaystack - uhaystack)); if ( NULL == puhaystack ) { intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "grapheme_strpos: Offset not contained in string", 1 TSRMLS_CC ); efree( uhaystack ); ubrk_close (bi); return -1; } if ( f_ignore_case ) { grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uhaystack, &puhaystack, &uhaystack_len, &status ); } uneedle = NULL; uneedle_len = 0; status = U_ZERO_ERROR; intl_convert_utf8_to_utf16(&uneedle, &uneedle_len, (char *) needle, needle_len, &status ); if ( U_FAILURE( status ) ) { /* Set global error code. */ intl_error_set_code( NULL, status TSRMLS_CC ); /* Set error messages. */ intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, "Error converting input string to UTF-16", 1 TSRMLS_CC ); efree( uhaystack ); efree( uneedle ); ubrk_close (bi); return -1; } if ( f_ignore_case ) { grapheme_intl_case_fold(&uneedle, &uneedle, &uneedle_len, &status ); } ret_pos = grapheme_memnstr_grapheme(bi, puhaystack, uneedle, uneedle_len, puhaystack + uhaystack_len ); *puchar_pos = ubrk_current(bi); efree( uhaystack ); efree( uneedle ); ubrk_close (bi); return ret_pos; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_ascii_check: ASCII check */ int grapheme_ascii_check(const unsigned char *day, int32_t len) { int ret_len = len; while ( len-- ) { if ( *day++ > 0x7f ) return -1; } return ret_len; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_split_string: find and optionally return grapheme boundaries */ int grapheme_split_string(const UChar *text, int32_t text_length, int boundary_array[], int boundary_array_len TSRMLS_DC ) { unsigned char u_break_iterator_buffer[U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE]; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int ret_len, pos; UBreakIterator* bi; bi = grapheme_get_break_iterator((void*)u_break_iterator_buffer, &status TSRMLS_CC ); if( U_FAILURE(status) ) { return -1; } ubrk_setText(bi, text, text_length, &status); pos = 0; for ( ret_len = 0; pos != UBRK_DONE; ) { pos = ubrk_next(bi); if ( pos != UBRK_DONE ) { if ( NULL != boundary_array && ret_len < boundary_array_len ) { boundary_array[ret_len] = pos; } ret_len++; } } ubrk_close(bi); return ret_len; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_count_graphemes */ inline int32_t grapheme_count_graphemes(UBreakIterator *bi, UChar *string, int32_t string_len) { int ret_len = 0; int pos = 0; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ubrk_setText(bi, string, string_len, &status); do { pos = ubrk_next(bi); if ( UBRK_DONE != pos ) { ret_len++; } } while ( UBRK_DONE != pos ); return ret_len; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_memnstr_grapheme: find needle in haystack using grapheme boundaries */ inline int32_t grapheme_memnstr_grapheme(UBreakIterator *bi, UChar *haystack, UChar *needle, int32_t needle_len, UChar *end) { UChar *p = haystack; UChar ne = needle[needle_len-1]; UErrorCode status; int32_t grapheme_offset; end -= needle_len; while (p <= end) { if ((p = u_memchr(p, *needle, (end-p+1))) && ne == p[needle_len-1]) { if (!u_memcmp(needle, p, needle_len - 1)) { /* needle_len - 1 works because if needle_len is 1, we've already tested the char */ /* does the grapheme end here? */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ubrk_setText (bi, haystack, (end - haystack) + needle_len, &status); if ( ubrk_isBoundary (bi, (p - haystack) + needle_len) ) { /* found it, get grapheme count offset */ grapheme_offset = grapheme_count_graphemes(bi, haystack, (p - haystack)); return grapheme_offset; } } } if (p == NULL) { return -1; } p++; } return -1; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_memrstr_grapheme: reverse find needle in haystack using grapheme boundaries */ inline void *grapheme_memrchr_grapheme(const void *s, int c, int32_t n) { register unsigned char *e; if (n <= 0) { return NULL; } for (e = (unsigned char *)s + n - 1; e >= (unsigned char *)s; e--) { if (*e == (unsigned char)c) { return (void *)e; } } return NULL; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_get_haystack_offset - bump the haystack pointer based on the grapheme count offset */ UChar * grapheme_get_haystack_offset(UBreakIterator* bi, UChar *uhaystack, int32_t uhaystack_len, int32_t offset) { UErrorCode status; int32_t pos; int32_t (*iter_op)(UBreakIterator* bi); int iter_incr; if ( NULL != bi ) { status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ubrk_setText (bi, uhaystack, uhaystack_len, &status); } if ( 0 == offset ) { return uhaystack; } if ( offset < 0 ) { iter_op = ubrk_previous; ubrk_last(bi); /* one past the end */ iter_incr = 1; } else { iter_op = ubrk_next; iter_incr = -1; } pos = 0; while ( pos != UBRK_DONE && offset != 0 ) { pos = iter_op(bi); if ( UBRK_DONE != pos ) { offset += iter_incr; } } if ( offset != 0 ) { return NULL; } return uhaystack + pos; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_strrpos_ascii: borrowed from the php ext/standard/string.c */ int32_t grapheme_strrpos_ascii(unsigned char *haystack, int32_t haystack_len, unsigned char *needle, int32_t needle_len, int32_t offset) { unsigned char *p, *e; if (offset >= 0) { p = haystack + offset; e = haystack + haystack_len - needle_len; } else { p = haystack; if (needle_len > -offset) { e = haystack + haystack_len - needle_len; } else { e = haystack + haystack_len + offset; } } if (needle_len == 1) { /* Single character search can shortcut memcmps */ while (e >= p) { if (*e == *needle) { return (e - p + (offset > 0 ? offset : 0)); } e--; } return -1; } while (e >= p) { if (memcmp(e, needle, needle_len) == 0) { return (e - p + (offset > 0 ? offset : 0)); } e--; } return -1; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ grapheme_get_break_iterator: get a clone of the global character break iterator */ UBreakIterator* grapheme_get_break_iterator(void *stack_buffer, UErrorCode *status TSRMLS_DC ) { int32_t buffer_size; UBreakIterator *global_break_iterator = INTL_G( grapheme_iterator ); if ( NULL == global_break_iterator ) { global_break_iterator = ubrk_open(UBRK_CHARACTER, NULL, /* icu default locale - locale has no effect on this iterator */ NULL, /* text not set in global iterator */ 0, /* text length = 0 */ status); INTL_G(grapheme_iterator) = global_break_iterator; } buffer_size = U_BRK_SAFECLONE_BUFFERSIZE; return ubrk_safeClone(global_break_iterator, stack_buffer, &buffer_size, status); } /* }}} */ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: fdm=marker * vim: noet sw=4 ts=4 */